Force Medicating The Chosen People. Corporate Science – Techno Space Religion

Views: 94Kali shares video of Essau calling for forced medication of chosen people. Chosen by aliens. All these terms may confuse you. Let me break it down for you. Repent. Where is the radiation coming from?Plummeting Birthrates.What kind of radiation is it? 2.4gHz? UVC? Vaccine adversity? Unknown energies from space?

Binti, The Complete Trilogy: Binti ; Home ; The Night Masquerade by Nnedi Okorafor book review. Techno Space Religion

Views: 210Self digesting garbage compactor of academic blowhards. University endowment enriched, self congratulating, vacked up, mask wearing dolts, attempting to resurrect their FAILED SYSTEM. This book reads like sorry ad campaign for FAILED University System. I hope author was handsomely paid by ACADEMIC DEATH CULT. Binti goes to the desert in sandals and smock to… Continue reading Binti, The Complete Trilogy: Binti ; Home ; The Night Masquerade by Nnedi Okorafor book review. Techno Space Religion

Fascinating PREFLIGHT PRESSER Apollo 11 1969 – Techno Space Religion

Views: 47Planned task described at 7min mark LUNAR star alignments.NO STARS VISIBLE FROM LUNAR SURFACE. NASA.Big Edit by Big Brother at 35min markMore edits about “rocks and particles”. Fascinating PREFLIGHT PRESSER Apollo 11 1969Mylar CraftLegal Importance of Moon Landing“We Come in PEACE and SAFETY FOR ALL MANKIND”Proceed to injection facility for processing.“AT What Point Will… Continue reading Fascinating PREFLIGHT PRESSER Apollo 11 1969 – Techno Space Religion

The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke book review. Techno Space Religion

Views: 191Arthur C. Clarke is a devil. He pushed his SPACE RELIGION on all of us, calling it SCIENCE FICTION, sending missives to his fellow SPACE WIZARDS, riding helicopters over their disgusting shrines. Proposing one-world beast mark systems unequaled in human agony; a disgusting galactic nightmare of singularity enslavement. Tracked and traced like goyim in… Continue reading The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke book review. Techno Space Religion

TECHNO SPACE RELIGION at MAXIMUM – Space Science Moon Offerings of the DARK STONE

Views: 61With great seriousness and space piety I give you this story. About heat radiating granite obelisk found on moon. FACE MASK SCIENCE SNAKE RELIGION prefers Arthur C. Clarke over REAL LIFE. We’ve seen this movie before. REPENT. Like now. Put DOWN THE SCIENCE FICTION and step away from your devices. Your LIES are EOL.

About Them – Techno Space Religion

Views: 128They have cells from multiple organisms. They share much of their DNA with primates, pigs, and fruit flies. Their star is white and cold. Their planet turns in endless orbit. Like our tiny blue speck, but a red speck. Infinite space goes on forever and ever. It takes faith. Techno Snake Religion. They came… Continue reading About Them – Techno Space Religion

Saturn Is About To Explode. Techno Space Religion

Views: 39Forces from interloping solar system collapsing gravitational fields of large gaseous shit-bags floating in your space. Captain Will Smith, with the Jesuit Astrophysics Lab in the mountains of Arizona explains, “Imagine a huge morning star rising in the West. When the interloper skirts our field of attraction, sub atomic quantum particles fly away into… Continue reading Saturn Is About To Explode. Techno Space Religion

Does Clif High Worship the Snake? Techno Space Religion

Views: 108Clif High, in his attempt to worship the snake, is proselytizing for the WEF, Khazarian Mafia, and Vatican Banking Religion. We all love Clif, but your Snake Religion is the very same religion Noah Harari – WEF acolyte – is foisting upon the good people of the firmament. “It is believed that it will… Continue reading Does Clif High Worship the Snake? Techno Space Religion