Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review

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Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel Book Review

This massive tome of ‘historical’ biographies includes every Western trope you have ever known. Published in 1883. It really is fun to read, a little tiresome after eleven hundred pages. The Mason author was tasked with making heroes out of all these secret society men. And they all ended up on the side of goodness and grace, doing their best to kill the indians.

Saloons, gambling, whiskey, overland dispatches, wagon trains, government forts, buffaloes, and killing indians.

Mostly killing indians.

The adventure of the west includes trapping, hunting, drinking whiskey, playing cards, riding horses and mules, marksmanship, and killing indians.

This is frontier land. Secret society touchstone for everything we were told about western expansion, the heroes of the day.

For example, Buffalo Bill kills indians out of Ft. Laramie during the hunting season, and then makes his way to New York City where his theater company recreates his battles on stage for the goddamn yankees.

Killing two indians with one bullet, scalping indians, convalescing at mother’s house after being wounded by indians, trapping beaver and otters, and killing indians.

FYI: Wild Bill and Buffalo Bill are two different men both tasked with killing indians.

Here’s a list of Frontier Men:

Wild Bill, Buffalo Bill, Kit Carson, Capt. Payne, “White Beaver,” Capt. Jack, Texas Jack, California Joe…

I’ll meet you on the Western Plains, Frontier Land, where we can ride the runaway mine train, eat churros, buy plastic trinkets, spend our fake money, kill the indians, and worship these Western Heroes. Face mask and mark of the beast required.

Next stop, TomorrowLand.

Heroes of the Plains

Book available here.

My annotations and highlights:

Heroes of the Plains by James William Buel

Book last read: 2024-05-13 08:28:45
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 1.03%
Highlight: teeming harvests, happy homes, the building of cities, extension of commerce and all attendant blessings.
Notes: Lockdowns, face mask, social distancing, forced vaccines.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 3.1%
Highlight: His earliest desire was for fire-arms, and by bartering a number of childish trinkets, at the age of eight years he became possessed of the greatest treasure his youthful fancy had ever pictured — a little single-barreled pistol.
Notes: You’ll shoot your eye out.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 3.67%
Highlight: St. Louis was to him a painted panorama, as mysterious as the labyrinths of the pyramids ; the steamboats were novelties like the palaces of necromancers, and this new life to him had such a strange aspect that it was very like a second birth.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 3.76%
Highlight: disorganization of society and the formation of a universal mob.
Notes: Vaccine mandate.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 3.95%
Highlight: Red Legs,” or anti-slavery forces in Kansas,
Notes: Pro native extermination.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 4.14%
Highlight: entered a claim of one hundred and sixty acres of the finest land in Monticello township, Johnson county, Kansas,
Notes: I would like to enter my claim now.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 4.42%
Highlight: animated skin-full of fighting whisky.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 6.87%
Highlight: The bowie in Bill’s hands now did desperate work, plunging from one heart into another, and drawing great fountains of blood which spurted about until the floor was fairly flooded

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 7.34%
Highlight: This combat, of one man fairly whipping ten acknowledged desperadoes, has no parallel,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 8.56%
Highlight: Truly, it was a position almost as hot as that which tradition tells us the Hebrew trio occupied on a memorable occasion,
Notes: Shadrack meshack and abendigo

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 9.31%
Highlight: they counted up about $750, principally in paper money of State bank issue.
Notes: Fake money.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 9.69%
Highlight: Curtis again employed him to strike the Confederate lines
Notes: Wild Bill Hickok.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 9.88%
Highlight: A series of questions soon convinced Bill that the negro was loyal at heart and could be depended on to keep a’ secret.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 9.88%
Highlight: aged darkey

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 10.35%
Highlight: offered his services as a private in the Confederate army.
Notes: Infiltrate enemy lines.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 10.44%
Highlight: catamount,
Notes: Puma

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 10.54%
Highlight: Devil’s Backbone (the Ozark range of mountains is sometimes thus called

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 10.72%
Highlight: The Rebs convicted me on mighty little evidence, and here I am now in a bad pickle
Notes: Confeds rooted out the spy.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 11.01%
Highlight: to the condemned spy it was worth more than all the castles of polished ivory that the fabled Arabian Magi could have created,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 11.1%
Highlight: he was now a man with all the vigor God had so bounteously lodged in his well developed sinews.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 11.19%
Highlight: in an instant the rusted blade was thrust into the throat of the sleeping victim and his neck almost severed in twain.
Notes: Confed is dead.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 11.57%
Highlight: he shot the three with such precision that each tumbled to the ground with a mortal wound.
Notes: Wild Bill

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 12.04%
Highlight: Bill gave her the name of Black Nell, and giving much care to her training, she became the heroine of many adventures, which will be recorded in a subsequent chapter.
Notes: Alright! horse adventures!

