The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges book review

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I speak the language of the birds.

Nobody understands what I’m saying.

Why did gnostic men encode alchemical magick in stone carvings from the dark ages?

The carvings are inferior to anything the Renaissance produced.

Yet, Fulcanelli assures us the meaning is superior.

Gothique is the shit.

Is this true?

Who cares?

Secret Snake Religion.

Snake on staff with all seeing eye, orgones, pentagram, astrology, The Phallic Symbol of Horus.

Help us, God.


Make your way to the PERUVIAN CAVE COMPLEX.

Go there now, ELITE PEOPLE, it’s time to make your way.

It’s time for your EXODUS.

The Cross of Hendaye; Not a very impressive stone monument, from the not so distant past, plagued with provenance failure.

The cross is said to represent the story of our REOCCURRING catastrophe. (Not really a mystery or secret. It’s happening again, right now.)

According to secret society, “Fullcanelli”.

Coded messages badly carved in stone. Cross of Hendaye

All respect to alchemical magick people.

I love all secret society people.

It’s too bad you worship Black Modonna, All Seeing Eye, Isis the Sun God, Pyramid Power, and the Phallic of Horus.

Have a wonderful rapture.



The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Jay Weidner

This book in simpatico: Earth Under Fire by Paul LaViolette

My Highlights:

The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Jay Weidner

Book last read: 2023-08-23 13:59:48
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 5: Preface: Hendaye: A Monument to the Cosmos
Chapter progress: 2.58%
Highlight: No longer are our ancestors valued for their wisdom or knowledge.

Chapter 5: Preface: Hendaye: A Monument to the Cosmos
Chapter progress: 2.58%
Highlight: Fulcanelli attempted to correct when he wrote his masterpiece Le Mystère des cathédrales, or Mystery of the Cathedrals, in 1926.

Chapter 6: Introduction: The Politics of Secrecy: Fulcanelli and the Secret of the End of Time
Chapter progress: 4.73%
Highlight: Yes, it’s true. We are about to receive a cosmic wake-up call from the center of the galaxy.

Chapter 6: Introduction: The Politics of Secrecy: Fulcanelli and the Secret of the End of Time
Chapter progress: 4.73%
Highlight: Science has given the appearance of abdicating its responsibility for interpreting its own findings.

Chapter 9: The Apocalypse, the Lost Generation, and the Rediscovery of Alchemy
Chapter progress: 5.38%
Highlight: If we think of it at all, we assign the Great War an emotional value somewhere between a massive industrial accident and the migration of lemmings to the sea.

Chapter 9: The Apocalypse, the Lost Generation, and the Rediscovery of Alchemy
Chapter progress: 5.59%
Highlight: It was also the beginning of the end of time itself.2

Notes: Paris in the 20s

Chapter 10: Le Mystère des cathédrales, Alchemy, and Surrealism
Chapter progress: 6.88%
Highlight: the interchangeability of reality and language . . . is the base and the principal key of all hermetic activity.

Chapter 11: A New Chapter
Chapter progress: 9.03%
Highlight: Shocked to his core, Canseliet recognized the face of the young woman as that of his master, Fulcanelli.

Notes: Trans confusion.

Chapter 18: The Underground Stream: From Egypt to the Middle Ages
Chapter progress: 12.9%
Highlight: The Islamic Sufi alchemists of the tenth and eleventh centuries collaborated with the Jewish kabbalists of Spain and reestablished medicine and philosophy.

Notes: Ish people enter stage left.

Chapter 18: The Underground Stream: From Egypt to the Middle Ages
Chapter progress: 12.9%
Highlight: In the next one hundred years, alchemy became chemistry and the secret knowledge became the property of the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons, and the occultists.

Chapter 21: Transformations and Transcendence
Chapter progress: 15.27%
Highlight: The final secret of alchemy lies in an approaching moment of planetary crisis that is—perhaps—as Fulcanelli said, the end of
Notes: Crossing fingers.

Chapter 24: The Gnostic Return: Isis and Mary the Alchemist
Chapter progress: 15.7%
Highlight: like modern Christian fundamentalists, the Gnostics yearned for the

Chapter 24: The Gnostic Return: Isis and Mary the Alchemist
Chapter progress: 15.7%
Highlight: Gnostic, as opposed to orthodox and apostolic, Christianity.

