Google Pay is Apple Pay is Walmart Pay is Youtube credits is Twitter credits is Instagram credits is Fakebook credits, is Netflix credit, is SOCIAL CREDIT PAYMENT NETWORK – Techno Space Religion – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Views: 110DISCLAIMER ONE: I don’t want to sleep with the techno snake. Blockchain is a technological tool of accountability. POINT.BLANK.PERIOD DISCLAIMER TWO: I AM NOT A PROPONENT OF A CASHLESS SOCIETY. (Cash is already illegal, you dumb dolts.)(Ask me about BSA, FINCEN, MSB, KYC, SEC, IRS, Structured Payments, Compliance, Conformity, CONTROL – Accounts Closed – … Continue reading Google Pay is Apple Pay is Walmart Pay is Youtube credits is Twitter credits is Instagram credits is Fakebook credits, is Netflix credit, is SOCIAL CREDIT PAYMENT NETWORK – Techno Space Religion – Intergalactic Finance Minister