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 12.14%
Highlight: The Choctaw and Cherokee Indians, also some of the Creeks and Osages, were employed as soldiers by the Confederates,
Notes: Civil Native War

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 12.42%
Highlight: if you deceive me in the least thing, one of us will have to die.
Notes: Face mask science.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 12.61%
Highlight: gew-gaws
Notes: Useless or worthless showy things.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 12.7%
Highlight: Drawing from his belt two pistols Bill threw one to Conquering Bear and told him to defend himself ; but the Indian knew the deadly aim of his antagonist and refused to fight with the pistol.
Notes: Jeje

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 12.79%
Highlight: Such beauty of physical proportions and such an exhibition of marvellous courage were doubtless never before witnessed in a personal combat

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 14.3%
Highlight: men rarely become so lost to discretion as to fail in their respect for leaden pellets.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 15.24%
Highlight: Bill proposed to fight any four of the men with pistols at a distance of five or fifteen paces,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 15.33%
Highlight: insalubrious
Notes: Seedy and run-down.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 15.52%
Highlight: Wild Bill was made chief of scouts under the former, and Buffalo Bill filled the same responsible position under Gen. Carr
Notes: Buffalo and Wild Bill are two different people.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 15.62%
Highlight: Wild Bill and Buffalo Bill were the heroes of that day, and their deadly rifles did the execution of an entire company ; without regard for the danger they incurred,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 15.99%
Highlight: civilizing process through which the great West was passing.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 16.37%
Highlight: Well, a country of that kind is better than the one you came from, where there isn’t a fellow who knows his own father,” replied Bill.
Notes: Prophecy fullfilled.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 18.91%
Highlight: so that but one of two alternatives was left, either get out of the crowd like a coward, or fight like the brave man he was.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 20.88%
Highlight: the Englishman manifested no disposition to become better acquainted, as the intimacy had already been disagreeably close.
Notes: Lol. Wild Bill smacked this man on his limey face.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 22.48%
Highlight: men whose desires and ambitions never rose above a full whisky bottle,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 23.42%
Highlight: justifiable homicide
Notes: Without criminal guilt.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 24.08%
Highlight: the town councilmen lit their pipes, passed the bottle, and leaning back in their chairs posed them

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 25.21%
Highlight: His first appearance on the stage was made in New York City,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 27.66%
Highlight: This completed a perfect picture of frontier happiness, for such contentment is rarely found even in the most sumptuous elegance of metropolitan mansions.
Notes: Escape to the wilderness.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 30.86%
Highlight: the absence of duly qualified officers
Notes: Heaven on earth.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 31.89%
Highlight: and the citizens who attended the trial at once went to their homes and cleaned up their weapons.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 34.52%
Highlight: Bill was the most expert pistol shot that this or any other country ever produced.
Notes: Hehe.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 35.75%
Highlight: No civil law reaches him ;

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 36.22%
Highlight: In short, there is no nature so readily conformable to all the ways of life as his, and under all circumstances there is always a sparkling effervescence of spirit about him which can only find comparison in a newly opened bottle of extra-dry champagne.
Notes: Buffalo Bill is a wine spritzer.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 36.59%
Highlight: Every reader of American history is familiar with the disorders which followed close upon the heels of the ” Enabling Act.”

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 37.54%
Highlight: She was a woman of unusual bravery, well suited for a pioneer’s wife, and yet a lady well educated and used to the refinements of the most cultured society.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 37.72%
Highlight: he speedily became a recognized leader in the most thrilling: adventures.
Notes: Buffalo Bill

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 37.91%
Highlight: Mary Hyatt, a flaxen-haired, pretty little miss, with roguish smile and cunning eyes, was also a pupil in the log school-house and sat on a seat so near Billy that she became his dear charmer and condensed all his ambitions in the one desire to gain a reciprocal feeling.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 38.48%
Highlight: proved to be the initiatory ceremony which conferred on him the first degree as a Knight of the Prairie,
Notes: Secret society ass kissing.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 38.66%
Highlight: To appreciate the dangers which such a journey invited at that date of Western settlement it is only necessary for the reader to know the fact that in addition to the occupation of the country by Mormons, hundreds of different warlike tribes of Indians infested every ravine and mountain pass, many of these pests of the great West being employed by the Mormons to massacre overland freighters and emigrants.
Notes: Mormon emigrant wars.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 38.66%
Highlight: Gen. Albert Sidney Johnson’s army, then operating against the Mormons.
Notes: Ask Circe.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 38.85%
Highlight: he never stopped to pray or ask advice ; but gathering his gun in common with the others got behind the wagons and began pouring swift lead into the Indians.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 39.42%
Highlight: Russell, Majors & Waddell,
Notes: Ask Circe. Overlanders.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 39.6%
Highlight: overland freighting,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 40.26%
Highlight: Joe Smith, Jr., who was acting as a spy for the Mormons,
Notes: CIA

