The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino & Giorgio Cattaneo
Book last read: 2023-04-10 18:03:41 Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 0: In The Name of Mikael, The Commander-in-Chief Highlight Chapter progress: 0.94% Highlight: it is not true that the Sun revolves around the Earth,
Chapter 0: In The Name of Mikael, The Commander-in-Chief Annotation Chapter progress: 0.94% Highlight: You don’t belong to the stellar caste of the scholars, the self-appointed exclusive cenacle of the official holders of knowledge. Notes: Lizards only.
Chapter 0: In The Name of Mikael, The Commander-in-Chief Annotation Chapter progress: 1.42% Highlight: Middle Eastern Notes: North Africa.
Chapter 1: Apocalypse: The Misunderstandings of Revelation Annotation Chapter progress: 5.66% Highlight: systems of power tend to exercise tight control over our knowledge about the past. Notes: Temple of the Snake.
Chapter 1: Apocalypse: The Misunderstandings of Revelation Annotation Chapter progress: 6.6% Highlight: You realize that this set of books recounts something very precise: the appearance of superior, non-human beings who genetically ‘manufactured’ Homo sapiens. And that there were many of them, and they were technologically advanced.”
Notes: Techno space religion.
Chapter 1: Apocalypse: The Misunderstandings of Revelation Annotation Chapter progress: 7.08% Highlight: This is a Cabalistic volume from medieval times, composed in Spain by Sephardic Jews.
Notes: Zohar.
Chapter 1: Apocalypse: The Misunderstandings of Revelation Annotation Chapter progress: 7.55% Highlight: Life was packaged like a preserve and brought to Earth.” From where? “From another galaxy, from a planet illuminated by a bright, cold star.” Notes: Techno space religion.
Chapter 3: Controlling the Past to Mortgage the Future Annotation Chapter progress: 13.21% Highlight: Despite the worldwide ecological alarm insistently reiterated in recent years, it is as though the Earth only needed a handful of days to get set to rights. Notes: Techno space climate lockdown religion.
Chapter 3: Controlling the Past to Mortgage the Future Highlight Chapter progress: 14.62% Highlight: universal salary’, in exchange for the transferring of part of our freedoms.”
Chapter 4: The Beginnings: It All Started with the Translation of Genesis Annotation Chapter progress: 16.98% Highlight: I control the past, and by managing knowledge of the past I can manage the present and plan the future.”
Notes: Is this possible?
Chapter 4: The Beginnings: It All Started with the Translation of Genesis Annotation Chapter progress: 16.98% Highlight: kindly note that the Antarctic continent reproduced by Leonardo da Vinci is completely free of Notes: Ice.
Chapter 4: The Beginnings: It All Started with the Translation of Genesis Highlight Chapter progress: 17.45% Highlight: Paolo Rumor’s book.
Chapter 4: The Beginnings: It All Started with the Translation of Genesis Annotation Chapter progress: 18.4% Highlight: chapter 33, verse 16, Notes: We see you.
Chapter 4: The Beginnings: It All Started with the Translation of Genesis Annotation Chapter progress: 19.34% Highlight: Do you understand what that meant to me? To be a part of such a prestigious publishing house? Notes: These damn romans are too reverent.
Chapter 4: The Beginnings: It All Started with the Translation of Genesis Annotation Chapter progress: 20.28% Highlight: The “Ruach” for example – a sort of spaceship, perhaps? And the Kavod? A war machine? A fighter jet of some kind?
Notes: Techno space religion.
Chapter 4: The Beginnings: It All Started with the Translation of Genesis Highlight Chapter progress: 20.28% Highlight: even though translating Yahweh as ‘the Lord’ is a complete fabrication.”
Chapter 5: Bereshit: In the Beginning Annotation Chapter progress: 21.7% Highlight: American President Ronald Reagan had brandished it as a weapon, turning it against the Soviet empire. Notes: Democracy.
Chapter 5: Bereshit: In the Beginning Annotation Chapter progress: 22.64% Highlight: They were great beer drinkers and had introduced the cultivation of wheat. Notes: Ancient astronauts.
Chapter 5: Bereshit: In the Beginning Annotation Chapter progress: 22.64% Highlight: the ancient wandering hunters and gatherers had substantially transformed into sedentary and submissive servants, farmers or soldiers. Notes: “discovery” of agriculture.
