The boys are shipwrecked. Fifteen of them. Aging from eight to fourteen years old. No adults around. They live on the island without trouble, build shelter in a cave, read lessons from a small library, hunt game, gather the flocks, and harvest the herbs.
Everything is working out marvelously. The French boy, Briant, is likable. The New Zealander, Donagan, is a pompous dick. Curiously missing from the character list is the German boy– who I’m sure would have engineered a master race had Jules Verne remembered to include him.
The American, Gordon, is the Masonic middleman of the crew. All is well. It looks like they will survive. And they all do. Happy endings are here to stay.
They bring their trustworthy dog, Fan, who is undoubtedly the hero of the book.
Crusoe by Jules Verne. Enjoyable to read like all of Mr. Verne’s adventures.
See my Crusoe book review here.
Moko, the negro cabin boy is the cook, and probably the reason why Jules Verne must be canceled.
Kate, the only woman in the novel, makes a late entrance and performs her maternal duties as expected.
Evans, a real man, arrives to haul the boys back to reality.
The boys are better off on the island. Leave them be. The girls are on the mainland and these prepubescent boys are saving themselves, stocking the larder, surviving the winter, building animal enclosures and giant kites. Why did you have to bring your dirty scoundrel Severn men here and ruin everything?
Their desire to escape the island and return to family and friends never ceases. Except the Masonic American, Gordon, who is completely in his colonizing element, building new society across the ocean waters.
Two Years Holiday by Jules Verne Book Review
My annotations and highlights:
Chapter 1254: CHAPTER I Highlight Chapter progress: 43.39% Highlight: don’t be afraid.
Chapter 1254: CHAPTER I Highlight Chapter progress: 43.39% Highlight: In the stern of the schooner were three boys, one about fourteen, the two others about thirteen years of age;
Chapter 1254: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 43.4% Highlight: And what ocean? The largest of all, the Pacific, which stretches for 6000 miles from Australia and New Zealand to the coast of South America. Notes: Pacific Blue.
Chapter 1254: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 43.42% Highlight: There is no danger,” said Briant, wishing to give them confidence. “We are all right. Don’t be afraid. Notes: Gale force winds, broken topmast and billowing foresail.
Chapter 1255: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 43.45% Highlight: Briant happened to be of French birth, and, not unnaturally, the English were by no means disposed to knock under to him. Notes: French vs Limey Brits
Chapter 1255: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 43.47% Highlight: I will not let anybody act for himself at the expense of all the others. Notes: Face mask science losers. Where we go one, we go all- straight to hell.
Chapter 1255: CHAPTER II Highlight Chapter progress: 43.48% Highlight: What a nuisance it is that we are only boys when we ought to be men!
Chapter 1256: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 43.5% Highlight: great was the joy of the young folks, who would have found it difficult to spend their holidays better. Notes: Voyage at sea.
Chapter 1256: CHAPTER III Highlight Chapter progress: 43.5% Highlight: his imperious character led him to strive to command wherever he was placed.
Chapter 1256: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 43.5% Highlight: On one thing they prided themselves; that was their intimate knowledge of faggism in all its branches. Every information on the fag, and how to treat him, was to be obtained gratis from Messrs. Notes: Faggism. 1865
Chapter 1256: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 43.5% Highlight: Donagan and Cross were the sons of rich landholders, who occupy the highest social rank in New Zealand. Notes: Lizard alert.
Chapter 1256: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 43.51% Highlight: He was a native of Boston, Notes: Yankee Mason alert.
Chapter 1256: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 43.51% Highlight: employed in charge of the works for draining a marsh in the centre of the North Island. Notes: Mud flood recovery.
Chapter 1256: CHAPTER III Highlight Chapter progress: 43.52% Highlight: It is often the case, unfortunately, that captains do not trouble about stopping to help a vessel they have run into.
Chapter 1256: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 43.53% Highlight: What was to be the fate of these shipwrecked schoolboys? Notes: Lord of the flies.