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 40.45%
Highlight: they found themselves covered by Mormon rifles.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 41.3%
Highlight: he is now comparatively well educated, acquired almost wholly by extensive travel and association with polished people.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 42.99%
Highlight: Even to this day to speak of Dave Harrington in Buffalo Bill’s presence will
Notes: Bring tears. Rescued from dugout.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 43.37%
Highlight: the longest and best ridden pony express journey ever made.
Notes: Three hundred twenty miles

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 43.37%
Highlight: pony express had become a thoroughly established institution, frequently transporting money and other valuables,
Notes: Pony transport money.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 43.65%
Highlight: This last trip had proved so disastrous that it was determined by the stage company not to rely any longer on the U. S. troops stationed at various posts in the West, but to use their own volunteer employes in an administration of frontier vengeance on the murderous Indians.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 44.68%
Highlight: expending a pistol cathartic
Notes: Pistol whip to the head.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 45.34%
Highlight: There, under the prairie sod, where the winds gambol ceaselessly with waving grasses and spontaneous flowers

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 45.63%
Highlight: Serving in this double capacity
Notes: Commie double agents everywhere.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 46.0%
Highlight: Billy was then, as he is now, certainly one of the handsomest men in America,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 46.0%
Highlight: Not only was she well connected and a lady of most admirable character, but she also possessed a beauty of face and perfection of form which were well nigh irresistible ; large, lustrous, brown eyes, beautifully arched with elegant brows ; skin fair as the lily, a mouth which seemed to invite kisses, and hair profuse as a Naiad’s and black as a raven’s wing;.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 46.0%
Highlight: Winter is always a gay season in the city with its theatres, balls, society gatherings, sleigh-riding and various recreative sports,
Notes: Face mask. Social distance death cult required.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 48.07%
Highlight: To appreciate the extent of this slaughter, by approximate measurement , these buffaloes, if laid on the ground end to end, would make a line more than five miles long, and if placed sideways, on top of each other, they would make a pile over two miles high.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 50.89%
Highlight: the feat appears too incredulous for belief were it not for the most indisputable evidence, easily attainable, which makes disbelief impossible.
Notes: Lol

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 52.4%
Highlight: Having now succeeded as both fighters and hunters, the party returned to the fort with trophies of their adventures and received well deserved compliments from Gen. Carr for their deeds.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 52.78%
Highlight: Such fighting, such riding, and such marvelous intrepidity combined, were doubtless never equaled, and if but this act alone could be credited to the valor of Wild Bill and Buffalo Bill theirnames would deserve inscription on Fame’s enduring monument.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 54.75%
Highlight: bodies of no less than fourteen white persons, pilgrims on their way to Pike’s Peak, mutilated beyond recognition ; their scalps torn off, tongues cut out, legs cut open and bodies full of arrows.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 55.32%
Highlight: The firm of Cody & North is known among cattle men in every part of America ; they now have seven thousand head of eattle
Notes: Buffalo Bill and Col. North.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 55.69%
Highlight: Buffalo Bill instantly leaped on his horse, bare-backed, and started for the scene of trouble, regardless of Indians or thought of danger.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 56.63%
Highlight: Bill returned to the company, all of whom had witnessed his feat of killing an Indian at a range of fully four hundred yards,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 57.38%
Highlight: Bill ran down two Indians who were riding the same pony, and by a skillful shot sent a rifle ball through both their bodies,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 57.95%
Highlight: Bill turned around, and taking Lucretia Borgia, his rifle,
Notes: Is this Caesar incestual sister rifle name?

