Travels Through France and Italy by Tobias Smollett Book Review
This epistolary travelogue from 1763 is absolutely littered with dyno droppings.
Smollett shreds the French. It’s funny and pleasing to read about Pepe Le Pew.
Way too much dollar cost averaging in this man’s journal. He reports the price of everything; food, travel, and provisions. Quoting prices in loui’dours and half-pence-six, you don’t have the foggiest notion of exchange rate.
Tell me in petro dollars, greenbacks, or t-bills.
Smollett is ill, he’s told to leave England for warmer climes in France. He’s bitter, he wears a periwig, sometimes without powder. His trusted servant sits atop hired post-chaise. He travels with his wife. Everything is taxed and searched on entering French.
His books are taken from him by border protection people. They must be reviewed for distasteful terrorism tracts and conspiracy facts .
After many letters written to high-up lizard people, his books are returned.
Everything is searched again in Montpelier. A tip of two-pence-six will relieve any difficulties you have with border control. Continue on your way, sâil vous plaĂŽt.
We pass through vineyards while French peasants are bringing in the vintage. They are poor, dirty, and French.
The surroundings of Nice are beautiful, subterranean aqueducts and caveman complex of great antiquity. (So-called ROMAN)
Cicisbeo is a male escort for nobless. The mistress and wife get along great.
You get several hundred pound sterling per annum for being noble, this place is a dream.
Take me to Nice.
I am noble.
God bless The French.
God bless Tobias Smollett.
God bless the Limey Brits.
From my calculations, Nice is half the cost of living when compared to London, however, you have to put up with the swarthy French.
They are poor, dirty, and French.
Continue on your way, sâil vous plaĂŽt.
Herein are his letters, reported back to English society on his journey hither and thither, FRANCE, ITALY, ROME, Grand Tour, circa 1763 Gregorian.
My research has produced the following:
George Washington is Tobias Smollett
George Washington is Tobias Smollett
Travels Through France and Italy by Tobias Smollett Book Review
My highlights and annotations:
Complete Works of Tobias Smollett (Delphi Classics) by Tobias Smollett
Book last read: 2024-08-13 15:19:03
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 91.88% Highlight: epistolary Notes: In the form of letters.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 91.9% Highlight: The death of his beloved daughter Elizabeth, who was only fifteen, in April 1763 spurred Smollett to leave England in the June of that year and his ensuing travels which included travelling across France and visiting Genoa, Florence and Rome before returning to Nice for the winter, form the basis of this book.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 91.9% Highlight: However, he was highly critical of the French for which many of them never forgave him. Notes: Lol
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 91.98% Highlight: Maria Edgeworth
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 91.98% Highlight: Hazlitt,
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 92.0% Highlight: Sentimental Journey,
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 92.0% Highlight: Humphry Clinker.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 92.03% Highlight: Then, in 1768, Sterneâs Sentimental Journey; followed in 1775 by Johnsonâs Journey to the Hebrides.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 92.07% Highlight: boutade. Notes: A sudden outburst or outbreak.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 92.11% Highlight: We know little enough about Smollett intime. Only the other day I learned that the majority of so-called Smollett portraits are not presentments of the novelist at all, but ingeniously altered plates of George Washington. Notes: Lol 33~ same lizard person
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 92.6% Highlight: Alemanâs Guzman dâAfarache, which contains a first-hand description of the life on board a Mediterranean slave galley, to Archenholtzâs Tableau dâItalie of 1788, to Stirling Maxwellâs Don John of Austria
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 92.6% Highlight: Life of a Galley Slave by Jean Marteilhe (edited by Miss Betham-Edwards in 1895
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 93.01% Highlight: We were afterwards rowed a long league, in a rough sea, against wind and tide, before we reached the harbour, where we landed, benumbed with cold, and the women excessively sick: from our landing-place we were obliged to walk very near a mile to the inn where we purposed to lodge, attended by six or seven men and women,
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.04% Highlight: If a foreigner dies in France, the king seizes all his effects, even though his heir should be upon the spot; and this tyranny is called the droit dâaubaine founded at first upon the supposition, that all the estate of foreigners residing in France was acquired in that kingdom, and that, therefore, it would be unjust to convey it to another country. Notes: Do not die in France.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.08% Highlight: he keeps a fille de joye, Notes: Girl of pleasure.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.09% Highlight: chansonettes de sa facon. Notes: Ask Circe.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.11% Highlight: but I am not one of those who implicitly believe in all the dogmata of physic. Notes: Covid vaccine safe and effective.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.26% Highlight: There is likewise a fountain of excellent water, hard by the cathedral, in the Upper Town, from whence I am daily supplied at a small expence. Notes: Pay for clean water.