A Two-of-Three MULTISIG WALLET. Techno Space.

To spend funds from a two-of-three MULTISIG wallet, two of three keys must sign each transaction. In this way, funds can be recovered and transacted in the event of rogue third party or assassination. Here’s a true story about rogue third party, occurring in real life, when I operated a MULTISIG WALLET for extremely active… Continue reading A Two-of-Three MULTISIG WALLET. Techno Space.

Deceptio Visus. Dead Magic. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Scrying screen techno talismanREJECTREJECTREJECT Dead magic trash can.EMPTYEMPTYEMPTY Bring ON THE MISSILES ALREADY, YOU WEAK PUSILLANIMOUS PENTAGRAM PEOPLE! BRring IT!Your magic is dead.Your 911 crisis people have abandoned you.What are you going to do?REPENT!Bring the UFO’s Too!We are watching you!!!!!!!GO WITH GOD or GO HOME. Arrest The Counterfeiters.All Fake Money Forces will be prosecuted.USA. Scrying… Continue reading Deceptio Visus. Dead Magic. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Earth’s Last Citadel by C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner Book Review

We begin in the sands of Tunis. Following the path of a shooting star. A faint emerald glow can be seen above the undulating dunes. We follow the light. A radiant star portal is found beside a green oasis, we pause for repast and prayer. Your hair wrapped in white silk, your robes flowing like… Continue reading Earth’s Last Citadel by C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner Book Review

Ross Ulbricht is TOO HANDSOME. Techno Space – Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Wouldn’t it be great if Ross Ulbricht has a massive stash of original Silk Road bitcoin hidden away. After being freed, he attempts to move it through the blockchain, only to be captured again for money laundering, because His Silk Road Bitcoin FORTUNE has ALREADY been laundered through all y’alls exchanges. Free Ross. Ross Ulbricht… Continue reading Ross Ulbricht is TOO HANDSOME. Techno Space – Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Robur The Conqueror by Jules Verne Book Review

Arrange first class travel on your finest sailing vessel. I’ll take you to X Island. The lady and I will stroll the decks, play guitars in our cabin, and eat like rabbits. Salad mostly. Red wine on full moons only. Several pounds of fresh coffee and freshly rolled Turkish cigars. At the end of the… Continue reading Robur The Conqueror by Jules Verne Book Review

Breaking News. Longshoremen Demand To Be Paid Outside of Debt Based Money System. Corporate Science – Alphabet Inc.gov

Late last night it was announced: Longshoremen Demand To Be Paid Outside of Debt Based Federal Reserve Money System. Breaking News. Longshoremen Demand To Be Paid Outside of Debt Based Money System. Corporate Science – Alphabet Inc.gov Victory Victory Victory