Moon Man by Bart Sibrel book review

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You are conditioned to believe ignorant nonsense. Including the Moon Landing hoax perpetrated by our captured, corrupt government, and their paid-off, mockingbird counterparts.

You sleep very soundly with the words of Neil Armstrong, Wernher von Braun, and Walter Cronkite dancing through your fluoride addled brain, like a Norman 666 Rockwell painting.

To you and your family, the sacrament of the Moon Landing is irrefutable.

I apply the talcum powder to my hand, I peer apologetically into your soul, you are weak.


Alarmed, you look up at me, your cheek is reddened by my furious truth slap.

You turn to your screen for answers.

Your screen answers, “Cover your mouth and nose, cover the children’s mouth and nose and do not question your slavery. Proceed to treatment facility for processing.”

Yes, they killed Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger B. Chaffee. Apollo 1 sacrifice to CIA slavery.

Yes, they will kill you if you have any of their fake moon rocks.

Yes, they destroyed ALL original pictures and videos from the Moon.

Yes, they destroyed the schematics of their “spacecraft”.

Yes, they destroyed the telemetry data.

Yes, they own everything. (CIA/WALL STREET/Debt Slavery System)

No, they cannot traverse the “Van Allen belts”.

No, they cannot condition the air of the LEM in plus/minus two hundred degree temperature deltas.

No, they cannot return to the moon.

When will you condemn your FALSE DOCTRINE?

When will you give up this disgusting fornication?

Perhaps they will allow you to believe secret Nazi technology brought the crew home? Perhaps, your blind faith IN THE DEVIL (CIA/NASA) will allow you to believe in the MIRACLE of Americans on the moon, on the first attempt, with 1969 technology, within the eight year span of alleged NASA development; after every president, for the last fifty years, has announced our intention to return, yet, we cannot make it happen with infinitely better ‘Moore’s law’ technology.

Wake up my friend. Do not make me slap you again. It may be too late.

What rings hollow to me about Mr. Sibrel’s CIA kidnapping story is his experience with the “whitehat’s”. Or, what he describes as the “good” faction of cloak and dagger imbeciles within our government, who are apparently so righteous, they still must use the cover of secrecy and hidden tactics to fight the bad guys at the CIA. So as not to disrupt the unlawful American system too much, or, their entire universe would be tipped from balance and fall into a cesspool of garbage.

So, no, Mr. Sibrel, you are mistaken. There are no good guys fighting against the secret factions of the CIA under the veil of secrecy, because that makes them cowards and liars, and just as worthless as the CIA goons that unlawfully kidnapped and drugged you.

A hidden faction of government good guys that do not present themselves to US, the people, are worthless, pusillanimous NPCs.

Some of my highlights:

Moon Man: The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List by Bart Sibrel

Book last read: 2022-08-22 10:46:20
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 2: Chapter One
Chapter progress: 6.53%
Highlight: Today the term “Predictive Programming” is used to describe the psychological tactic of emotionally imprinting a concept through media arts in order for the masses to accept the future perceived reality of what they are being programmed to believe as real, even though it is not, through fictionalized television and cinema.

Chapter 2: Chapter One
Chapter progress: 7.54%
Highlight: a citizenry perpetually asleep and collectively dreaming an immorally contrived, grandiose, corrupt, government agency-driven delusion.
Notes: USA.

Chapter 2: Chapter One
Chapter progress: 10.05%
Highlight: By the time they lift their hypnotized eyes off of their screens, they will be looking up at the physicians surrounding their deathbeds.
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.

Chapter 2: Chapter One
Chapter progress: 10.55%
Highlight: Like a disciplined athlete refusing sugary sweets, the citizen addicted to the Moon landing candy, which was fed to them since birth from their beloved and respected leaders, must be willfully laid down and the sobering painful truth must be openly welcomed, otherwise America will never attain its cure.

Chapter 2: Chapter One
Chapter progress: 11.06%
Highlight: So many of us fear when we see a police officer, rather than welcoming them as our beloved brother or sister, because we know that they are an agent of this runaway, power hungry, fine-collecting, harsh, and cruel governmental system, that fakes Moon landings, kills presidents, and taxes the middle class at three times a higher percentage than the wealthy.

Chapter 3: Chapter Two
Chapter progress: 12.06%
Highlight: Despite their technical supremacy in space the Soviets never sent a man to the Moon, not even once in the last fifty years.

Chapter 3: Chapter Two
Chapter progress: 12.06%
Highlight: American astronauts did not achieve a full orbit of Earth until 1962, by which time the end of the decade was only eight and a half years into the future.

Chapter 4: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 16.08%
Highlight: A few years ago William Binney, who served for thirty-two years as a high-ranking intelligence officer with the National Security Agency (NSA), an offshoot of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), became a “whistleblower
Notes: Listening to extort. No charges. No law in USA.

Chapter 5: Chapter Four
Chapter progress: 23.12%
Highlight: This is how this man looked when I stared into his eyes. It was as if he had no soul.
Notes: CIA

Chapter 5: Chapter Four
Chapter progress: 24.62%
Highlight: It was disclosed about ten years ago that the United States federal government has about as many domestic spy offices in America as there are Starbucks, or some five thousand!
Notes: How can we kill you?

Chapter 5: Chapter Four
Chapter progress: 25.13%
Highlight: Still, no one does anything about any of this, including the recently acknowledged telephone spying on Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, and members of Congress and the Senate, done so in order to blackmail them!
Notes: Zero accountability.

Chapter 5: Chapter Four
Chapter progress: 25.13%
Highlight: Iran-Contra Presidential Scandal, wherein the CIA was caught secretly selling weapons to engage in foreign wars that were specifically prohibited by congressional legislation.