Chapter 25: The Alchemical Eschatology of Christianity
Chapter progress: 16.77%
Highlight: the word prophecy comes from the Greek and means “ecstatic utterance”

Chapter 26: Revelation, the Antichrist, and Chiliasm
Chapter progress: 18.28%
Highlight: They will, in any case, be vindicated when Christ returns to destroy the

Chapter 30: The Teli, the Cycle, and the Heart: Serpents in the Sky
Chapter progress: 20.22%
Highlight: the law of threes, and the dialectical trio of thesis, antithesis, and

Chapter 30: The Teli, the Cycle, and the Heart: Serpents in the Sky
Chapter progress: 21.29%
Highlight: Together they pulsate in harmonic fractals of the same wave.

Notes: Celestial snow globe.

Chapter 31: The Kaaba, the El Most High, and the Covenant of Abraham
Chapter progress: 21.94%
Highlight: Psalm 118 (22–23): “The stone the builders rejected has become the head of the corner;

Chapter 31: The Kaaba, the El Most High, and the Covenant of Abraham
Chapter progress: 22.58%
Highlight: From this point on, Abraham’s descendants were the chosen

Chapter 32: Islam: Sanctuary of Sacred Science
Chapter progress: 23.01%
Highlight: He could speak with authority because he had rediscovered the window into the cycles of time,

Chapter 32: Islam: Sanctuary of Sacred Science
Chapter progress: 23.66%
Highlight: These eternal feasts are attended by nubile beauties whom neither age nor weariness nor death can mar.
Notes: Allah akbar.

Chapter 32: Islam: Sanctuary of Sacred Science
Chapter progress: 23.66%
Highlight: Empyrean in this sense refers to the highest of heavens,

Chapter 32: Islam: Sanctuary of Sacred Science
Chapter progress: 24.3%
Highlight: Because of the contact between the Templars and the Islamic scientists, Europe enjoyed an unparalleled spiritual renaissance, the era of the Gothic cathedrals.

Chapter 36: The Alchemical Pope and the Creation of the Millennium
Chapter progress: 25.59%
Highlight: For the next thirty-three years,
Notes: Bingo

Chapter 36: The Alchemical Pope and the Creation of the Millennium
Chapter progress: 26.45%
Highlight: Peace of God movement, which would inspire both the First Crusade and the newly emerging popular heresies,
Notes: Lol

Chapter 36: The Alchemical Pope and the Creation of the Millennium
Chapter progress: 26.88%
Highlight: the pope, the emperor, and the caliph
Notes: Walk into a bar.

Chapter 37: Peter the Hermit, the First Crusade, and the Rock of Zion
Chapter progress: 27.1%
Highlight: The First Crusade stands as a kind of human monument to belief in the end of the world.

Chapter 37: Peter the Hermit, the First Crusade, and the Rock of Zion
Chapter progress: 27.1%
Highlight: In central Europe, these refugees were Kazars, or what would become the Ashkenazi Jews; in Asia Minor, they were known as the Seljuks.
Notes: [KM]

Chapter 37: Peter the Hermit, the First Crusade, and the Rock of Zion
Chapter progress: 27.31%
Highlight: Eighteenth-century engraving of the Council of Clermont.

On Tuesday morning, November 27, 1095,
Notes: The image is dated 700 years after the event. Take note.

Chapter 37: Peter the Hermit, the First Crusade, and the Rock of Zion
Chapter progress: 27.53%
Highlight: Let rich and poor march together and leave off killing each other for the greater good of killing the godless Turks.
Notes: Aliens on arrival.

Chapter 37: Peter the Hermit, the First Crusade, and the Rock of Zion
Chapter progress: 28.39%
Highlight: the Chroniclers believed him to be a descendant of the lost line of Merovingian kings and therefore perhaps a direct descendant of Solomon and the House of David, and perhaps even Jesus himself.

Chapter 38: The Secret of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon
Chapter progress: 28.6%
Highlight: The Merovingians, whether or not they were descended from Christ, were indeed practical alchemists and wizard kings.

Chapter 38: The Secret of the Knights of the Temple of Solomon
Chapter progress: 29.25%
Highlight: is possible that what the Order of Zion found, perhaps in the ruins of the Temple of Solomon, was the best prima materia possible, a piece of the Black Stone, the meteorite from Mecca.22 Just possibly, this was the true “rock of Zion” on which the kingdom of Jerusalem was founded.

Notes: Blackrock LLC.

