Omoo by Herman Melville book review

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The unchallenged freedom of walking around Tahiti, enjoying free thought, free action, without face mask or bio-invasive testing and/or injections. A world lost to history.

If I were to travel to Tahiti without a face mask or some kind of test for garbage medical “science” people, I would certainly be arrested and put in FEMA prison camp.

In this story, two adventurers walk around the beautiful island of Tahiti, enjoying the native’s hospitality.

Trying this today will get you killed. Because American idiots made everybody, on every island, put on the face mask and take a fake test to satisfy a depopulation injection program. The natives are restless, and they’re going to kill US.

Will freedom like this ever return? Only after the complete destruction of the system.

Herman Melville confronts the evidence of Euro Colonialism, the destruction of native culture, and the invasive lies of the abominable church.

Enjoy this wonderful book about free travel, thought, and action by Herman Melville.

Omoo by Herman Melville

Some of my highlights:

Chapter 56: CHAPTER III.
Chapter progress: 5.17%
Highlight: But, upon the whole, he was remarkably quiet, though something in his eye showed he was far from being harmless.

Chapter 59: CHAPTER VI.
Chapter progress: 5.41%
Highlight: Indeed, it is almost incredible, the light in which many sailors regard these naked heathens. They hardly consider them human. But it is a curious fact, that the more ignorant and degraded men are, the more contemptuously they look upon those whom they deem their inferiors.
Notes: Repent

Chapter 60: CHAPTER VII.
Chapter progress: 5.43%
Highlight: On one hand was a range of steep green bluffs hundreds of feet high, the white huts of the natives here and there nestling like birds’ nests in deep clefts gushing with verdure.

Chapter 61: CHAPTER VIII.
Chapter progress: 5.54%
Highlight: The blue shark, and a sort of Urim and Thummim engraven upon his chest, were the seal of his initiation.
Notes: Code alert.

Chapter 62: CHAPTER IX.
Chapter progress: 5.62%
Highlight: Here, the sea was alive with large whales, so tame that all you had to do was to go up and kill them: they were too frightened to resist.

Chapter 69: CHAPTER XVI.
Chapter progress: 6.08%
Highlight: While this lively breeze continued, Baltimore, our old black cook, was in great tribulation.
Notes: Jacob’s Trouble.

Chapter 70: CHAPTER XVII.
Chapter progress: 6.12%
Highlight: The longitude he must either have obtained by the Rule of Three, or else by special revelation.

Chapter 70: CHAPTER XVII.
Chapter progress: 6.15%
Highlight: Pomaree, the Queen of Tahiti;

Chapter 70: CHAPTER XVII.
Chapter progress: 6.16%
Highlight: The oysters are found in the lagoons, and about the reefs; and, for half-a-dozen nails a day, or a compensation still less, the natives are hired to dive after them.
Notes: Nails for money.

Chapter 70: CHAPTER XVII.
Chapter progress: 6.18%
Highlight: Upon inhaling it, one of the sick, who had recently shown symptoms of scurvy, cried out in pain, and was carried below. This is no unusual effect in such instances.
Notes: The smell of land.

Chapter 70: CHAPTER XVII.
Chapter progress: 6.18%
Highlight: and these form part of the circulating medium of Tahiti.
Notes: Coconut oil for money.

Chapter 71: CHAPTER XVIII.
Chapter progress: 6.21%
Highlight: Upon a near approach, the picture loses not its attractions. It is no exaggeration to say that, to a European of any sensibility, who, for the first time, wanders back into these valleys — away from the haunts of the natives — the ineffable repose and beauty of the landscape is such, that every object strikes him like something seen in a dream; and for a time he almost refuses to believe that scenes like these should have a commonplace existence.
Notes: TAHITI.

Chapter 71: CHAPTER XVIII.
Chapter progress: 6.21%
Highlight: Their physical beauty and amiable dispositions harmonized completely with the softness of their clime.

Chapter 71: CHAPTER XVIII.
Chapter progress: 6.23%
Highlight: Quiros, the Spaniard, is supposed to have touched at the island; and at intervals, Wallis, Byron, Cook, De Bourgainville, Vancouver, Le Perouse, and other illustrious navigators refitted their vessels in its harbours. Here the famous Transit of Venus was observed, in 1769. Here the memorable mutiny of the Bounty afterwards had its origin.
Notes: Tahiti. Lockdown for health and safety.

Chapter 72: CHAPTER XIX.
Chapter progress: 6.24%
Highlight: She was firing a salute, which afterwards turned out to be in honour of a treaty; or rather — as far as the natives were concerned — a forced cession of Tahiti to the French,
Notes: Traveling clown show.

Chapter 75: CHAPTER XXII.
Chapter progress: 6.53%
Highlight: But anything like neutrality was out of the question; and unconditional submission
Notes: Face mask compliance.

Chapter 80: CHAPTER XXVII.
Chapter progress: 6.87%
Highlight: The squalid huts of the common people are out of sight, and there is nothing to mar the prospect.

Chapter progress: 6.95%
Highlight: his whole physical vigour seemed exhausted in the production of one enormous moustache.

Chapter 82: CHAPTER XXIX.
Chapter progress: 7.0%
Highlight: How few sea-battles have the French ever won! But more: how few ships have they ever carried by the board — that true criterion of naval courage!
Notes: Haha the French.

Chapter 83: CHAPTER XXX.
Chapter progress: 7.08%
Highlight: A man of any education before the mast is always looked upon with dislike by his captain; and, never mind how peaceable he may be, should any disturbance arise, from his intellectual superiority, he is deemed to exert an underhand influence against the officers.

Chapter 85: CHAPTER XXXII.
Chapter progress: 7.27%
Highlight: sought to terrify her into compliance with his demands;
Notes: Corporate bastards.

Chapter progress: 7.62%
Highlight: Masses and chants were nothing more than evil spells. As for the priests themselves, they were no better than diabolical sorcerers; like those who, in old times, terrified

Chapter 98: CHAPTER XLIV.
Chapter progress: 8.17%
Highlight: It suggests the idea of worm-eaten idols packed away in some old lumber-room at hand.

Chapter 102: CHAPTER XLVIII.
Chapter progress: 8.5%
Highlight: They went even further at the Sandwich Islands; where, a few years ago, a playground for the children of the missionaries was enclosed with a fence many feet high, the more effectually to exclude the wicked little Hawaiians.

Chapter 103: CHAPTER XLIX.
Chapter progress: 8.53%
Highlight: It has been said that the only way to civilize a people is to form in them habits of industry.

Chapter 103: CHAPTER XLIX.
Chapter progress: 8.58%
Highlight: We want no other salvation than to live in this world. Where are there any saved through your speech? Pomaree is dead; and we are all dying with your cursed diseases. When will you give over?
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 123: CHAPTER LXIX.
Chapter progress: 9.94%
Highlight: Even tracts of clear land, which, with so little pains, might be made to wave with orchards,

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