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Can I Meet You For a Drink? Intergalactic Finance Minister – Pepper.Works

Can I Meet You For a Drink? Intergalactic Finance Minister

It’s dark out there. My headlamps obscured by something in the air. The shadows turning into material form. What the hell is going on?

I keep a close eye on the lane markers.

Up the road I see a shimmering light. It glances off the trees like embers from a roaring fire. The rain stops, the trees turn green. The flowers bloom into beautiful bulbs.

I see you standing in the light. Long skeins of golden energy radiate from your hourglass body. How did you get placed so perfectly into the setting? In the woods, in a chocolate dress, on the shore in a little black suit. Do we all respond so automatically?

Do I have the power to transcend this charnel prison?

The suspense is making me sick.

What exactly do you have going on?

Can I meet you for a drink? Intergalactic Finance Minister

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