Shakespeare’s Planet by Clifford Simak book review

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Are you living in the material world?

Are you afraid of dying? Has pseudo-science brought you to the brink of suicide? Have you selected suicide through pseudo-science?

What is trans-humanism? Do not worship the robots. Elayne will follow the slug people through the portal. But not before CARTER HORTON makes love to her. Carnivore is your friendly companion but the fuckin robot doesn’t like dogs.

The dragon is caught in a time capsule. The portal is opened by the slug people, simultaneously releasing: THE DRAGON, THE POND MONSTER (sentient, brackish, pond water), AND THE CARNIVORE.

A guy names himself Shakespeare on a far away planet that includes strange energies from space (the GOD hour). Shakespeare didn’t understand THE CARNIVORE. Do you understand the LION?

Some of my highlights:

Shakespeare’s Planet by Clifford D. Simak

Book last read: 2021-09-06 20:19:31
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 2.48%
Highlight: One by one, it came to them in those tiny intervals when they were truly honest with them selves, that the nagging doubts which hounded them might be more important than the pride.
Notes: Covid Cult

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 13.04%
Highlight: We will have a look at it, said this madman of a robot, Then it is all settled?
Notes: AI garbage

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 15.53%
Highlight: THE brain-that-once-had-been-a-monk was frightened, and the fright brought honesty.
Notes: Bullshit Christian preachers

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 15.53%
Highlight: For the first time, thinking thus, he was able to admit what he never had been able to admit before, or honest enough to admit before-that he had seized the opportunity to become the servant of science to escape the fear of death.
Notes: Covid morons

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 17.39%
Highlight: Fear, he thought-a man hounded all his life by fear-if not a fear of death, then the fear of life itself.
Notes: Mask wearing morons

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 26.71%
Highlight: The human race can come up with some peculiar notions. One friend ingesting another friend as a gesture of respect. Among prehistoric people, there was ritual cannibalism-doing a true friend or a great man a special honor by the eating of him.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 44.1%
Highlight: And history. That is even worse. We dont have history; we have legend. Some of the legend probably is history, but we cant be sure which is history and which is not.
Notes: Amnesia

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 46.58%
Highlight: a sense of self-worth that is sufficiently strong to maintain you anywhere, no matter what sort of situation you may get yourself into.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 49.07%
Highlight: And was that, he asked himself, the way to defeat the sense of lostness-to no longer need a home?

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 54.04%
Highlight: The logic of mankind, said the scientist, is a poor reed to lean upon. It is a logic dictated by observation and despite our many marvelous instruments, our observations were severely restricted.
Notes: Pseudo medical science

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 54.66%
Highlight: In all frankness, I think it was not so much the causes that motivated me as the opportunity which they gave me to hold and exercise certain positions of power.
Notes: Anthony Fauci

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 69.57%
Highlight: Less than five centuries before this morning in the bean patch, the Earth had faltered to a halt, not in war, but in worldwide economic collapse.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 69.57%
Highlight: Government had disappeared; industry, communications and trade had ground to a halt and, for a time, there had been anarchy and chaos.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 70.81%
Highlight: Build and manufacture for permanence and not for obsolescence; with the profit system swept away, obsolescence had become not only criminal, but ridiculous.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 83.23%
Highlight: We have not experienced it, I am sure, said the scientist, because our minds, which are better trained and disciplined.
Notes: Pseudo science denying life.

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 83.85%
Highlight: And Im talking not only about myself, with my pettiness, which I am quite willing to confess, but you, Sir Scientist, with your exaggerated scientific viewpoint that you tend to flaunt to prove your superiority over a simpleminded, flighty woman and a dumb bunny of a monk
Notes: Scientific fakery

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 83.85%
Highlight: Id like to see the look on the faces of all those weighty neurologists and those bird-brained psychologists who worked out the scenario for us if they could only know how all their calculations worked out in actuality. Of course, all of them are dead by now�
Notes: rejoice. The death of scientific materialism

Chapter 0: Start
Chapter progress: 93.79%
Highlight: Time is still the great mystery to us. It is no more than a concept; we dont know if it even exists.


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