Predictive Programming by CIA Counter Intelligence agent Lou Elizondo – Chains of the Sea – book review

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It’s not often you get to read a book recommended by a bloated CIA counter-intelligence agent. Lou Elizondo is the point-man for the UFO ‘alien threat’ operation. All ‘news’ outlets and social media overlords are inundating the populace with the UFO threat op.

Mr. Elizondo recommends the book ‘Chains of the Sea’ according to Dark Journalist in this video.

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I was curious to understand the predictive programming a CIA loser like Lou Elizondo employs on his victims and counterparts.

What are the hidden themes and dark psychology a CIA spook like Lou Elizondo is promoting?

Let’s get into it:

The three stories:

And Us, Too, I Guess by GEO. ALEC EFFINGER
Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND

My notes:

Chains of the Sea by Robert Silverberg (ed)

Book last read: 2021-05-26 13:06:35
Chapter 3: And Us, Too, I Guess by GEO. ALEC EFFINGER
Chapter progress: 3.5%
Highlight: Surrounded by cataclysm, we labored blithely on.

Notes: The CIA will ensure cataclysm surrounds us.

Chapter 3: And Us, Too, I Guess by GEO. ALEC EFFINGER
Chapter progress: 8.39%
Highlight: It’s not true what they say about dead Indians vis-a-vis good ones.
Notes: The CIA likes genocidal cynicism.

Chapter 3: And Us, Too, I Guess by GEO. ALEC EFFINGER
Chapter progress: 16.78%
Highlight: Days and weeks later, toward the middle of September, an article in the newspaper caught his attention and brought back the short-lived feeling of fear. Paul welcomed it; even a change to impersonal terror would be a relief from the flat monotony he had built with Linda.
Notes: CIA/Media induced fear and the trivial lives of the morons.

Chapter 3: And Us, Too, I Guess by GEO. ALEC EFFINGER
Chapter progress: 17.48%
Highlight: But because the calamity is a slow one, because it operates on a large scale, striking down victims in isolated places around the globe, we may be inclined to dismiss its effects on ourselves as negligible. That would be a suicidal error.

Notes: The CIA alien threat in a nutshell.

Chapter 3: And Us, Too, I Guess by GEO. ALEC EFFINGER
Chapter progress: 18.18%
Highlight: Disasters, it seems, have been my stock in trade. At least, I have never felt quite as comfortable as I do in the midst of a good, rending cataclysm. So many things fall into place, so much is settled for good or ill; I sometimes pray for more upheavals, if only to clear the air.
Notes: CIA Disaster Capitalism.

Chapter 3: And Us, Too, I Guess by GEO. ALEC EFFINGER
Chapter progress: 23.08%
Highlight: Above and beyond all considerations of mere change and transmutation, the pure panic of a disaster is fun to watch.
Notes: ALL CIA operations

Chapter 3: And Us, Too, I Guess by GEO. ALEC EFFINGER
Chapter progress: 23.78%
Highlight: The great masses were not as educated as my companion, and were for the most part totally ignorant of the implications of our disaster.
Notes: The CIA depend on ignorant morons.

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 38.46%
Highlight: The first action taken by the human governments of Earth—as opposed to the actual government of Earth: AI and his counterpart Intelligences—was an attempt to hush up everything.
Notes: CIA cover-up

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 38.46%
Highlight: Forty years of media-centered turmoil had taught them that the people didn’t need to know anything that wasn’t definitely in the script.
Notes: CIA will kill the offscripters.

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 40.56%
Highlight: number of power-seeking splinter groups within the current government, seized the opportunity to make their respective moves and succeeded in cubing the confusion.
Notes: CoG/CIA will take over.

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 41.26%
Highlight: They fervently hoped for monsters, even hostile ones, as a refutation of everything they knew, everything their parents had told them.
Notes: CIA catastrophe capitalism and lies

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 46.15%
Highlight: No one was going to miss this, even if he had to make a deal with the devil.