Chapter 41: The Grail in Provence
Chapter progress: 32.04%
Highlight: faith that was at least superficially Christian but actually illuminated, from within as it were, by the antiquity of its goddess worship.

Chapter 42: The Perfecti
Chapter progress: 33.55%
Highlight: The Fourth Crusade and the Crusade against the Cathars were waged against fellow Christians.

Chapter 42: The Perfecti
Chapter progress: 33.98%
Highlight: The true church is the one that is persecuted, not the one that persecutes.

Chapter 43: The Stone of the Wise
Chapter progress: 35.27%
Highlight: Hellenistic Gnosticism of first-century Jewish mysticism,
Notes: Lol

Chapter 43: The Stone of the Wise
Chapter progress: 36.13%
Highlight: pearl of great price, the core of the Cathar beliefs.

Chapter 44: Elijah, Eschatology, and the Underground Stream
Chapter progress: 36.56%
Highlight: Genghis Khan of the Mongol horde,
Notes: Anti christ ref.

Chapter 44: Elijah, Eschatology, and the Underground Stream
Chapter progress: 36.99%
Highlight: Catharism seemed to be the correct religion for the court of love at Camelot,

Chapter 46: The Hermetic Cathedrals
Chapter progress: 37.63%
Highlight: Why did western Europe build so many churches in the three hundred years after the year 1000?

Chapter 46: The Hermetic Cathedrals
Chapter progress: 37.63%
Highlight: Hebrew mystics of the Bahir

Chapter 48: The Gothic Cathedrals of Our Lady
Chapter progress: 39.78%
Highlight: Hence, the eight-rayed star became sacred to Mary,

Chapter 49: The Stone That Fell from Heaven, Black Virgins, and the Temple of the Grail
Chapter progress: 41.08%
Highlight: petrified sperm of the sky god.

Chapter 50: The Philosophers’ Church
Chapter progress: 43.01%
Highlight: Zeus is the father/son/lover of the Great Mother.
Notes: rediculous hermetic greek roman garbage.

Chapter 53: Fulcanelli’s Notre-Dame-de-Paris
Chapter progress: 44.3%
Highlight: when we internalize the symbols to the point that the hidden message floats
Notes: Alchemical floaties.

Chapter 54: Our Hermetic Tour Guide Poses a Conundrum
Chapter progress: 44.95%
Highlight: Feast of Fools,
Notes: Pagan christmas helliday.

Chapter 54: Our Hermetic Tour Guide Poses a Conundrum
Chapter progress: 44.95%
Highlight: Feast of the Donkey, is part of the Easter celebration and traditionally marked the spring equinox or the Annunciation of the Virgin, Christ’s conception day.
Notes: Happy rabbit ears colored eggs.

Chapter 55: Solving the Conundrum
Chapter progress: 45.16%
Highlight: January 6, the Feast of the Epiphany.
Notes: Fake insurection.

Chapter 55: Solving the Conundrum
Chapter progress: 45.38%
Highlight: Within these guilds were many heretical ideas, some of which would surface centuries later as part of Freemasonry.

Chapter 55: Solving the Conundrum
Chapter progress: 45.59%
Highlight: seen originally as the vulva of the Mother Goddess Allat

Chapter 55: Solving the Conundrum
Chapter progress: 46.02%
Highlight: But to uncover that secret, to find the disguised science hidden in the cathedrals, requires an intellectual quest of the highest order.

Chapter 56: Saint Marcel’s Dragon
Chapter progress: 46.88%
Highlight: chaotic deluge of allusions and interconnections.
Notes: Yes.

Chapter 56: Saint Marcel’s Dragon
Chapter progress: 46.88%
Highlight: We may take this as evidence that the secret of astro-alchemy is truly displayed on the Gothic cathedral of Notre Dame.

Chapter 57: The World Tree and Astro-Alchemy
Chapter progress: 47.53%
Highlight: a spiritual rapport with the stars can produce information not available to the senses.
Notes: New age.

Chapter 57: The World Tree and Astro-Alchemy
Chapter progress: 47.74%
Highlight: William Stirling wrote the first formal explication of it since Vitruvius in ancient Rome. Published anonymously in 1897, his book, entitled The Canon: An Exposition of the Pagan Mystery Perpetuated in the Cabala as the Rule of All Art,

Chapter 59: Le Mystère as the Tree of Life
Chapter progress: 48.82%
Highlight: The Passover lamb roasted on a cross of transformation makes a good literal symbol of God’s mercy.
Notes: Does it?