Chapter 5: Bereshit: In the Beginning Highlight Chapter progress: 23.11% Highlight: Eden’ is also found in Sumerian-Akkadian texts, where it appears as ‘E-Din’, usually translated as ‘the house of the righteous’.
Chapter 6: Eve, the “Snake” and the Imaginary Apple Highlight Chapter progress: 25.47% Highlight: the ‘snake’ may have raped Eve.
Chapter 6: Eve, the “Snake” and the Imaginary Apple Annotation Chapter progress: 25.94% Highlight: this sin being passed on from father to son – is utterly refuted in the New Testament,” Notes: Attempting to avoid one thousand years of bondage and slavery. TECHNO SPACE RELIGION.
Chapter 6: Eve, the “Snake” and the Imaginary Apple Annotation Chapter progress: 26.42% Highlight: In essence, the art of medicine. Notes: Magick of demons. Doctor MD Sellout.
Chapter 6: Eve, the “Snake” and the Imaginary Apple Annotation Chapter progress: 26.42% Highlight: and perhaps even acquire the “technologies of long life,” thus rivalling their creators, the Elohim, in terms of longevity.
Notes: Prepare yourself for reveal of Lord Pindar.
Chapter 6: Eve, the “Snake” and the Imaginary Apple Annotation Chapter progress: 26.42% Highlight: the knowledge of good and evil indicates the experience of feeling good and ill.” Notes: if it feels good, do it doctrine.
Chapter 6: Eve, the “Snake” and the Imaginary Apple Highlight Chapter progress: 27.36% Highlight: Who were they? Where did they come from?
Chapter 7: Exterminate them all, even newborns: Word of Yahweh Highlight Chapter progress: 30.19% Highlight: blessed is he who will take your little ones and smash them against the rocks.
Chapter 8: “Divine” Butchery and Fake News: The Non-existent Red Sea of Exodus Annotation Chapter progress: 31.13% Highlight: The calming effect of that smoke on Yahweh is affirmed several times. Notes: Sweetmeats on the grill.
Chapter 8: “Divine” Butchery and Fake News: The Non-existent Red Sea of Exodus Annotation Chapter progress: 34.43% Highlight: with masks that resembled animals. Notes: Covid face mask cult of death.
Chapter 9: The Glory of God and Other Flying Machines Annotation Chapter progress: 37.26% Highlight: The Greeks talk about them constantly, as do the Romans. Notes: Techno Snake religion followers.
Chapter 11: The Invention of the Biblical God and of His Antagonist, the Satan Highlight Chapter progress: 44.34% Highlight: But sexual relationships with minors was an ordinary accepted practice in ancient Greece.
Chapter 11: The Invention of the Biblical God and of His Antagonist, the Satan Highlight Chapter progress: 45.28% Highlight: There is no one in the world today who can correctly translate the word Elohim.”
Chapter 11: The Invention of the Biblical God and of His Antagonist, the Satan Annotation Chapter progress: 45.75% Highlight: Eden was not the Earthly Paradise: the Gan was a kind of protected experimental breeding lab.
Notes: I’ll see you again in the breeding lab.
Chapter 12: Those Strange, Scary Angels Annotation Chapter progress: 49.53% Highlight: It is believed that it will be possible for us to devise technologies that permit a kind of ‘periodic renewal’ of our genetic material, keeping it young over time.” Yuval Noah Harari Notes: Techno Snake Religion.
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Annotation Chapter progress: 50.47% Highlight: certain premise is gaining ground: we are not alone in the cosmos.
Notes: You’ve been hit by, you’ve been struck by- a Smooth Criminal. The Snake.
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Annotation Chapter progress: 50.47% Highlight: The Dead Sea Scrolls themselves, discovered by chance in a dozen caves in the West Bank in 1947, Notes: Always fact check the forty eighters.
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Highlight Chapter progress: 50.47% Highlight: Professor Luigi Moraldi’s 1986 edition of the Qumran texts, published by Utet in Turin.”
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Annotation Chapter progress: 50.94% Highlight: experimenting with making new species that were intelligent and similar to their “creators.” Notes: They, them, their creator.
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Annotation Chapter progress: 50.94% Highlight: Italian Space Agency, Notes: Lol.
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Annotation Chapter progress: 51.42% Highlight: Both are astrophysicists, as well as Jesuits, Notes: Lol
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Annotation Chapter progress: 51.42% Highlight: Simply put, that an eventual encounter with those they call ‘our brothers from space’ is inevitable, Notes: Introducing Pindar and Lord Moloch.