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 93.33% Highlight: They have no education, no taste for reading, no housewifery, nor indeed any earthly occupation, but that of dressing their hair, and adorning their bodies.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 93.34% Highlight: Their high masses, their feasts, their processions, their pilgrimages, confessions, images, tapers, robes, incense, benedictions, spectacles, representations, and innumerable ceremonies, which revolve almost incessantly, furnish a variety of entertainment from one end of the year to the other.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.34% Highlight: True it is, the only profane diversions of this place are a puppet-show and a mountebank; but then their religion affords a perpetual comedy. Notes: Smart phone, ripoff, comedy hour.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.36% Highlight: the Roman catholics, not content with the infinite number of saints who really existed, have not only personified the cross, but made two female saints out of a piece of linen. Veronique, or Veronica, is no other than a corruption of vera icon, or vera effigies, said to be the exact representation of our Saviourâs face, impressed upon a piece of linen, Notes: Shroud of turin is a she.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.36% Highlight: I know not whether I may be allowed to compare the Romish religion to comedy, and Calvinism to tragedy. Notes: Check google fr speech allowance and community guidelines.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.38% Highlight: The pomp and ceremonies of this religion, together with the great number of holidays they observe, howsoever they may keep up the spirits of the commonalty, and help to diminish the sense of their own misery, must certainly, at the same time, produce a frivolous taste for frippery and shew, and encourage a habit of idleness, to which I, in a great measure, ascribe the extreme poverty of the lower people. Notes: Roman religion.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.56% Highlight: As they seldom eat meat, their juices are destitute of that animal oil which gives a plumpness and smoothness to the skin, and defends those fine capillaries from the injuries of the weather, which would otherwise coalesce, or be shrunk up, so as to impede the circulation on the external surface of the body. Notes: Not to vegan.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.68% Highlight: I am told there is a scheme on foot for supplying every house with water, by leaden pipes, from the river Seine. Notes: Lead poison fluride treatment.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 93.76% Highlight: but this I will be bold to affirm, that France is the general reservoir from which all the absurdities of false taste, luxury, and extravagance have overflowed the different kingdoms and states of Europe.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.79% Highlight: The present fashion, therefore, of painting the face, and adorning the head, adopted by the beau monde in France, is taken from those two polite nations the Chickesaws of America and the Hottentots of Africa. Notes: paint face
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 93.82% Highlight: Woman has been defined a weaker man; but in this country the men are, in my opinion, more ridiculous and insignificant than the women. Notes: Petticoat government.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 93.94% Highlight: we visited the manufacture for porcelain, which the king of France has established at the village of St. Cloud, on the road to Versailles,
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 93.97% Highlight: I hired a very good coach for ten louiâdores to Lyons, and set out from Paris on the thirteenth instant, with six horses, two postillions, and my own servant on horseback.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.01% Highlight: The peasants in France are so wretchedly poor, and so much oppressed by their landlords, that they cannot afford to inclose their grounds, or give a proper respite to their lands; or to stock their farms with a sufficient number of black cattle to produce the necessary manure, without which agriculture can never be carried to any degree of perfection. Notes: Farming subsidies.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 94.04% Highlight: I bestowed some epithets upon him, which must have sounded very harsh in the ears of a Frenchman.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.07% Highlight: From Paris our baggage (though not plombe) was not once examined till we arrived in this city, at the gate of which we were questioned by one of the searchers, who, being tipt with half a crown, allowed us to proceed without Notes: Protect terrorism racket.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.11% Highlight: I had a great desire to see the famous monuments of antiquity in and about the ancient city of Nismes, which is about eight leagues short Notes: Ask Circe
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 94.12% Highlight: We set out from Lyons early on Monday morning, and as a robbery had been a few days before committed in that neighbourhood, I ordered my servant to load my musquetoon with a charge of eight balls. By the bye, this piece did not fail to attract the curiosity and admiration of the people in every place through which we passed.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 94.21% Highlight: Here we entered Languedoc, and were stopped to have our baggage examined; but the searcher, being tipped with a three-livre piece, allowed it to pass.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 94.22% Highlight: I had the first glimpse of the famous Pont du Garde,