Chapter 1257: CHAPTER IV Annotation Chapter progress: 43.55% Highlight: Fortunately the schooner had been swept on to the sand, in such a state, it is true, that she would never float again, but still habitable, at least for a time. Notes: Shipwreck.
Chapter 1257: CHAPTER IV Annotation Chapter progress: 43.55% Highlight: The night passed without an alarm of any kind;’ and when the sun rose the boys joined in prayer to God for their deliverance from peril, and started on such work as was necessary. Notes: Thank you, God.
Chapter 1257: CHAPTER IV Annotation Chapter progress: 43.57% Highlight: Lusiad. Notes: Ask Circe–
Chapter 1258: CHAPTER V Annotation Chapter progress: 43.59% Highlight: It is easy to call people fools when they don’t think the same as you do. Notes: Face mask science death cult.
Chapter 1258: CHAPTER V Annotation Chapter progress: 43.59% Highlight: oaks, beeches, birches, alders, pines, and firs of different sorts, and several of the myrtaceae and saxifragaceae which are neither shrubs nor trees. Notes: Not in the tropics.
Chapter 1258: CHAPTER V Highlight Chapter progress: 43.63% Highlight: he resolved to do his best to the last, however threatening the future might be.
Chapter 1259: CHAPTER VI Annotation Chapter progress: 43.65% Highlight: Selkirk — a real Crusoe Notes: Ask Circe–
Chapter 1259: CHAPTER VI Highlight Chapter progress: 43.69% Highlight: barometrical prognostics
Chapter 1259: CHAPTER VI Annotation Chapter progress: 43.69% Highlight: The magnificent constellations of the southern hemisphere sparkled in the firmament, the Southern Cross conspicuously pointing to the Antarctic Pole.
Notes: Unable to see southern cross from current realm.
Chapter 1260: CHAPTER VII Annotation Chapter progress: 43.7% Highlight: And the boys had to use their axes like the pioneers through the forests of the New World. Notes: Lol
Chapter 1261: CHAPTER VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 43.74% Highlight: mammillated Notes: Covered with rounded protuberances.
Chapter 1261: CHAPTER VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 43.77% Highlight: There, among the roots of a beech tree, were the remains of a skeleton. Notes: Chester Copperpot
Chapter 1263: CHAPTER X Annotation Chapter progress: 43.82% Highlight: there was nothing so very difficult in the task of founding a colony. He saw the chance that offered for the exercise of his natural gift, and he did not hesitate to keep up the spirits of his comrades by promising them a supportable existence if -they would only Notes: Help me.
Chapter 1263: CHAPTER X Highlight Chapter progress: 43.82% Highlight: help could come to them but from the sea.
Chapter 1263: CHAPTER X Annotation Chapter progress: 43.84% Highlight: The spars and rigging, shrouds, and stays of iron, chains, anchors, ropes, hawsers, lines, yarns, and such things, of which there was a great quantity on the yacht, were gradually removed to the ground Notes: Great list of yacht widgets.
Chapter 1264: CHAPTER XI Highlight Chapter progress: 43.89% Highlight: we are not forbidden to laugh, Notes: Check WHO treaty mandates; singing, dancing, laughing, and Bill Gates funeral arrangements .
Chapter 1265: CHAPTER XII Annotation Chapter progress: 43.97% Highlight: An excellent task, which would usefully and agreeably occupy the long hours of winter!
Notes: Reading.
Chapter 1265: CHAPTER XII Annotation Chapter progress: 43.97% Highlight: it was agreed to give the three western capes the names of the nations represented in the colony, which meant a British Cape, an American Cape, and a French Cape. Notes: Colonial naming convention.
Chapter 1265: CHAPTER XII Annotation Chapter progress: 43.98% Highlight: it appeared to him that his authority might not be without its value.
Notes: Hello. My name is Peter.
Chapter 1266: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 43.98% Highlight: There were to be no fags at French Den, Notes: Repent.
Chapter 1266: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 43.99% Highlight: A healthy body means a healthy mind. Notes: A1 steak sauce mineral supplement, ribeyes, chicken, protein shakes.