Chapter 5: Chapter Four
Chapter progress: 27.64%
Highlight: dead and mangled on a railroad track, as had happened before to a NAA employee Thomas Baron who would not cooperate with the Apollo cover up.
Notes: CIA whack job.

Chapter 7: Chapter Six
Chapter progress: 37.69%
Highlight: This is precisely why one hundred percent of one thousand five hundred mainstream media outlets surveyed fully supports the CIA-initiated overthrow of the democratically elected government of Venezuela, thusly
one hundred percent of them are under the direct ownership or control of the CIA.

Chapter 7: Chapter Six
Chapter progress: 37.69%
Highlight: If the corrupt CIA’s mainstream media continually praises one government leader, then no doubt the truth is that this individual is really highly corrupt. If the CIA’s mainstream media continually criticizes another government leader, then it must be that this one is trying to expose their corruption.

Chapter 7: Chapter Six
Chapter progress: 40.2%
Highlight: If the truth about this Apollo fraud continues to be swept under the rug again and again, as countless presidential cowards have done before, then America will be forever sealed with the stamp of deception and corruption.

Chapter 8: Chapter Seven
Chapter progress: 41.21%
Highlight: There has never been a single instance in the entire history of the world in which a technological advancement was made and then not improved upon, or even duplicated, fifty years later… never… ever… except the supposed Moon landings.

Chapter 8: Chapter Seven
Chapter progress: 42.71%
Highlight: The bad thing about being right all the time, is that a person cannot learn anything new, and is living in a self-deceived state, which is the very worst kind of deception.

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 59.8%
Highlight: Think about this. America has been engaged in a profitable war of some kind for ninety percent of its short history, yet never with Russia or China. As such, Russia and China are, in fact, allies of the United States, despite the CIA’s mainstream media fabrications which portray them, for financial gain, as “adversaries”, as trillions of dollars in annual mutually beneficial trading with these two countries proves.

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 60.3%
Highlight: Any “bad blood” the United States appears to have with these foreign powers is simply staged, just like the Moon landings were, in order to keep trillions of dollars in profitable military spending flowing.

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 61.31%
Highlight: The fact that billions of American’s hard-earned tax dollars are being spent each and every year by corrupt elements of the United States government’s federal agencies for the very purpose of concealing their own past wrongdoings, by investing in so many covert media resources that perpetually lie to their own citizens through the internet and news media, is utterly disgusting and beyond criminal.

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 63.82%
Highlight: The only time human beings have claimed to have traveled through the deadly Van Allen radiation belts is during the alleged Apollo missions. All other manned space missions, from every country, including the US, have all orbited below this dangerous radiation zone specifically out of safety concerns for this lethal radiation above them.

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 64.32%
Highlight: When Bush Jr. was president in 2003, he went on national television and proclaimed, “The United States will return to the Moon as a logical first step to Mars and beyond.” Did no one besides a few ardent researchers like me notice that if they already had really been to the Moon six times, then why in the world would they need to do a “first” step over again for the seventh time?

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 64.32%
Highlight: Bush Jr. went on to say that “We will put a man on the moon by 2020.” Am I, again, the only journalist in the entire world to wonder why, with 1960s technology that predated VCRs and cell phones, that it only took eight years to go from scratch to walking on the Moon,

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 64.82%
Highlight: Amazing isn’t it, that with virgin 1960s technology NASA claimed that it had astronauts walking on the Moon only eight years after President Kennedy’s goal, yet their own scientists say that it will take fifteen years instead of eight to figure out how to “repeat” the task, even after having allegedly done it before!

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 69.35%
Highlight: In fact, there was so little actual original footage available of the claimed “greatest event of mankind”, that it is said that the director had to resort to renting VHS tapes of the alleged Moon missions from Blockbuster Video, in order to have at least some version of the vanished NASA footage!

Chapter 10: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 72.86%
Highlight: The CIA’s own historians and other Pentagon officials finally admitted to the “Gulf of Tonkin deception” in 2005.

Chapter 11: Chapter Ten
Chapter progress: 75.38%
Highlight: with the government’s admitted “misplaced” 2.3 trillion dollars, I believe they purchased
Google, YouTube, Facebook, AT&T, as well as many other communication and television companies,

Chapter 11: Chapter Ten
Chapter progress: 75.38%
Highlight: The reason why Google’s parent company is called Alphabet Inc. is because this has long been a Pentagon byword for the federal government’s conglomeration of tyrannical agencies; CIA, NSA, NRO, FBI, IRS, DEA, DOD, DHS, etc.

Chapter 11: Chapter Ten
Chapter progress: 77.89%
Highlight: Thusly, can you even imagine the complete control that the CIA’s “news media” has today over people’s false perception of what is really going on?

Chapter 11: Chapter Ten
Chapter progress: 80.4%
Highlight: Do you see how upside-down reality is portrayed by the CIA’s television “news”, where misrepresentations are presented as truth and where truth is presented as a misrepresentation?

Chapter 11: Chapter Ten
Chapter progress: 84.42%
Highlight: Remember Carl Bernstein reported that the CIA’s own documents disclosed that the CIA had at least 400 network executives and “journalists” working for them – and that was more than forty years ago when it was regulated ten times more than now.

Chapter 11: Chapter Ten
Chapter progress: 84.92%
Highlight: university”. In my opinion, it means “universally conformed thinking”. “Institutions” are there to institute
conformity of human thought, so that people who attend these institutes “of learning” (really programming) become “universal” in their thinking, and therefore are easier to control by those who run the world, who naturally, are the very ones who own and finance the universities!

Chapter 12: Chapter Eleven
Chapter progress: 88.94%
Highlight: Everything was assumed, by trusting some other unseen division in the organization.
Notes: NASA