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.22% Highlight: the whole is admirably preserved, and presents the eye with a piece of architecture, so unaffectedly elegant, so simple, and majestic, that I will defy the most phlegmatic and stupid spectator to behold it without admiration. Notes: Pont du Garde
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.22% Highlight: The climate is either so pure and dry, or the free-stone, with which it is built, so hard, that the very angles of them remain as acute as if they had been cut last year. Notes: Tartarian structure
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.29% Highlight: Maison Carree Notes: Ask Circe
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.32% Highlight: seigneurs, Notes: Feudal lord.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.39% Highlight: louiâdore. Notes: Money
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.49% Highlight: livres Notes: Money
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.52% Highlight: I should have thought this a neat piece of work, if I had not seen the Pont du Garde: Notes: Modern building embarrassment to ancient structures.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.56% Highlight: He had the patriotism to impoverish and depopulate his own kingdom, in order to prosecute schemes of the most lawless ambition. Notes: Bingo
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 94.59% Highlight: At Brignolles, where we dined, I was obliged to quarrel with the landlady, and threaten to leave her house, before she would indulge us with any sort of flesh-meat.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 94.6% Highlight: I had a warm dispute with our landlord, which, however, did not terminate to my satisfaction.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.69% Highlight: I have taken a ground floor for ten months at the rate of four hundred livres a year, that is twenty pounds sterling, for the Piedmontese livre is about an English shilling. Notes: Exchange rate.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 94.74% Highlight: In examining the bodies of those that were killed in the battle, the inhabitants of Nice perceived, that a great number of the Spanish soldiers were circumcised; a circumstance, from which they concluded, that a great many Jews engage in the service of his Catholic majesty. Notes: Lizard forces marked w blade.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.0% Highlight: Thus the purpose of the law is entirely defeated, by a most ridiculous and cruel connivance. Notes: FBI and law enforcement at door for rejecting pandemic hoax.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.05% Highlight: The laws of honour in our country do not oblige Notes: Weak paranoid men from law enforcement.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.07% Highlight: I shall not insist upon the hardship of a worthy manâs being obliged to devote himself to death, because it is his misfortune to be insulted by a brute, a bully, a drunkard, or a madman: Notes: FBI law enforcement out of control jelly jar fraternal mud hole. Gfys
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.07% Highlight: for I am persuaded, that no being, capable of reflection, would prosecute the trade of assassination at the risque of his own life, Notes: Jelly jar theater for bleating lambs.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.07% Highlight: all persons insulted, shall have recourse to this tribunal: Notes: Fraternal jelly jar commies to gitmo.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.09% Highlight: What glory is there in a manâs vanquishing an adversary over whom he has a manifest advantage? Notes: FBI law enforcement.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.12% Highlight: The stream is now called la fontaine de muraille, and is carefully conducted by different branches into the adjacent vineyards and gardens, for watering the ground. Notes: Secret underground aquaduct.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.12% Highlight: The water, which is exquisitely cool, and light and pure, gushes from the middle of a rock by a hole which leads to a subterranean aqueduct carried through the middle of the mountain. Notes: Fresh water poisoned by lizards.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.17% Highlight: All the vineyards and garden-grounds, for a considerable extent, are vaulted underneath; and all the ground that produces their grapes, fruit, and garden-stuff, is no more than the crumpled lime and rubbish of old Roman buildings, mixed with manure brought from Nice. Notes: Ancient structures obliterated in lizard war.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.22% Highlight: In Subterranean Caves secure they lie Nor heed the transient seasons as they fly. Notes: Caveman rhyme.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.22% Highlight: Diodorus Siculus tells us, that the antient inhabitants of this country usually lived under ground. Notes: Caveman complex. Secret underground vaults.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.27% Highlight: With respect to religion, I may safely say, that here superstition reigns under the darkest shades of ignorance and prejudice. Notes: Universal face mask and techno space religion.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.27% Highlight: All the churches are sanctuaries for all kinds of criminals, except those guilty of high treason; and the priests are extremely jealous of their privileges in this particular. Notes: Techno space religion.