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Annotation Chapter progress: 51.42% Highlight: the recent insistence on the topic of extraterrestrials, on the part of the Catholic world, Notes: Red Alert! Snake Invaders!
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Annotation Chapter progress: 51.89% Highlight: As usual, the buildings have an astral orientation, seeming to mirror the stars that make up Orion’s Belt.
Notes: Thirty three degrees.
Chapter 13: Children of the Stars: The Making of Homo Sapiens Annotation Chapter progress: 52.83% Highlight: The abnormal entry of Sapiens into the Earth-ecosystem basically laid the foundations for the progressive devastation of this planet.
Notes: Climate lockdowns.
Chapter 14: Too Quick to Call It the Bible: The Uncertain History of Those Books Annotation Chapter progress: 53.77% Highlight: certain contemporary conspiracy frenzy, the same that blames the Rothschild bankers for all the evils in the world. Notes: Always fact check lizard claims.
Chapter 14: Too Quick to Call It the Bible: The Uncertain History of Those Books Annotation Chapter progress: 55.66% Highlight: It is very difficult to say how many there were and who the true Israelites are today. Notes: Please note.
Chapter 15: When the Torah Ended Up in Christians Hands Highlight Chapter progress: 58.49% Highlight: But I do know that it’s impossible to translate the term ‘Elohim’ as ‘God’, and that, whatever it may mean (and nobody knows that), we do know that it is plural.”
Chapter 16: The Jesus of Religion and the One Who Wanted to Redeem the Jews Highlight Chapter progress: 61.79% Highlight: Both, in fact, come into this world through non-human intervention.
Chapter 18: A Curious Wisdom, with No Messiah in Sight Highlight Chapter progress: 66.51% Highlight: Mazdeism, the oldest of the religions still in existence.
Chapter 18: A Curious Wisdom, with No Messiah in Sight Annotation Chapter progress: 66.98% Highlight: Zoroastrian theology Notes: DJ Dark Journalist.
Chapter 18: A Curious Wisdom, with No Messiah in Sight Highlight Chapter progress: 67.45% Highlight: For Mazdeans and Cathars, the responsibility for evil is superhuman, attributable to Ahriman. For Christians, however, original sin is all ours (thanks, Adam and Eve!).
Chapter 18: A Curious Wisdom, with No Messiah in Sight Highlight Chapter progress: 68.87% Highlight: Irreconcilable chronologies,
Chapter 19: From the Hundred Early Christianities to the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception Highlight Chapter progress: 71.23% Highlight: The Cathars despised the cross. They considered it macabre ostentation, almost an exaltation of a terrible torture.
Chapter 20: The True Face of Jesus: an Anti-Roman Rebel Leader Annotation Chapter progress: 75.0% Highlight: it had to be exchanged for Temple coin. Notes: Welcome to FEDNOW. Alphabet fake money.
Chapter 21: Why Would Genesis Be Lying about Methuselah’s Age? Annotation Chapter progress: 77.83% Highlight: Analyses by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope have just confirmed the predictions of the standard cosmological model, Notes: Standard model made in Hollywood basement.
Chapter 21: Why Would Genesis Be Lying about Methuselah’s Age? Annotation Chapter progress: 77.83% Highlight: Only by looking at the most accurate ‘childhood photos’ of the universe can we find out precisely how it was born. Notes: GTFO planet astro space lizards.
Chapter 21: Why Would Genesis Be Lying about Methuselah’s Age? Annotation Chapter progress: 77.83% Highlight: the universe has existed for some 13.8 billion years.
Notes: Lol
Chapter 21: Why Would Genesis Be Lying about Methuselah’s Age? Annotation Chapter progress: 78.3% Highlight: ante-litteram science fiction, Notes: Techno Space Religion.
Chapter 21: Why Would Genesis Be Lying about Methuselah’s Age? Annotation Chapter progress: 80.19% Highlight: Elohim, who could live up to 20 or 30 thousand years. Notes: Enter Pindar, Ashtar, and Molock.
Chapter 21: Why Would Genesis Be Lying about Methuselah’s Age? Highlight Chapter progress: 80.66% Highlight: YHWH. The famous Tetragrammaton, with no vowels.
Chapter 21: Why Would Genesis Be Lying about Methuselah’s Age? Highlight Chapter progress: 81.6% Highlight: The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco.
