The Adventures of Roderick Random by Tobias Smollett book review
The Adventures of Roderick Random by Tobias Smollett
Here’s a book from 1748. It’s about the adventures of a man born in Ireland who meets with many difficulties, goes to sea, attempts to bag a rich woman, falls in love with Narcissa, a young maiden with heaving bosom and pearl tears, goes back to sea, finds his father and fortune by selling negroes from Angola, and marries his sweet heart.
The first half of the book contains the peradventure of great interest. The second half of the book describes Mr. Random’s attempt to bag a rich English woman. A very disagreeable condition, to be a fake gentleman attempting to fool Euro woman with money; Boring and drab characters of the fake European city. The second half of the book is a chore.
The story concludes with a touching happily ever after, being rich with servants, estates, and several thousand pounds to your family name. The End.
Complete Works of Tobias Smollett (Delphi Classics) by Tobias Smollett
Book last read: 2022-08-12 21:43:56 Percentage read: 9%
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 0.3% Highlight: Romance, no doubt, owes its origin to ignorance, vanity, and superstition.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 0.71% Highlight: You and your dogs may be damn’d. I suppose you’ll find them with your old dad, in the latitude of hell.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 0.73% Highlight: Come, my boy, don’t be cast down, — the old rascal is in hell, Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 0.75% Highlight: I was to be seconded by two of the strongest boys in the school, who were devoted to me; their business was to join me in dragging the tyrant to a bench, over which he was to be laid, and his bare posteriors heartily flogged, with his own birch, Notes: The vaccination of bill gates.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 0.83% Highlight: I had the satisfaction to find myself in some degree of favour with the ladies; an intoxicating piece of good fortune to one of my amorous complexion!
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 1.1% Highlight: and our money sewed between the linings and waistbands of our breeches, except some loose silver for our immediate expenses on the road,
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 1.44% Highlight: his whole figure was a just emblem of winter, famine, and avarice. Notes: Tony Fauci
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 1.48% Highlight: a cast-off mistress and a bald valet-de-chambre Notes: CDC admins
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 1.93% Highlight: for surely the devil had set up his throne in London. Notes: Central bank wickedness.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 2.16% Highlight: nothing is more vain than vanity.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 2.47% Highlight: But my heart was so steeled against her charms by pride and resentment, which were two chief ingredients in my disposition, that I remained insensible to all her arts; and notwithstanding some advances she made, could not be prevailed upon to yield her the least attention. Notes: Attaboy.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 2.47% Highlight: succedaneum Notes: Fake vaccine.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 2.77% Highlight: Shaftsbury, Tindal, Hobbes, and all the authors that are remarkable for their deviation from the old way of thinking,
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 2.95% Highlight: myrmidons Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 3.02% Highlight: This reflection sank so deep into my soul, that I was for some days deprived of my reason, and actually believed myself in hell, tormented by fiends. Notes: Fake pandemic, Bill Gates, and face mask people.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 3.14% Highlight: I saw no resource but the army or navy, between which I hesitated so long that I found myself reduced to a starving condition.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 3.35% Highlight: I was much less surprised that people should die on board, than that a sick person should recover. Notes: Allopathic medicine is dead.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 3.5% Highlight: for he was grossly ignorant, and intolerably assuming, false, vindictive, and unforgiving; a merciless tyrant to his inferiors, an abject sycophant to those above him. Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 3.78% Highlight: So may the farmer hang his kids for his diversion, and amusement, and mirth; but there is such a thing as justice, if not upon earth, surely in heaven, that will punish with fire and primstone all those who take away the lives of innocent people out of wantonness, and parparity (look you). Notes: Allopathic medicine, Fauci and Gates.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 3.97% Highlight: But surely our governors had their reasons for so doing, which possibly may be disclosed with other secrets of the deep. Notes: Paid off WEF fuckers.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 4.02% Highlight: Death was a debt which every man owed, and must pay; and that now was as well as another time. Notes: The United States Federal Reserve
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 4.18% Highlight: three-fourths of those whom it invaded died in a deplorable manner; the colour of their skin being, by the extreme putrefaction of the juices, changed into that of soot. Notes: CDC vaccine.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 4.2% Highlight: I took at the beginning, namely, to refuse all medicine, which I could not help thinking co-operated with the disease, and, instead of resisting putrefaction, promoted a total degeneracy of the vital fluid. Notes: CDC face mask Bill Gates vaccine.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 4.48% Highlight: This promise he performed to my heart’s desire, by recommending me to a gentleman of fortune, with whom I have lived ever since in quality of surgeon and overseer to his plantations.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 4.5% Highlight: so that this small interval of ten days was by far the most agreeable