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.3% Highlight: How they live in their families, I do not choose to enquire; but, in public, Madame appears in her robe of gold, or silver stuff, with her powder and frisure, her perfumes, her paint and her patches; while Monsieur Le Comte struts about in his lace and embroidery. Rouge and fard are more peculiarly necessary in this country, where the complexion and skin are naturally swarthy and yellow. I have likewise observed, that most of the females are pot-bellied; a circumstance owing, I believe, to the great quantity of vegetable trash which they eat. Notes: Pot bellied women on vegeatable diet.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.32% Highlight: With respect to delicacy and decorum, you may peruse dean Swiftâs description of the Yahoos, and then you will have some idea of the porcheria, that distinguishes the gallantry of Nice. Notes: Ask Circe.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.32% Highlight: The husband and the cicisbeo live together as sworn brothers; and the wife and the mistress embrace each other with marks of the warmest affection. Notes: Strange bedfellows.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.32% Highlight: like so many seals upon the rocks by moon-light, each dame with her cicisbeo: for, you must understand, this Italian fashion prevails at Nice among all ranks of people; and there is not such a passion as jealousy known. Notes: Male concubines. For noble women.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.37% Highlight: Chickens and pullets are extremely meagre. I have tried to fatten them, without success. In summer they are subject to the pip, and die in great numbers. Notes: Bird flu – pip
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 95.45% Highlight: six-pence sterling.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 95.45% Highlight: twopence halfpenny
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 95.5% Highlight: the most agreeable apples I ever tasted, come from Final, and are called pomi carli.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 95.52% Highlight: porters of Constantinople, who never drink any thing stronger than water, and eat very little animal food, will lift and carry heavier burthens than any other porters in the known world.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 95.53% Highlight: six-pence halfpenny
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 95.58% Highlight: They are all diminutive, meagre, withered, dirty, and half naked; in their complexions, not barely swarthy, but as black as Moors; and I believe many of them are descendants of that people.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 95.6% Highlight: Their hogs are much better fed than their children.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.67% Highlight: vast variety of their deities, said to amount to thirty thousand, with their respective rites of adoration, could not fail to introduce such a number of ceremonies, shews, sacrifices, lustrations, and public processions, as must have employed the people almost constantly from one end of the year to the other. Notes: Gd Romans always celebrating hellidays.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 95.7% Highlight: The president has about three hundred pounds per annum;
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.78% Highlight: The useful arts practised at Nice, are these, gardening and agriculture, with their consequences, the making of wine, oil, and cordage; the rearing of silk-worms, with the subsequent management and manufacture of that production; and the fishing, which I have already described. Notes: Commercial opportunity.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.8% Highlight: The jakes of a protestant family, who eat gras every day, bears a much higher price than the privy of a good catholic who lives maigre one half of the year. The vaults belonging to the convent of Minims are not worth emptying. Notes: Collect fertilizer from outhouse.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.8% Highlight: In the neighbourhood of Nice, they raise a considerable quantity of hemp, the largest and strongest I ever saw. Notes: Illegal plant.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.82% Highlight: Nissards Notes: Ask Circe.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.83% Highlight: I am assured by some persons of credit, that if they are touched, or even approached, by a woman in her catamenia, they infallibly expire. This, however, must be understood of those females whose skins have naturally a very rank flavour, Notes: Silk worm how to.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.87% Highlight: There is in the town of Nice, a well regulated hospital for poor orphans of both sexes, where above one hundred of them are employed in dressing, dyeing, spinning, and weaving the silk. Notes: Cabbage patch servants.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.93% Highlight: If a lady should be at the expence of having a tent pitched on the beach where she might put on and of her bathing-dress, she could not pretend to go into the sea without proper attendants; nor could she possibly plunge headlong into the water, which is the most effectual, and least dangerous way of bathing. Notes: Decorum reforum.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.95% Highlight: This air being dry, pure, heavy, and elastic, must be agreeable to the constitution of those who labour under disorders arising from weak nerves, obstructed perspiration, relaxed fibres, a viscidity of lymph, and a languid circulation. Notes: Consumption.