Crazy Horse: A Life by Larry McMurtry book review

Uninspired write-up on Crazy Horse, with many references to “the whites, the whites, the whites.” The whites did this, the whites did that, the whites gave the natives smallpox, the whites killed the buffalo. The word spell of the whites. Here’s the deal. Not once does McMurtry call the natives RED, what gives? It’s because… Continue reading Crazy Horse: A Life by Larry McMurtry book review

Clif High Cryptos and Code Bitcoin is a weapon.XMR is a weapon.Use it or not.I WILL NOT MAKE YOUR WEAPON(s) ILLEGAL.YOU CANNOT MAKE MY WEAPON(s) ILLEGAL.XRP is a scam like many other so-called “blockchains”.KILLING THE BEAST is KILLING THE BEASTLet’s come together.See you on the battlefield.ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY FINANCIAL SYSTEMS WILL DIE.BITCOIN is TRANSPARENT. DETERMINISTIC WALLET EXPLORERS CAN MATCH YOU… Continue reading Clif High Cryptos and Code

The Human Bubble by Gregory Mannarino IS BULLSHIT

The Human Bubble by Gregory Mannarino IS BULLSHIT When Gregory Mannarino says the uncontrollable debt based slave system of our central bank is responsible for population “bubble”, he certainly is RETARDED in his thinking. How is it, Mr. Mannarino, that our trillions of debt dollars, sent to industrial death corporations like our beloved DOD, secret… Continue reading The Human Bubble by Gregory Mannarino IS BULLSHIT

Hellhound of the Cosmos by Clifford D. Simak book review

This system introduces physical and spiritual stumbling blocks at every turn. I’ve been waylaid, threatened, and blockaded by this horrible, nightmare, system. It changes laws and times. It reverses truth, glorifies lies, condemns the righteous, and steals identities. It deceives every man at every moment. It needs to be eradicated. ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM of THE… Continue reading Hellhound of the Cosmos by Clifford D. Simak book review