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 4.53% Highlight: Being thus provided with money and all necessaries for the comfort of life, I began to look upon myself as a gentleman of some consequence, and felt my pride dilate a pace.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 4.65% Highlight: but Dick was of opinion that his father should advance first, he being an old man past his labour and, if he received any mischief, the loss would be the smaller; whereas he himself might escape, and be useful, in his generation. Notes: Fathers in face mask.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 4.78% Highlight: I thought proper to conceal under that of John Brown. Notes: CIA op code. John Brown of Harpers Fairy.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 5.13% Highlight: I looked upon it, at this time, as the worst country in the universe for a poor honest man to live in; Notes: USA
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 5.16% Highlight: . I trust to no creed but the compass, and do unto every man as I would be done by; so that I defy the Pope, the Devil, and the Pretender; and hope to be saved as well as another.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 5.23% Highlight: Libertine as I was, I could not bear to see a man behave so wide of the character he assumed.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 5.28% Highlight: A thousand times I wished myself a bear, that I might retreat to woods and deserts, far from the inhospitable haunts of man, where I could live by my own talents, independent of treacherous friends and supercilious scorn.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 5.33% Highlight: professing himself a desperate slave, who voluntarily underwent the utmost wretchedness and peril, and committed the most flagrant crimes, to soothe the barbarous pride of a fellow-creature, his superior in nothing but the power he derived from the submission of such wretches as him. Notes: Doctors and nurses.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 5.49% Highlight: When I thought of turning merchant, the smallness of our stock, and the risk of seas, enemies, and markets, deterred me from that scheme. Notes: Prison planet.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 5.81% Highlight: the remedy is worse than the disease Notes: Covid vaccine.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 5.86% Highlight: Not all my tears! not all my affliction! not the inevitable ruin thou hast brought upon me! Where are thy vows, thou faithless, perjured man? Hast thou no honour — no conscience — no remorse for thy perfidious conduct towards me? Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 5.89% Highlight: No, no, you owe your success to your philtres, to your drugs and incantations; and not to your natural talents, which are, in every respect, mean and contemptible. Notes: Tony Fauci
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 6.08% Highlight: and damn the world for an envious meddling community, that would not suffer a gentleman to live without molestation.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 6.21% Highlight: and he was determined, in an honourable way, to cut the throats of all those who stood between him and his hopes.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 6.87% Highlight: though the protuberance of her breast, when considered alone, seemed to drag her forwards, it was easy to perceive an equivalent on her back which balanced the other, and kept her body in equilibrio.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 6.94% Highlight: highwayman.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 7.24% Highlight: My condition is insupportable!” cried I: “I am distracted with passion! Why are you so exquisitely fair? — why are you so enchantingly good? — why has nature dignified you with charms so much above the standard of woman?
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 7.37% Highlight: I advanced to her with eagerness and awe; and, profiting by the confusion that prevailed over her, clasped the fair angel in my arms, and imprinted a glowing kiss upon her lips, more soft and fragrant than the dewy rosebud just bursting from the stem!
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 7.59% Highlight: When any man injures my honour, let the difference of rank between us be ever so great, I am contented to wave the privilege of my quality, and to seek reparation from him on equal terms. Notes: to bill gates.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 7.72% Highlight: I am quite unconcerned; for, while God spares me health and these ten fingers, I can earn a comfortable subsistence anywhere; but what must become of you, who have less humility to stoop, and more appetites to gratify?
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 7.85% Highlight: Belles Lettres,
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 7.89% Highlight: peripeteia Notes: Change of fortune.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 7.89% Highlight: peripeteia Notes: A sudden reversal of fortune.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 7.98% Highlight: Button Hole, Shockey and Towner, The Leaky Vessel,
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 8.02% Highlight: I have made many a good meal upon a monster; a rape has often afforded me great satisfaction; but a murder, well timed, was my never-failing resource. Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 8.28% Highlight: but observed that love was the fruit of idleness, that when once I should be employed in business, and my mind engaged in making money, I should be no more troubled with these silly notions,
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 8.43% Highlight: tompions
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 8.48% Highlight: and trading along the coast as far to the southward of the Line as Angola and Bengula, in less than six months disposed of the greatest part of our cargo, and purchased four hundred negroes, my adventure having been laid out in gold dust.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Annotation Chapter progress: 8.5% Highlight: sinecure Notes: Indubidibly.
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 8.76% Highlight: You, whose souls are susceptible of the most delicate impressions, whose tender bosoms have felt the affecting vicissitudes of love, who have suffered an absence of eighteen long months from the dear object of your hope, and found at your return the melting fair as kind and constant as your heart can wish, do me justice on this occasion, and conceive what unutterable rapture possessed us both,
Chapter 1: THE ADVENTURES OF RODERICK RANDOM Highlight Chapter progress: 8.96% Highlight: As there is no part of the world in which the peasants are more attached to their lords than in Scotland,