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 95.98% Highlight: I never saw before such sudden and happy effects from the change of air. Notes: Change surroundings.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.0% Highlight: In the month of July, the mercury in Fahrenheitâs thermometer, rose to eighty-four at Rome, the highest degree at which it was ever known in that country; and the very next day, the Sabine mountains were covered with snow. Notes: Climate is change.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.05% Highlight: In mentioning the water of this neighbourhood, I ought not to omit the baths of Rocabiliare, a small town among the mountains, about five and twenty miles from Nice. Notes: Ask Circe.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 96.08% Highlight: Rome is betwixt four and five hundred miles distant from Nice, and one half of the way I was resolved to travel by water.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.12% Highlight: The most agreeable carriage from here to Genoa, is a feluca, or open boat, rowed by ten or twelve stout mariners. Notes: Man the oars.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 96.12% Highlight: but for eight zequines, or four louiâdores, you can have a whole feluca to yourself,
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.18% Highlight: but this effort in behalf of liberty did not succeed. Notes: Face mask failure.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.22% Highlight: A murderer, adulterer, or s â m â te, will obtain easy absolution from the church, and even find favour with society; but a man who eats a pidgeon on a Saturday, without express licence, is avoided and abhorred, as a monster Notes: Why is this word sodomite written like this? google censors everywhere.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.26% Highlight: A Frenchman lays out his whole revenue upon tawdry suits of cloaths, or in furnishing a magnificent repas of fifty or a hundred dishes, one half of which are not eatable nor intended to be eaten. His wardrobe goes to the fripier; his dishes to the dogs, and himself to the devil, and after his decease no vestige of him remains. Notes: Pepi la puw
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.26% Highlight: Some few of them may be proud of their wealth: but, in general, their fortunes are very small. Notes: Genoa nobles
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.28% Highlight: all that is consumed must be bought at the public cantine, where it is sold for the benefit of the state. Notes: Walmart
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 96.3% Highlight: There are mysteries in politics which were never dreamed of in our philosophy, Horatio!
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.3% Highlight: While the English are masters of the Mediterranean, they will always have it in their power to do incredible damage all along the Riviera, to ruin the Genoese trade by sea, and even to annoy the capital; for notwithstanding all the pains they have taken to fortify the mole and the city, I am greatly deceived if it is not still exposed to the danger, not only of a bombardment, but even of a cannonade. I am even sanguine enough to think a resolute commander might, with a strong squadron, sail directly into the harbour, Notes: English colony upstart.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.41% Highlight: a pretty piece of architecture: but the number of inhabitants is very inconsiderable; and this very circumstance gives it an air of majestic solitude, which is far from being unpleasant to a man of a contemplative turn of mind. Notes: population reset. Pisa Italy 1764
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.48% Highlight: there are some marble quarries on the side of it, from whence the blocks are conveyed in boats, when there is water enough in the river to float them, that is after heavy rains, or the melting of the snow upon the mountains of Umbria, Notes: Marble stone transport. 1764
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.55% Highlight: cicisbei Notes: Cicisbeo
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.55% Highlight: There is scarce an individual, whether noble or plebeian, who does not belong to one of these associations, which may be compared to the FreeMasons, Gregoreans, and Antigallicans of England. Notes: Red Alert
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.55% Highlight: but, certain it is, every married lady in this country has her cicisbeo, or servente, who attends her every where, and on all occasions; and upon whose privileges the husband dares not encroach, without incurring the censure and ridicule of the whole community. Notes: Cicisbeo male mistress.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.56% Highlight: I would not hesitate to pronounce the Italian women the most haughty, insolent, capricious, and revengeful females on the face of the earth. Notes: Italian stallion.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.58% Highlight: I assure you, upon my honour, I have no share whatever in any of the disputes which agitate the public: nor do I know any thing of your political transactions, except what I casually see in one of your newspapers, Notes: Bingo
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.61% Highlight: Behold the snake his mystic Rod intwine. Notes: Snake alert