Notes: CIA

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 46.15%
Highlight: Far from resenting the cavalier treatment, most of the scientists were frantic with joy at the opportunity, even those who had been known to be critical of government control in the past.
Notes: CIA recruiting garbage scientists who enjoy killing the constitution.

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 54.55%
Highlight: Scup,” Tommy said, filling with bitter disappointment. “I was hoping that you guys could—scup, never mind. I . . . can you tell me what’s gonna happen next?”
“Probably they will kill you,” it said.
Notes: The CIA alien threat.

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 55.94%
Highlight: with teams of newsmen manufacturing small talk and pretending that they were not just as uninformed as everyone else.
Notes: CIA news is fake.

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 56.64%
Highlight: The Midwesterners seemed to accept the alien landing at face value, with little of the skepticism of the Easterners, and reacted to it with hostility, whipping up deep feelings of aggression in defense of their territoriality.
Notes: CIA conflict illusion

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 57.34%
Highlight: the government, at 11 a.m., declared that they were taking emergency control of all media, and ordered an immediate and total moratorium on the alien story.
Notes: COG and CIA media blackout

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 57.34%
Highlight: The election canceling martial-law theory was suddenly accepted, almost unanimously.
Notes: COG CIA takeover

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 59.44%
Highlight: the military, goaded by an inflexible, Caracas-haunted order not to make contact with the aliens at any cost, first fired warning volleys over the heads of the crowds of civilians and then opened fire into the crowds themselves.
Notes: CIA opens fire on civilians

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 63.64%
Highlight: It was not only unusually cold for this time of year; it was unnaturally, almost supernaturally, so.
Notes: CIA weather manipulation

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 67.13%
Highlight: They regarded humans as parasitic on the Intelligences, and reacted in much the same way as a man discovering that a friend is heavily infested with tapeworms or lice or blood ticks—with shock, distaste, and a puzzled demand
Notes: CIA is a parasite

Chapter 4: Chains of the Sea by GARDNER R. DOZOIS
Chapter progress: 68.53%
Highlight: So we will not have to increase entropy much”—flick—“just a little, for a little while. You are more”—flick—”vulnerable to it than we are. It will not be long, Man.”
Notes: CIA will increase chaos

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 74.13%
Highlight: He smiled. Had he sinned during the past few days, he was positive he was now absolved.
Notes: The CIA Pope

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 76.22%
Highlight: one couldn’t tell the whole truth to a group of men already tottering upon the brink of disbelief.
Notes: The CIA

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 79.72%
Highlight: But he knew he would rather die than live
Notes: CIA Hell on earth.

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 80.42%
Highlight: In any event, the voice instructed Sebastian that the Earth was no longer the proper dwelling place for man, that the human race must now depart.
Notes: The CIA wants us to leave

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 81.12%
Highlight: He converted several wealthy men and convinced them to purchase a fleet of ships capable of making the journey to the stars.
Notes: Elon Musk. Jeff Bezos and many other elite are working for the CIA

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 82.52%
Highlight: He is right. You had better go. Your prayers mean nothing to us. Robots have no souls.
Notes: the CIA have no souls.

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 88.11%
Highlight: “I asked if you’d ever tried living in this world, tried existing off the bounty of a dead land, avoiding starvation, plague, and death? Have you ever left the walls of your castle and tried to live like a man?”
Notes: Living the CIA lie is hell on earth.

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 95.1%
Highlight: I guessed my fellow robots would be safe from now on.

Notes: The CIA want to kill humanity with the help of GMO robot people.

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 99.3%
Highlight: And behind, upon the Earth, waiting, watching, clustered around their saint, stood the remnants, the robots, those of steel. . . .
. . . and those of flesh.
He gazed upon Sebastian’s

Chapter 5: The Shrine of Sebastian by GORDON EKLUND
Chapter progress: 99.3%
Highlight: And I,” he said. “Lord, you must bless me with your wisdom, for none is more in need of your guiding hand than I. I, robot of flesh—your child—bless me, O Lord.”

Notes: CIA Robot of flesh

CIA Agent




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