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 58.33%
Highlight: May you live long and prosper. Amen !” The ceremony being completed, Bill kissed the bride, after which there was an adjournment for irrigating purposes.
Notes: Hehe.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 63.03%
Highlight: It was this inability, or real indisposition, of the Government to enforce the terms of the treaty of 1868 that led to the bitter war with Sitting Bull and which terminated so disastrously on the 25th of June, 1876.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 64.35%
Highlight: But Custer was there at the head, like Spartacus fighting the legions about him, tall, graceful, brave as a lion at bay, and with thunderbolts in his hands.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 64.63%
Highlight: Like a strong oak stricken by the lightning’ s bolt, shivering the mighty trunk and bending its withering branches down close to the earth, so fell Custer; but like the reacting branches, he rises partly up again, and striking out like a fatally wounded giant lays three more Indians dead and breaks his mighty sword on the musket of a fourth ; then, with useless blade and empty pistol falls back the victim of a dozen wounds.
Notes: Great Custer Death scene.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 65.29%
Highlight: He would not have shrunk from fighting a duel with any living man ; so he shouted back to the chief : ” I’ll fight you ; come on ; let Indians and white men stand off and see the Red Chief and Long Hair fight with rifles.
Notes: Buffalo Bill

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 66.51%
Highlight: After eating a breakfast of bacon and crackers,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 67.45%
Highlight: Gen. Sheridan makes bold to assert that Buffalo Bill has killed more Indians than any white man that ever lived.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 68.96%
Highlight: Their entertainments are in the open air, being usually given in fair grounds, and consist in shooting, reckless riding, lassoins; elk and buffalo, illustrating Indian attacks on stage coaches, in canons, and on settlements.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 71.5%
Highlight: The personality and situation are therefore true to life.
Notes: life of true fraught with lies.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 71.68%
Highlight: He was a man about forty years of age, perhaps older, over six feet in height, and possessing a well proportioned frame. His head was covered with a luxuriant crop of long, almost black hair, strongly inclined to curl, and so long as to fall carelessly over his shoulders.
Notes: California Joe

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 72.62%
Highlight: Look a hyar, Cap, when I make up my mind to kill Injuns no man can pervent me,” replied Joe,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 72.81%
Highlight: at the rate of five dollars each.
Notes: Indian scalps for sale.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 72.81%
Highlight: he dexterously cut out a large circular piece of scalp and hair, cramming each scalp into his waist-belt as it was extirpated
Notes: California Joe

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 74.22%
Highlight: large variety of canned fruits and meats,
Notes: 1869 army rations. Check canning tech history.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 75.26%
Highlight: One of the first offices opened by the United States for the sale of lands west of the Mississippi was in the vicinity of Boonslick in the year 1818,
Notes: Missouri

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 77.99%
Highlight: lam an American, and no coward;
Notes: He said with face mask on.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 79.21%
Highlight: Carson sincerely mourned the loss of his young wife, who, though she was an Indian, possessed many noble qualities of heart,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 81.47%
Highlight: , he started West with the intention of engaging in the Mormon war which was at that time creating a furore of excitement throughout the country, and especially in the West.
Notes: 1858

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 81.84%
Highlight: I would prefer that you would not run your big sweaty hands over that gun,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 81.94%
Highlight: I have long since learned how to talk to such roaring nobodies.
Notes: FBI

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 82.31%
Highlight: he knew no more about water service than a Government contracter did of the Golden Rule.
Notes: Lol

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 82.88%
Highlight: special bounty act,
Notes: Surrender covid operators. Or else.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 84.01%
Highlight: but on the occasion when he partook of it he felt that it was as delicious as the manna that heaven distilled to save the chosen of Israel.
Notes: Mule meat.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 86.36%
Highlight: He claims the right of white settlement on these lands under a treaty made by the Government with the Indians in 1866,

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 86.74%
Highlight: Uncle Sam is rich enough to to give us all a home in Oklahoma !

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 88.71%
Highlight: Being a thirty-second degree Mason, even at this early age, Frank was
Notes: Jelly jars full of bull urine.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 89.93%
Highlight: White Beaver, being always a favorite with the ladies, was paying attentions to a very estimable young lady, not with any view to matrimony, but because her society was agreeable.
Notes: Hehe

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 91.82%
Highlight: But such characters, in the end, nearly always met their just fate at the hands of some cool, determined man like White Beaver, Wild Bill or Buffalo Bill, to whom the West owes a debt of gratitude it can never fully repay.
Notes: 32 degree jelly jars in deep freeze.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 92.94%
Highlight: Yosemite Yarrow,
Notes: Medicinal mason remedy.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 93.32%
Highlight: Any of his office employes will hold a copper cent between their fingers and let him shoot it out at ten paces, so great is their confidence in his skill
Notes: mason initiates.

Chapter 0: Heroes of the Plains
Chapter progress: 94.83%
Highlight: Indian men never attend a funeral unless it is that of a chief.

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