We found 18 results for your search.

A big THANK YOU to all lizards at the FBI. Alphabet Inc.gov

Had it not been for your rookie goons appearing at my door on 20 Jan 2021 with their ridiculous N95 face mask upon their scaly heads, I would not be in my current location, with my current blessings. I would never have summoned the energy to move away from Tyrant County and their fat code… Continue reading A big THANK YOU to all lizards at the FBI. Alphabet Inc.gov

Submitting Content to The Snake. Apocalypse Science

https://www.libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=2FE5178D29A7E187174B864126CEB342 When the fake money officials take me out, I thought it prudent to establish this content in the Snake’s Kitchen, the mysterious database that holds massive textual libraries. The content will be submitted to the Snake, hopefully to be used for good and righteous reasons. The content, in general, establishes the life of a… Continue reading Submitting Content to The Snake. Apocalypse Science

Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. Book Review

Thirty and Three Cheers to Victor Hugo and Les Misérables. Not unlike Dickens’s, A Tale of Two Cities, Les Misérables examines the FAILURE of THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. You know the one, it’s the revolution where the The French People allegedly chopped the heads off their pitiful leaders. (Antoinette Marbles) Les Misérables plays out in the… Continue reading Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. Book Review

They’ll Blame COVID SCAM on AI. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Covid Memoirs

Because COVID IS AI. AI amounts to a bunch of goons restricting your speech:reality. GO FUCK YOURSELF, AI. GO FUCK YOURSELF, Alphabet Inc.gov Blackrock, ZuckerFAKE, Buffet of Lies. It’s NOT THE FBIs fault. It’s AI. IT’s NOT LARRY FUCKING FINKs fault. It’s AI. IT’s NOT Mark ZuckerFAKE. It’s AI. It’s NOT BILL GATES. It’s AI.… Continue reading They’ll Blame COVID SCAM on AI. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Covid Memoirs


FBI Wellness CheckAccount ClosedContent CensoredTransaction ReversedProfile TerminatedProperty StolenBank LiensSticker CheckFace Mask MandateLockdownsVaccine PassportContact TracingRectum MicrochipTrans AccountabilityRoman Banking ReligionPoison FoodPoison WaterPoison AirTHE UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE Alphabet Inc.gov – Come get me, YOU SISSY ASS BITCHES.

Slave Money IS NOW. Alphabet Inc.gov CBDC is Fake Money. Theory of Everything.

If your money is unreal, so must everything be unreal. (T.O.E.) Said too much.Forced out of residential sector.Account Closed.Transaction Reversed.Content Censored.Profile Shadow Banned.FBI Wellness Check.Compliance Officer Visit.Face Mask Foot Soldiers at your door.USA.Mask up Texas.Go fuck yourself. It’s easy to see. I was right. I forgive you. It’s over. Repent. I will never believe anything… Continue reading Slave Money IS NOW. Alphabet Inc.gov CBDC is Fake Money. Theory of Everything.