The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges book review

I speak the language of the birds. Nobody understands what I’m saying. Why did gnostic men encode alchemical magick in stone carvings from the dark ages? The carvings are inferior to anything the Renaissance produced. Yet, Fulcanelli assures us the meaning is superior. Gothique is the shit. Is this true? Who cares? Secret Snake Religion.… Continue reading The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges book review

Hunger (Sverre Lyngstad 1998 Translation) by Knut Hamsun book review

Is your miserable artistic lifestyle making you sick? Take the correct drugs. Straighten up your act. Even if you eat out of gutters, making miserable passes at the house maids, fumbling with their underclothes, amusing THE COMMANDER, that bastard can’t even loan me ten kroner. Being poor is an artistic choice. Sponsored by Lizard People.… Continue reading Hunger (Sverre Lyngstad 1998 Translation) by Knut Hamsun book review

Clif High’s War Against The Elohim – Techno Space Religion

Here’s the setup. The Gods of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, The Elohim, are an off-world space gang that require human sacrifice, tributes of wine, gold, frankincense, and myrh. They were stoned most of the time. Huffing massive amounts of smoked organ meat. Brutal bastards that bullied the Essenes around Judea, and messed with our human… Continue reading Clif High’s War Against The Elohim – Techno Space Religion

Capturing the Light by Roger Watson book review

I wanted to know about photography and the discovery thereof. Fixing light to film, the perfect medium for programming and deceit. The Camera Obscura, the Camera Lucida, and tools used to control our fucked up reality. How were the “masters” able to achieve perfect scales and perspectives? My original thesis: Capturing the light was given… Continue reading Capturing the Light by Roger Watson book review