Chapter 59: Le Mystère as the Tree of Life
Chapter progress: 49.25%
Highlight: their epic examination of the transmission of precessional information through the medium of mythology in Hamlet’s Mill.

Chapter 59: Le Mystère as the Tree of Life
Chapter progress: 49.25%
Highlight: In Christ’s Garden, there is a well, in the well there is a stone, under the stone lies a golden scorpion.”

Chapter 59: Le Mystère as the Tree of Life
Chapter progress: 49.68%
Highlight: Sig Lonegren’s Labyrinths: Ancient Myths and Modern Uses,5

Chapter 59: Le Mystère as the Tree of Life
Chapter progress: 50.32%
Highlight: All churches,” Fulcanelli reminds us, “have their apse turned toward the south-east, their front toward the north-west, while the transepts, forming the arms of the cross, are directed to the north-east and the south-west.
Notes: Create powerful temple with ease.

Chapter 59: Le Mystère as the Tree of Life
Chapter progress: 51.61%
Highlight: Then he jumps to Phrygia, where the Goddess was worshipped as a black stone that fell from heaven, echoing the lapsit exillis of Wolfram’s Parzival.

Chapter 59: Le Mystère as the Tree of Life
Chapter progress: 51.83%
Highlight: tall, narrow stone statue, holding a book in one hand and a snake in the other.
Notes: The snake!

Chapter 60: The Alchemy of Light: Fulcanelli’s Kabbalah
Chapter progress: 52.69%
Highlight: Filling in the rest of the Tree with these symbols reveals the ongoing alchemical process of creation.

Notes: Reference upon reference. And it all boils down to isis worship. The goddess of the pyramid. According to the GD templars. Did u really mean to put the children in a face mask u secret gnostic fucks?

Chapter 60: The Alchemy of Light: Fulcanelli’s Kabbalah
Chapter progress: 53.12%
Highlight: The message is the medium, language contains its own gnosis, and initiation truly is, as the Grail legends declare, the ability

Chapter 60: The Alchemy of Light: Fulcanelli’s Kabbalah
Chapter progress: 53.98%
Highlight: Fulcanelli is here constrained by his vow to the secret society from which he learned these important truths.
Notes: secret socities are killing us.

Chapter 64: Precessional Mythmaking and an Enigmatic Altar to the God of Time
Chapter progress: 55.05%
Highlight: History and Chronology of the Myth-Making Age, by James F. Hewitt,

Chapter 64: Precessional Mythmaking and an Enigmatic Altar to the God of Time
Chapter progress: 55.91%
Highlight: Ruling Races of Prehistoric Times, published in 1894

Chapter 68: Triangulating the Myth and the Message
Chapter progress: 59.57%
Highlight: It is the Gospel according to Science,

Chapter 69: Deciphering the Code
Chapter progress: 61.94%
Highlight: The Last Judgment begins when the Great Cross is formed, at the equinox period when Leo/Aquarius forms a right angle with Scorpio/Taurus.

Notes: Fire.

Chapter 70: The Monument Speaks: The Season of the Apocalypse
Chapter progress: 62.37%
Highlight: Figure 11.12.
Notes: Great image.

Chapter 70: The Monument Speaks: The Season of the Apocalypse
Chapter progress: 62.8%
Highlight: cyclical disaster by means of celestial fire.

Chapter 70: The Monument Speaks: The Season of the Apocalypse
Chapter progress: 63.01%
Highlight: And this does in fact locate the “fatal period,” with September 22, 2002, the equinox of the Great Cross, as the midway point of the period.

Chapter 70: The Monument Speaks: The Season of the Apocalypse
Chapter progress: 63.01%
Highlight: earthly location of the heavenly kingdom.
Notes: Oh no.

Chapter 70: The Monument Speaks: The Season of the Apocalypse
Chapter progress: 63.87%
Highlight: The galactic core was not officially discovered until 1917, and yet they, as well as the Maya and the Tibetans, clearly knew.

Chapter 71: The Philosopher’s Stone and the Quality of Time
Chapter progress: 63.87%
Highlight: The end of the world has been predicted many times before, and since those predictions have failed to come true, why would the prophecy encoded in the Hendaye cross be any different? If the end is coming, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy based on our capacity to destroy ourselves. Cosmology would seem to have little to do with it.