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 96.7% Highlight: the German genius lies more in the back than in the brain.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.71% Highlight: but I am used to speak my mind freely on all subjects that fall under the cognizance of my senses; Notes: Covid extortion scam.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.76% Highlight: I mention this circumstance, by way of warning to other travellers, that they may provide themselves with a hammer and nails, a spare iron-pin or two, a large knife, and bladder of grease, to be used occasionally in case of such misfortune. Notes: Fix postilion wagon
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.81% Highlight: and when the bridge at Black-Friars is finished, it will be such a monument of architecture as all the world cannot parallel. Notes: Ask Circe
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.81% Highlight: discovered the pavement of an antient street, at the depth of thirty-nine feet from the present surface of the earth. Notes: Mud flood.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 96.93% Highlight: peruke, Notes: Periwig
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.05% Highlight: flowers in different parts to refresh the sense, and please the fancy; for arbours, grottos, hermitages, temples, and alcoves, to shelter him from the sun, and afford him means of contemplation and repose; and he expects to find the hedges, groves, and walks, and lawns kept with the utmost order and propriety. Notes: what to expect in garden.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.14% Highlight: The truth is, before the time of pope Alexander VII. the earth was so raised as to cover part of the temple, and there was a descent of some steps into the porch: but that pontiff ordered the ground to be pared away to the very pedestal or base of the portico, which is now even with the street, so that there is no descent whatsoever. Notes: Mud flood
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.18% Highlight: The Colossaeum was built by Vespasian, who employed thirty thousand Jewish slaves in the work; but finished and dedicated by his son Titus, who, on the first day of its being opened, produced fifty thousand wild beasts, which were all killed in the arena. Notes: Gd romans.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.41% Highlight: Aegyptian statues in the Camera Aegyptiaca of this very building, are such monstrous misrepresentations of nature, Notes: Egyptian chimera statues in Rome.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.43% Highlight: brought hither from a temple that stood in the Forum Boarium, now called Campo vaccine. Notes: Campo Fema vaccine for essential roman workers.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.44% Highlight: The statues of the two brothers endeavouring to throw him into the sea are beautiful figures, finely contrasted; and the rope, which one of them holds in a sort of loose coil, is so surprisingly chizzelled, that one can hardly believe it is of stone. Notes: Statues not of stone.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.48% Highlight: the Palazzo Barberini, there is a great collection of marbles and pictures: among the first, I was attracted by a beautiful statue of Venus; a sleeping faun, of curious workmanship; a charming Bacchus, lying on an antient sculpture, and the famous Narcissus. Notes: Ask circe.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.51% Highlight: I have nothing to communicate touching the library of the Vatican, which, with respect to the apartments and their ornaments, is undoubtedly magnificent. The number of books it contains does not exceed forty thousand volumes, which are all concealed from the view, and locked up in presses: as for the manuscripts, I saw none but such as are commonly presented to strangers of our nation; some very old copies of Virgil and Terence; two or three Missals, curiously illuminated; the book De Septem Sacramentis, written in Latin by Henry VIII. against Luther; Notes: Secret vatican library 1765
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.59% Highlight: Hottentot Notes: Microwavable potato snacks.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.63% Highlight: I told him he was an impertinent rascal, and as he still hesitated, I collared him with one hand, and shook my cane over his head with the other. Notes: Elon Musk is fake AF
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 97.63% Highlight: Behold us then in this expedition; myself wrapped up in a very heavy greatcoat, and my cane in my hand.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.64% Highlight: if I escaped assassination, the fears of which were the more troublesome as I had no weapon to defend our lives. Notes: Always carry weapon.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 97.64% Highlight: my wife a delicate creature, who had scarce ever walked a mile in her life;
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.66% Highlight: bastinado, Notes: Fuck you, Mark Zuckerfake.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.69% Highlight: I chose a Spaniard, partly because he looked like an honest man, and produced an ample certificate, signed by an English gentleman; and partly, because he was not an Italian; for, by this time, I had imbibed a strong prejudice against the common people of that country. Notes: On choosing Spaniard over Italian.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.71% Highlight: He spoke Latin fluently, and was tinctured with the sciences. Notes: Snake on staff alert.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.71% Highlight: poniard Notes: Small slim dagger.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 97.73% Highlight: and a very ridiculous cavalcade we formed, the women being obliged to use common saddles; for in this country even the ladies sit astride.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.76% Highlight: As my disorder at first arose from a sedentary life, producing a relaxation of the fibres, which naturally brought on a listlessness, indolence, and dejection of the spirits, I am convinced that this hard exercise of mind and body, co-operated with the change of air and objects, to brace up the relaxed constitution, and promote a more vigorous circulation of the juices, which had long languished even almost to stagnation. Notes: Health and safety 1765
