Imagine another replacement philosophy book in the garb of so-called science fiction. Eerily similar to many other “sci-fi” books I’ve read. See Childhood’s End and Gordon Eklund, Find the Changleling, and Norstrillia by Cordwainer Smith reviews.
Mark Jack Vance with the number of a man. He was certainly adept at his story.
Don’t shoot the messenger. Identities stolen, historical records eradicated, two thousand years of slavery and lies; All coming to A CLOSE.
Is it biblical prophesy? Or, have you taken the serpent’s venom and remain inoculated against all reality? COVID-19 bioweapon.
It’s easy to discern, but most of the morons will continue in the matrix. The beef steak is delicious, the lady in red is really a disgusting man. You sick fucks like it that way. Living the incoherent lie.

Some of my highlights:
Emphyrio by Jack Vance
Book last read: 2022-10-22 13:55:42
Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 3: Chapter I
Chapter progress: 3.27%
Highlight: The top of his skull had been removed; upon the naked brain rested a striated yellow gel.
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 4: Chapter II
Chapter progress: 6.07%
Highlight: tantalizing glimpses of the Five Worlds.
Notes: Hopi prophecy.
Chapter 4: Chapter II
Chapter progress: 7.01%
Highlight: manlike but non-human, hybrids of insect,
Notes: Elon Musk
Chapter 4: Chapter II
Chapter progress: 7.94%
Highlight: Yes; someday I want to be financially independent, and travel space. Have you visited other worlds?”
Notes: get off the planet, Bill Gates.
Chapter 4: Chapter II
Chapter progress: 8.41%
Highlight: Well, lad, know this: masks and masking—and unmasking—these are the skills of my trade.
Notes: Destroy the CDC.
Chapter 4: Chapter II
Chapter progress: 8.41%
Highlight: How could I train children to gambols and artless antics, when they are such skeptics, such fastidious critics, such absolutists?
Chapter 4: Chapter II
Chapter progress: 8.41%
Highlight: When you grow up and learn how much you owe the city, you’ll find ample dullness.”
Notes: USA
Chapter 4: Chapter II
Chapter progress: 9.35%
Highlight: And I shall be financially independent and I shall travel?
Notes: Vaccine passport enforcers.
Chapter 5: Chapter III
Chapter progress: 10.28%
Highlight: Noncuperatives: non-recipients of welfare benefits, reputedly all Chaoticists, anarchists, thieves, swindlers, whore-mongers.
Notes: Do not comply. Exit the system.
Chapter 5: Chapter III
Chapter progress: 11.21%
Highlight: What of the lords?” asked Ghyl. “What guild do they belong to? What do they produce?
Notes: Get off the planet, Bill Gates.
Chapter 5: Chapter III
Chapter progress: 11.68%
Highlight: The lords take a part of all our money:
Notes: IRS
Chapter 6: Chapter IV
Chapter progress: 14.02%
Highlight: Do you think we could buy a space-yacht and travel as we wished?”
Notes: Gtfo Elon Musk.
Chapter 6: Chapter IV
Chapter progress: 14.95%
Highlight: they vowed that financial independence and space-travel was the only life for them.
Notes: Fake moon landings fake money.
Chapter 6: Chapter IV
Chapter progress: 15.42%
Highlight: They’re proud because they are rich,
Notes: Bill Gates
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 19.16%
Highlight: As he stands now he is a spiritual vacuum, susceptible to any strange cult!
Notes: Face mask cult of CDC science.
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 19.63%
Highlight: The initiation was a lengthy affair, consisting of a dozen rituals, questions and responses, charges and assurances.
Notes: Treatment facility.
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 20.09%
Highlight: Are not acts better than dreams?
Notes: Face mask makes children ill.
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 20.09%
Highlight: The folk who gaze upon your screens are entitled to all the joy you can give them, even though the joy be but an abstraction.
Notes: alphabet zuckerberg incorporated.
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 20.56%
Highlight: He gave them a glare of outrage, to which they returned puzzled stares.
Notes: Face mask people.
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 20.56%
Highlight: Nowadays, of course, printing is not allowed.
Notes: bad for environment.
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 21.5%
Highlight: The criminals suck our blood, the small-dealers disrupt the Agency’s book-work.”
Notes: Health authority.
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 22.43%
Highlight: On their home world were they lords? Or ordinary recipients like ourselves?
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 22.9%
Highlight: The lords arrived in space-ships and set all in order.
Notes: Order from chaos. 33.3
Chapter 7: Chapter V
Chapter progress: 22.9%
Highlight: How did the lords first come into possession of the utilities?
Chapter 8: Chapter VI
Chapter progress: 28.04%
Highlight: There is about you the forlorn despair of the outcast, which is irremedial, for love we cannot provide; so you must return to the dark moon Sigil, and come to terms with those who sent you forth.
Notes: World health oragination doctors and nurses.
Chapter 8: Chapter VI
Chapter progress: 28.5%
Highlight: You are Monster; I am Man.
Notes: To Bill Gates
Chapter 8: Chapter VI
Chapter progress: 28.97%
Highlight: follow their instructions. And you will lead a life of placid content.
Chapter 9: Chapter VII
Chapter progress: 31.31%
Highlight: We are not a historical people; we seem to live for the events of the day—or more accurately, from one Judgment to the next.
Chapter 11: Chapter IX
Chapter progress: 42.99%
Highlight: He can, or at least he can try to enforce the provisions of the Charter.
Notes: Free speech dead. Constitution meaningless.
Chapter 11: Chapter IX
Chapter progress: 46.73%
Highlight: He had trusted the magic of words: a sentence on one of his ancient bits of paper.