Chapter 21: Why Would Genesis Be Lying about Methuselah’s Age? Highlight Chapter progress: 81.6% Highlight: The Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino,
Chapter 22: Enoch and the Others, Strolling Around in Space Annotation Chapter progress: 82.08% Highlight: How could this contact between celestial beings and terrestrial women have happened?
Notes: Snake Invaders.
Chapter 22: Enoch and the Others, Strolling Around in Space Annotation Chapter progress: 82.55% Highlight: And they could couple with brides-to-be, newlyweds, with young males, and – even if it is hard to accept – with animals Notes: Snakes.
Chapter 22: Enoch and the Others, Strolling Around in Space Annotation Chapter progress: 83.02% Highlight: example of stockbreeding, and applied to our species?
Notes: Goy vs snake.
Chapter 22: Enoch and the Others, Strolling Around in Space Highlight Chapter progress: 83.49% Highlight: seducing girls is not exactly a theological attribute.
Chapter 22: Enoch and the Others, Strolling Around in Space Annotation Chapter progress: 84.43% Highlight: Greenlight from rabbis like Egael Safran, university professor of medical ethics in Jerusalem. Notes: Red Alert!
Chapter 22: Enoch and the Others, Strolling Around in Space Annotation Chapter progress: 84.91% Highlight: They say that Adam, before having Eve, had sexual relations with all the animals that were present in the Gan Eden. Notes: SNAKES!
Chapter 22: Enoch and the Others, Strolling Around in Space Annotation Chapter progress: 84.91% Highlight: If it were written in a scientific journal, no one would have any doubts. Notes: Peer reviewed snake science.
Chapter 23: All Those Undead, Whisked Away by the Elohim Annotation Chapter progress: 84.91% Highlight: Strangely enough (but perhaps not by chance), the study was conducted in the field of space travel. Notes: No chance at all. Techno Space Religion.
Chapter 23: All Those Undead, Whisked Away by the Elohim Annotation Chapter progress: 84.91% Highlight: NASA sent him to the ISS orbital station, Notes: International Swim Station.
Chapter 23: All Those Undead, Whisked Away by the Elohim Highlight Chapter progress: 85.38% Highlight: Hashem”, which means “the Name
Chapter 23: All Those Undead, Whisked Away by the Elohim Annotation Chapter progress: 85.85% Highlight: In the book, the very words of the “space-patriarch” are quoted.
Notes: Pindar.
Chapter 23: All Those Undead, Whisked Away by the Elohim Annotation Chapter progress: 86.79% Highlight: God, or, to quote Enoch, the King of Kings. Or the Lord of the Empire, adopting Biglino’s lexicon.
Notes: Lizard lexicon.
Chapter 23: All Those Undead, Whisked Away by the Elohim Annotation Chapter progress: 87.26% Highlight: the Noachide precepts. The Babylonian Talmud summarizes: there are six prohibitions and only one positive recommendation, the exhortation to exercise justice by establishing courts. The others are proscriptions, prohibiting idolatry and blasphemy, illicit sexual relations, murder, theft, the consumption of the meat of a living animal.
Notes: Climate lockdown for lizards.
Chapter 24: Res Inexplicatae Volantes Annotation Chapter progress: 88.68% Highlight: Someone is picked up and entrusted with transmitting valuable information, even “scientific” knowledge, that the progress of humanity will then depend on.
Notes: Follow the science. Put your child in a face mask.
Chapter 24: Res Inexplicatae Volantes Annotation Chapter progress: 88.68% Highlight: Vatican Ufology? “Let’s say linguistic updates, following the times. After all, one has to keep up, especially if the Pentagon itself is talking about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena and Israel Notes: Roman banking religion et. al.
Chapter 24: Res Inexplicatae Volantes Annotation Chapter progress: 90.09% Highlight: It was a treatment reminiscent of a sanitation procedure.
Notes: Annointing of the snake.
Chapter 25: Yahweh and His Palestinian and Mesopotamian “Colleagues” Annotation Chapter progress: 92.45% Highlight: If it eventually turns out that ‘those people’ are still here among us, and may even still be governing us through their representatives, I wouldn’t be at all surprised.” Notes: Roman banking religion. Prepare for Pindar reveal.
Chapter 26: The Sincerity of the Bible, Once It Is Stripped of Myth Annotation Chapter progress: 97.17% Highlight: God is ingenious, but not disingenuous,” added the author of The Theory of Relativity, playing with words a little. Notes: Quoting Einstein for maximum snake effect.