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.78% Highlight: when I perceive such signs of poverty, misery and dirt, among the commonalty of France, their unfenced fields dug up in despair, without the intervention of meadow or fallow ground, without cattle to furnish manure, without horses to execute the plans of agriculture; their farm-houses mean, their furniture wretched, their apparel beggarly; themselves and their beasts the images of famine; I cannot help thinking they groan under oppression, either from their landlords, or their government; probably from both. Notes: French
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.81% Highlight: They must be free in their persons, secure in their property, indulged with reasonable leases, and effectually protected by law from the insolence and oppression of their superiors. Notes: Face mask wearing FBI and Law Enforcement at your door for rejecting pandemic narrative.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.86% Highlight: Notwithstanding these great rains, such as were never known before at Nice in the memory of man, Notes: Strange weather anomolies in France 1765.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 97.88% Highlight: Were I obliged to pass my life in it, I would endeavour to find a country retreat among the mountains, at some distance from the sea, where I might enjoy a cool air, free from this impregnation, unmolested by those flies, gnats, and other vermin which render the lower parts almost uninhabitable. Notes: choose mountain hideout over beach house.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 98.02% Highlight: I had sent to Aix for a coach and four horses, which I hired at the rate of eighteen French livres a day, being equal to fifteen shillings and nine-pence sterling.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 98.04% Highlight: Those who would be further informed about the Garum and the Scomber may consult Caelius Apicius de recogninaria, cum notis, variorum. Notes: Some sort of pickled fish commercial reference. Ask circe.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 98.06% Highlight: Last summer, some execrable villains set fire to the pines, when the wind was high. It continued burning for several months, and the conflagration extended above ten leagues, consuming an incredible quantity of timber. Notes: Forestry service
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Highlight Chapter progress: 98.09% Highlight: The longer I live, the more I am convinced that wine, and all fermented liquors, are pernicious to the human constitution; and that for the preservation of health, and exhilaration of the spirits, there is no beverage comparable to simple water.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 98.09% Highlight: These accidents did great damage, and discouraged the French mariners to such a degree, that they became more afraid of their own guns than of those of the English. Notes: Exploding cannons.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 98.19% Highlight: The baths of Aix, so famous in antiquity, were quite demolished by the irruptions of the barbarians. The very source of the water was lost, till the beginning of the present century (I think the year 1704), when it was discovered by accident, in digging for the foundation of a house, at the foot of a hill, just without the city wall. Notes: Lost and found mineral waters.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 98.27% Highlight: there is a handsome obelisk, or rather pyramid, about thirty feet high, raised upon a vault supported by four pillars of the Tuscan order. It is certainly a Roman work, and Montfaucon supposes it to be a tomb, as he perceived an oblong stone jetting out from the middle of the vault, in which the ashes of the defunct were probably contained. Notes: Vienne
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 98.29% Highlight: I am at last in a situation to indulge my view with a sight of Britain, after an absence of two years; and indeed you cannot imagine what pleasure I feel while I survey the white cliffs of Dover, Notes: return to lizard manor.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 98.29% Highlight: I am attached to my country, because it is the land of liberty, cleanliness, and convenience: Notes: Vaccine passport required.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 98.29% Highlight: but its weight and solidity occasioned so much friction between the wheels and the axle-tree, that we ran the risque of being set on fire three or four times a day. Notes: Horse carriage overheat.
Chapter 19: TRAVELS THROUGH FRANCE AND ITALY Annotation Chapter progress: 98.32% Highlight: Through the whole south of France, except in large cities, the inns are cold, damp, dark, dismal, and dirty; the landlords equally disobliging and rapacious; the servants aukward, sluttish, and slothful; and the postilions lazy, lounging, greedy, and impertinent. Notes: French.
Chapter 22: SMOLLETTâS DYING PREDICTION Highlight Chapter progress: 99.17% Highlight: And I behold a new order of people about to arise in Europe which shall give laws to lawgivers, discharges to priests, and lessons to kings.