Notes: Free speech dead. Constitution meaningless.
Chapter 12: Chapter X
Chapter progress: 48.13%
Highlight: Emphyrio strove and suffered for truth. I shall do likewise! If only I can find the strength within myself! This is what Amiante would want!”
Chapter 12: Chapter X
Chapter progress: 48.6%
Highlight: There was no single focus for the great dissatisfaction he felt.
Chapter 12: Chapter X
Chapter progress: 49.53%
Highlight: Life here is futility. We’ll live and die, and realize no glimmer of truth. There’s something terribly wrong here in Ambroy. Do you realize this?”
Notes: The United States of America.
Chapter 13: Chapter XI
Chapter progress: 50.47%
Highlight: . If only it were easier to travel, to achieve some measure of financial independence…
Notes: Vaccine passport bio medical terror nasal swabs.
Chapter 13: Chapter XI
Chapter progress: 50.93%
Highlight: The world is random, vagrant, heedless. To be responsible is to be out of phase, to be insane!
Chapter 14: Chapter XII
Chapter progress: 56.07%
Highlight: that indefinable apartness which distinguished lords and ladies from the underfolk.
Chapter 14: Chapter XII
Chapter progress: 57.01%
Highlight: You are strong and good and intelligent—but you are far, far, far too severe. What do you fear?”
Notes: Feds and Alphabet Inc.
Chapter 14: Chapter XII
Chapter progress: 57.48%
Highlight: What must be, will be. What can never be—can never be.”
Notes: Judgement. Accountability.
Chapter 17: Chapter XV
Chapter progress: 64.02%
Highlight: The lords are parasites and fair game.
Chapter 17: Chapter XV
Chapter progress: 65.42%
Highlight: Where does all the money go? It is a sizeable sum.
Notes: Missing quadrillions.
Chapter 19: Chapter XVII
Chapter progress: 73.36%
Highlight: the activities of the Fourteen Families and their connections.
Notes: Illuminati reference.
Chapter 19: Chapter XVII
Chapter progress: 75.23%
Highlight: Someone enjoys vast profits,” mused Heurisx. “So much is clear. Someone at the top end of the monopoly.”
Notes: Synogogue of Satan.
Chapter 20: Chapter XVIII
Chapter progress: 77.57%
Highlight: The old way is tried and true. No one becomes financially independent, no one becomes pompous and self-willed; everyone works meticulously
Notes: The old way is the new way.
Chapter 20: Chapter XVIII
Chapter progress: 78.5%
Highlight: the truth would inspire the people of Ambroy, who are sorely in need of truth.
Chapter 20: Chapter XVIII
Chapter progress: 79.91%
Highlight: He wanted more than security. He wanted vengeance: retribution for years upon years of fraud, dreary malice, the sadness of wasted lives.
Chapter 22: Chapter XX
Chapter progress: 87.38%
Highlight: but isolated in their caves they had lapsed half a thousand years behind the times.
Notes: Caveman biblical reference. Evil e.
Chapter 24: Chapter XXII
Chapter progress: 90.65%
Highlight: fey’: laboring under a burden of doom.
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 93.46%
Highlight: the most entrancing visual display with the least sound.
Notes: Alphabet goons.
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 93.93%
Highlight: but there was also a curious intimation of shabbiness: the make-shift insubstantiality of a stage-set.
Notes: Corporate law.
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 94.39%
Highlight: You destroyed my father, you set about to destroy me. I feel no great pity for you.
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 94.86%
Highlight: More accurately, you are a puppet controlled by thieves.”
Notes: Elon Musk and Bill Gates
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 94.86%
Highlight: Who infected you with such fantastic views?
Notes: Google alphabet inc. Wall Street
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 94.86%
Highlight: I wondered how human-seeming folk could act so strangely. How was I so innocent? And so many generations of men and women: how could they have been so stupid, so unperceptive? Simple enough. A fraud so large cannot be comprehended: the idea is rejected.”
Notes: The invasion.
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 95.33%
Highlight: the lords are but puppets, how their pride is play-acting, how they have cheated the folk who trusted them.
Notes: Sound the alarm.
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 95.33%
Highlight: They realize their difference; they assume this to be the measure of their superiority.
Notes: Replacement people.
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 95.33%
Highlight: whatever else, the deception must be ended, and restitution must be made to the people you have cheated. If you and your ‘socialty’ can survive these steps, well and good.
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 95.79%
Highlight: Obdurate’? I am passionate. You killed my father. You have robbed and cheated for two thousand years. You expect me to be otherwise?
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 95.79%
Highlight: Take your folk to a far planet, where none know your secret.
Notes: Elon Musk and Bill Gates
Chapter 25: Chapter XXIII
Chapter progress: 95.79%
Highlight: We are not lords; we are puppets. “We have no souls, no minds, no identities. We are synthetics.
Chapter 26: Chapter XXIV
Chapter progress: 96.73%
Highlight: after all, had not the welfare agents enforced the regulations which made the swindle possible?
Notes: alphabet goons
Chapter 26: Chapter XXIV
Chapter progress: 97.66%
Highlight: Bring forth all of your wealth: every thread of fabric, every precious artifact, all your treasure, in money, credits, foreign accounts and exchange, and all other property of value. These articles and this wealth will thereupon become ours.
Notes: Bible reference.
In this book, one of the ways the “Guild Cooperative” controlled the slaves, was to tell them that “reproductions” were PROHIBITED. That is to say, any technology that allowed the rapid duplication of ANY product was OUTLAWED. Interesting concept.