Chapter 1266: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 44.0% Highlight: Croquemitaine. Notes: Ask Circe
An engraving by the French printmaker Gustave Dore of Mitaine and Oghris, a scene from the Legend of Croquemitaine. (Photo by Chris Hellier/Corbis via Getty Images) Chapter 1266: CHAPTER XIII Highlight Chapter progress: 44.02% Highlight: The trees, with their rimy branches loaded with glittering crystals, rose near and far in masses, as in a faery garden.
Chapter 1266: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 44.03% Highlight: The 15th of July, according to the almanac, was St. Swithin’s Day, which in England corresponds to St. Medard’s Day in France.
Notes: Lol
Chapter 1267: CHAPTER XIV Highlight Chapter progress: 44.05% Highlight: romance of De Wyss,
Chapter 1267: CHAPTER XIV Annotation Chapter progress: 44.05% Highlight: ruminants? Notes: Animal that chews the cud regurgitated from its rumen.
Chapter 1267: CHAPTER XIV Annotation Chapter progress: 44.06% Highlight: one hope never left them, that of making some discoveries that would improve their position. Notes: Show me, Father.
Chapter 1268: CHAPTER XV Annotation Chapter progress: 44.11% Highlight: Among the birches and beeches little clearings opened now and then into which the sun-rays penetrated. Wild flowers mingled their fresh colours with the green of the foliage and the carpet of grass. In places, superb senecios bore their blooms on stems two or three feet high, Notes: I’ll meet you there.
Chapter 1268: CHAPTER XV Highlight Chapter progress: 44.12% Highlight: algarrobe, another South American native, which also by fermentation yield a strong liquor.
Chapter 1268: CHAPTER XV Annotation Chapter progress: 44.12% Highlight: trulca, if I am not mistaken,” said he. ‘‘ It is a fruit much used by the Indians.” Notes: Ask Circe
Chapter 1270: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 44.16% Highlight: peccadillo, Notes: Minor fault or sin.
Chapter 1270: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 44.17% Highlight: If Charman Island did not yield its inhabitants what was superfluous, it certainly gave them what was necessary. Notes: Abundance everywhere.
Chapter 1270: CHAPTER I Annotation Chapter progress: 44.21% Highlight: We are here — -all of us! all of us are living. We shall see you again. God will bring us Notes: Still alive despite essential workers and FBI goon squad.
Chapter 1271: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 44.22% Highlight: abandoned on an unknown island! Notes: No man is an island.
Chapter 1271: CHAPTER II Annotation Chapter progress: 44.22% Highlight: But if the present was prosperous enough, the future could only be contemplated with anxiety. Notes: Biometric REAL ID tracking for total domination.
Chapter 1272: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 44.3% Highlight: His practical good sense had not made him popular, Notes: Hello. My name is Peter.
Chapter 1272: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 44.3% Highlight: What is the world coming to? Notes: Good question.
Chapter 1272: CHAPTER III Annotation Chapter progress: 44.31% Highlight: It is always wrong to challenge those who are afraid to defend themselves. Notes: FBI rookie goons at your door w n95 face mask on.
Chapter 1272: CHAPTER III Highlight Chapter progress: 44.31% Highlight: Placed as we are here, is it right that one should always be trying to cause disunion amongst us? Surely we ought all to work together.
Chapter 1272: CHAPTER III Highlight Chapter progress: 44.32% Highlight: for Moko as a negro did not vote
Chapter 1273: CHAPTER IV Annotation Chapter progress: 44.33% Highlight: so that we can do more than we have done to atone for the mistake you made. Notes: Atonement.
Chapter 1273: CHAPTER IV Annotation Chapter progress: 44.33% Highlight: Were they engaged in some plot? Notes: Yes.
Chapter 1273: CHAPTER IV Annotation Chapter progress: 44.37% Highlight: in fog sound travels farther than in fine weather, and the denser the fog the better it travels. Notes: Fog horn leg horn.
