Report From Iron Mountain book review

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Report From Iron Mountain

I read this “report” and laughed. The idea of central banks around the world is stale, tired, and finished.

This pitiful bit of programming for secret society members and academic morons in the paper-pushing echelon of our wicked society is the perfect example of central banking propaganda.

The screed reads, “The only way we can have peace is through slavery, eugenics, and massive spending programs.”

It sounds like the dreams of disgusting men that sit in councils best served by the devil. (BILL GATES)

Yes, you may laugh it off as I did. But, these wicked people are attempting to satisfy their peace time “war” right now, and it’s not so funny.

They will fail. They do not recommend sound money. They can only imagine a world where The Federal Reserve prints promissory notes into perpetuity, and so all of their ‘solutions’ are fake, just like their money.

Prepare for the end. The Iron Mountain Report is concluded. They tried every single recommendation in this tract, and now we can finally see THE END OF THEIR SYSTEM.

The report has nothing to do with peace, it is instead a manifesto on how to keep central banking in power. Clear and simple.

Some of my highlights:

Report from Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace by Leonard C. Lewin

Book last read: 2022-04-16 21:06:32
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 3: Foreword
Chapter progress: 4.65%
Highlight: Its objective was to determine, accurately and realistically, the nature of the problems that would confront the United States if and when a condition of “permanent peace” should arrive, and to draft a program for dealing with this contingency.

Chapter 3: Foreword
Chapter progress: 6.98%
Highlight: or that standing armies are, among other things social-welfare institutions in exactly the same sense as are old-people’s homes and mental hospitals.

Chapter 4: Background Information
Chapter progress: 15.12%
Highlight: Most of us, and that includes me, had a record of abnormally high uric acid concentrations in the blood

Chapter 4: Background Information
Chapter progress: 17.44%
Highlight: We looked over the organization of the Inca empire.

Chapter 7: Introduction
Chapter progress: 25.58%
Highlight: The Report which follows summarizes the results of a two-and-a-half-year study of the broad problems to be anticipated in the event of general transformation of American society to a condition lacking its most critical current characteristics: its capability and readiness to make war when doing so is judged necessary or desirable by its political leadership.

Chapter 7: Introduction
Chapter progress: 25.58%
Highlight: What can be expected if peace comes? What should we be prepared to do about it?

Chapter 8: 1. Scope of the Study
Chapter progress: 31.4%
Highlight: A more precise word for peace, in terms of the practical world, is stability.
Notes: Garbage central bank semantics.

Chapter 9: 2. Disarmament and the Economy
Chapter progress: 33.72%
Highlight: currently upward of $60 billion a year,
Notes: currently approaching one trillion per year. Lol.

Chapter 9: 2. Disarmament and the Economy
Chapter progress: 34.88%
Highlight: It is not too much to say that general disarmament would require the scrapping of a critical proportion of the most highly developed occupational specialties in the economy.

Chapter 9: 2. Disarmament and the Economy
Chapter progress: 36.05%
Highlight: It envisages the equivalent of the arms budget being returned, under careful control, to the consumer, in the form of tax cuts.
Notes: Lol

Chapter 9: 2. Disarmament and the Economy
Chapter progress: 37.21%
Highlight: What the “pyramid-builders” frequently suggest is the expansion of space-research programs to the dollar level of current expenditures.
Notes: Secret space program

Chapter 11: 4. War and Peace as Social Systems
Chapter progress: 43.02%
Highlight: War itself is the basic social system, within which other secondary modes of social organization conflict or conspire.

Chapter 11: 4. War and Peace as Social Systems
Chapter progress: 44.19%
Highlight: Wars are not “caused” by international conflicts of interest. Proper logical sequence would make it more often accurate to say that war-making societies require—and thus bring about—such conflicts. The capacity of a nation to make war expresses the greatest social power it can exercise; war-making, active or contemplated, is a matter of life and death on the greatest scale subject to social control. It should therefore hardly be surprising that the military institutions in each society claim its highest priorities.

Notes: The war is against you.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 46.51%
Highlight: As such, it provides the only critically large segment of the total economy that is subject to complete and arbitrary central control.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 47.67%
Highlight: war spending, considered pragmatically, has been a consistently positive factor in the rise of gross national product and of individual productivity.
Notes: death becomes you.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 50.0%
Highlight: But a nation’s foreign policy can have no substance if it lacks the means of enforcing its attitude toward other nations.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 50.0%
Highlight: By the same token, “war” is virtually synonymous with nationhood. The elimination of war implies the inevitable elimination of national sovereignty and the traditional nation-state.
Notes: No war without the nation. No nation without war.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 50.0%
Highlight: Without it, no government has ever been able to obtain acquiescence in its “legitimacy,” or right to rule its society.
Notes: Oh no!

