Stir It Up. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Comprehensive review of ongoing operation: Intergalactic Finance Minister Examine the results of your inputs carefully. See how they are being manifested back to you, make small adjustments and note the changes. Keep the sample clean. Don’t continue with failed experiments. Let the results speak independently of your bias. (easier said than done.) When you have… Continue reading Stir It Up. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Dearest Grace – Intergalactic Finance Minister

I will never be allowed to go to Nice. DHS/TSA humiliation protocols forbid it. Biometric Registration Stickers in arrears. Stopped on the way to the airport. Credit card declined. However, I feel I’ve been there with you. Riding in your car, having a picnic and a swim. Your platinum beauty forever marked on my medulla… Continue reading Dearest Grace – Intergalactic Finance Minister

No Limitations – Intergalactic Finance Minister

I didn’t want to do my workout. Winter doldrums got me careened. Jealousy, envy, greed and lust. My intense faith and determination won out. I did my routine. Strong and powerful, counting up the reps, counting down the devils. I cannot be fucked with. The demons are running scared. The swell of my obliques, the… Continue reading No Limitations – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Book Review

Schadow's Mignon (1828)

Curious book about discovery, direction, and predetermined destination by secret society. An alter is prepared covered in green tapestry. Wilhelm enters the inner sanctum, his life revealed as a program, a stage act; all his movements known and precalculated by mysterious hidden hand. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, published 1795 Greg. I dislike Wilhelm. He’s the kind… Continue reading Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Book Review

From The Battlefield – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Dearest Mother, War is hell. They burn California every year. We must fight back. We cannot lose this war. Our brothers and sisters are depending on us. We cannot let them down. I’m doing my best. I see a light above me, a hedge of protection. I know it can only be of God’s creation.… Continue reading From The Battlefield – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Notes – Intergalactic Finance Minister

ThanksRecognizing miracles.Best way forward.Maximum gain.Greatest effect.Extreme prophet.Got a feel for me.What do I need to work on?FaithForgivenessFriendshipWorking relationships.How self aware do I appear?Am I mean spirited?How can I be more likable?Are people getting dumber?What about UFOs?What’s the best way to give my life to God?What should I be focusing on the most?What’s the best way… Continue reading Notes – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Mignon – A Character Reveal – Book Review

Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship by Goethe: Full Book Review Here I’m in a precarious situation here. I’ve reached a go-no-go point in this book. The Mignon reveal is going to be sweet nectar, milk chocolate, and honey. I don’t know what’s going to happen. She’s just a child, she dances, sings, and dresses like a boy.… Continue reading Mignon – A Character Reveal – Book Review