Chapter 1274: CHAPTER V Annotation Chapter progress: 44.39% Highlight: Beneath the trees, clothed in their fresh verdure, the ground had resumed the garb of spring. A pleasant breeze rippled the surface of the water, now lighted by the last rays of the sun which lingered on the vast plain of South Moor. Notes: Spring time on the island.
Chapter 1274: CHAPTER V Annotation Chapter progress: 44.4% Highlight: neither I nor my friends care to serve under any but one of our own race. Notes: Euro convicts. New Zealand colonial race.
Chapter 1274: CHAPTER V Annotation Chapter progress: 44.41% Highlight: Donagan was too vain to acknowledge his mistakes, too obstinate to abandon his plans, and too jealous to give in to a rival. Notes: Convict race. New Zealand by way of limey brits.
Chapter 1276: CHAPTER VII Annotation Chapter progress: 44.48% Highlight: a woman, whose clothes — gown of some heavy fabric, and brown linen shawl tied round her waist — seemed to be in good repair. Her face showed signs of excessive suffering, although she was of robust constitution, being from forty to fifty-five years of age. Notes: Enter first and only female in book.
Chapter 1276: CHAPTER VII Highlight Chapter progress: 44.51% Highlight: And already to the little ones. Dole and Costar, she had given the endearing name of “papooses,” applied to babies in the western states of America.
Chapter 1277: CHAPTER VIII Annotation Chapter progress: 44.54% Highlight: galactendrons of which there are so many in the forests of North America, Notes: Cow tree yielding milk.
Chapter 1278: CHAPTER IX Annotation Chapter progress: 44.6% Highlight: Let me confess! It weighs too heavily on me! Notes: The confession.
Chapter 1278: CHAPTER IX Highlight Chapter progress: 44.6% Highlight: we’ll forgive you, and your fault wants no more atonement.”
Chapter 1278: CHAPTER IX Annotation Chapter progress: 44.61% Highlight: thanks to the energy of his character, he was able to keep as cool as the adventure required. Notes: FBI and law enforcement at door for rejecting WHO GOOGLE pandemic mandates.
Chapter 1279: CHAPTER X Annotation Chapter progress: 44.66% Highlight: The doors were shut, and the only thing to be done now was to wait for bed-time, and kneel in prayer and think of home.
Notes: God. Help us.
Chapter 1280: CHAPTER XI Annotation Chapter progress: 44.68% Highlight: That is capital! Notes: Fake capital markets USA.
Chapter 1280: CHAPTER XI Highlight Chapter progress: 44.72% Highlight: Hanover Island!
Chapter 1281: CHAPTER XII Highlight Chapter progress: 44.74% Highlight: Punta Arena, where all the necessaries of life could be obtained.
Chapter 1281: CHAPTER XII Highlight Chapter progress: 44.74% Highlight: Heaven had sent a ‘ man ‘ to help the boys.”
Chapter 1282: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 44.78% Highlight: they have given you your life when you deserved to die! All humanity is not dead within you! After doing so much evil, why not do a little good? Notes: All fake money forces ESSENTIAL WORKERS on notice.
Chapter 1282: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 44.78% Highlight: thinking that the stratagem had failed, had judged it best to clear off till a more favourable occasion. Notes: Covid track and trace is biometric REAL ID registration slave system currently being deployed and soon required to buy and sell. 30 Nov 2024 pldg
Chapter 1282: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 44.78% Highlight: Had his conscience made him a prey to remorse? Notes: fake money forces don’t know the meaning of the word remorse.
Chapter 1282: CHAPTER XIII Annotation Chapter progress: 44.79% Highlight: Look at the dog’s Notes: Fan is hero of book.
Chapter 1283: CHAPTER XIV Annotation Chapter progress: 44.82% Highlight: now they were to work for their deliverance.
Notes: Please help us, Father.
Chapter 1283: CHAPTER XIV Annotation Chapter progress: 44.85% Highlight: The instinct of liberty is irresistible Notes: Fake capitalism is slavery.
Chapter 1284: CHAPTER XV Highlight Chapter progress: 44.87% Highlight: But — as all boys ought to know — with method and zeal and courage there is no position, however dangerous, from which there may not be an escape.
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