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 50.0%
Highlight: The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 52.33%
Highlight: It must be noted also that the armed forces in every civilization have provided the principal state-supported haven for what we now call the “unemployable.
Notes: Useless eaters

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 53.49%
Highlight: The most important of these, for social purposes, is the individual psychological rationale for allegiance to a society and its values. Allegiance requires a cause; a cause requires an enemy.
Notes: Insert enemy here.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 54.65%
Highlight: What gives the war system its preeminent role in social organization, as elsewhere, is its unmatched authority over life and death.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 54.65%
Highlight: In these societies, the blood sacrifice served the purpose of maintaining a vestigial “earnest” of the society’s capability and willingness to make war— i.e., kill and be killed—in the event that some mystical—i.e., unforeseen -circumstance were to give rise to the possibility.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 55.81%
Highlight: The existence of an accepted external menace, then, is essential to social cohesiveness as well as to the acceptance of political authority.
Notes: killer ufos inbound.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 55.81%
Highlight: To forestall the inevitable historical cycles of inadequate food supply, post-Neolithic man destroys surplus members of his own species by organized warfare.

Notes: The famine is here.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 56.98%
Highlight: In human societies, those who fight and die in wars for survival are in general its biologically stronger members. This is natural selection in reverse.

Notes: questionable. It certainly culls the morons.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 56.98%
Highlight: In human societies, those who fight and die in wars for survival are in general its biologically stronger members. This is natural selection in reverse.
Notes: questionable. Culling the morons.

Chapter 12: 5. The Functions of War
Chapter progress: 58.14%
Highlight: Nuclear weapons are indiscriminate. Their application would bring to an end the disproportionate destruction of the physically stronger members of the species (the “warriors”) in periods of war.

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 62.79%
Highlight: at a level consistent with current developments in medical technology.

Notes: CDC death protocol.

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 65.12%
Highlight: Another economic surrogate that has been proposed is a series of giant “space research” programs.
Notes: lol

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 65.12%
Highlight: In the event some individual project unexpectedly succeeds there would be no dearth of substitute problems.
Notes: religion of nasa

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 67.44%
Highlight: The emerging “nations” of the peace epoch must continue to draw political authority from some source.
Notes: so called climate change

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 68.6%
Highlight: It has been hotly argued that such a menace would offer the “last, best hope of peace,” etc., by uniting mankind against the danger of destruction by “creatures” from other planets or from outer space.
Notes: Aliens on arrival.

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 68.6%
Highlight: But the pollution problem has been so widely publicized in recent years that it seems highly improbably that a program of deliberate environ- mental poisoning could be implemented in a politically acceptable manner.
Notes: spraying the sky.

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 70.93%
Highlight: Another possible surrogate for the control of potential enemies of society is the reintroduction, in some form consistent with modern technology and political processes, of slavery.
Notes: Enslave the non conformist

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 70.93%
Highlight: But the fantasies projected in Brave New World and 1984 have seemed less and less implausible over the years since their publication.
Notes: Wow

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 70.93%
Highlight: It is entirely possible that the development of a sophisticated form of slavery may be an absolute prerequisite for social control in a world at peace.

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 73.26%
Highlight: There is no question but that a universal requirement that procreation be limited to the products of artificial insemination would provide a fully adequate substitute control for population levels.
Notes: Fake babies for peace.

Chapter 13: 6. Substitutes for the Functions of War
Chapter progress: 73.26%
Highlight: total control of conception with a variant of the ubiquitous “pill,” via water supplies or certain essential foodstuffs, offset by a controlled “antidote”—is already under development.
Notes: Bill Gates

Chapter 14: 7. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter progress: 77.91%
Highlight: No modern political ruling group has successfully controlled its constituency after failing to sustain the continuing credibility of an external threat of war.


Chapter 14: 7. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter progress: 79.07%
Highlight: The foregoing functions of war are essential to the survival of the social systems we know today.
Notes: The social structure has no real value or purpose.

Chapter 14: 7. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter progress: 80.23%
Highlight: Such a substitute system of apparent “waste” must be of a nature that will permit it to remain independent of the normal supply-demand economy;
Notes: Central bank garbage economics. This entire writeup assumes debt based money systems.

Chapter 14: 7. Summary and Conclusions
Chapter progress: 82.56%
Highlight: Development of an acceptable threat from “outer space,” presumably in conjunction with a space-research surrogate for economic control, appears unpromising in terms of credibility.
Notes: Morons making it credible.

Chapter 15: 8. Recommendations
Chapter progress: 89.53%
Highlight: This agency (a) will be provided with nonaccountable funds sufficient to implement its responsibilities and decisions at its own discretion,
Notes: Lol


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