Chapter 71: The Philosopher’s Stone and the Quality of Time
Chapter progress: 64.09%
Highlight: an alignment preserved to this day by the location of the Black Stone in the cube or Kaaba of Mecca.

Chapter 71: The Philosopher’s Stone and the Quality of Time
Chapter progress: 64.09%
Highlight: Kabbalistic theory suggested, however, that if there was one Tree in a world, there should also be a reflection of all four Trees in the multiverse.
Notes: Gag me w spoon.

Chapter 71: The Philosopher’s Stone and the Quality of Time
Chapter progress: 64.3%
Highlight: hidden God of the galactic center

Chapter 73: Cosmic Superimposition: Wilhelm Reich, Orgone, and the Center of the Galaxy
Chapter progress: 64.73%
Highlight: Wilhelm Reich. In Cosmic Superimposition, published in 1951,

Chapter 74: Messages from Many Sources
Chapter progress: 64.95%
Highlight: through Santillana and von Dechend’s book Hamlet’s Mill, and through Terence and Dennis McKenna’s The Invisible Landscape.

Chapter 75: Earth under Fire: The Double Catastrophe Revealed
Chapter progress: 66.02%
Highlight: as predicted in subquantum kinetics.
Notes: Worship snake.

Chapter 75: Earth under Fire: The Double Catastrophe Revealed
Chapter progress: 66.67%
Highlight: They seem to have been deposited there about 13,000 years ago at the end of the Pleistocene era. Hundreds of thousands of these animals died suddenly and inexplicably, including woolly mammoths, giant tree sloths, Arctic foxes, and many others.

Chapter 75: Earth under Fire: The Double Catastrophe Revealed
Chapter progress: 66.88%
Highlight: He points to the many prophecies that indicate our immediate future as one of change and upheaval.

Chapter 77: A Sign Pointing toward Peru
Chapter progress: 68.39%
Highlight: William Sullivan, who had recently published the groundbreaking book The Secret of the Incas.

Chapter 78: Atlantis in the Andes
Chapter progress: 70.32%
Highlight: time of the next cosmic disaster.

Chapter 80: Incan Caves and the Cross at Urcos
Chapter progress: 71.61%
Highlight: Perhaps the most aggravating part about any examination of the history of Peru is that the Spanish wrote it all.

Chapter 80: Incan Caves and the Cross at Urcos
Chapter progress: 72.9%
Highlight: Perhaps the path toward the apocalypse and the path toward spiritual liberation are the same.

Chapter 83: The Cross and the Myth of Time
Chapter progress: 74.84%
Highlight: to the Greeks it was known as omphalos, literally “mother’s penis
Notes: Somebody help us.

Chapter 84: Looking East: A Refuge in the Himalayas
Chapter progress: 75.48%
Highlight: The nagas were dragon-serpents who guarded a treasure deep in the lake.

Chapter 86: Shambhala and the Wheel of Time
Chapter progress: 77.2%
Highlight: James Hilton’s best seller, The Lost Horizon,

Chapter 87: Fourteen: Alchemy and Transcendence
Chapter progress: 78.28%
Highlight: from Notre Dame to Giza and Samye,
Notes: Are they attempting to claim these places are technically equivalent?

Chapter 88: Epilogue: Fulcanelli Revealed
Chapter progress: 79.78%
Highlight: Louis XIV built the Royal Observatory in Paris about the same time the Hendaye cross was carved, and, as Fulcanelli reminds us, placed a Black Virgin in its vaults.
Notes: Alert. Lizard alert code red.

Chapter 88: Epilogue: Fulcanelli Revealed
Chapter progress: 80.22%
Highlight: We may never know who carved the cross,
Notes: Provenance of Hendaye cross questionable.

Chapter 94: Appendix E: The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye
Chapter progress: 84.95%
Highlight: As for the origin of this cross, it is unknown and I was not able to obtain any information at all about the date of its erection.

Chapter 94: Appendix E: The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye
Chapter progress: 84.95%
Highlight: chiliasm,

Chapter 94: Appendix E: The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye
Chapter progress: 86.24%
Highlight: it teaches us that, save for a small number of the élite, we must all perish.
Notes: Thanks for your time.

Chapter 94: Appendix E: The Cyclic Cross of Hendaye
Chapter progress: 86.24%
Highlight: It is the fourth and last age, the Kali Yuga, the age of misery, misfortune and decrepitude.

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