The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by John Mandeville book review

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The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by John Mandeville 1322

Here’s an ancient travel book for would-be pilgrims to the Holy Land. Don’t forget vaccine passport and biological test results when you go to the high point of the world, the very center according to their maps- The Holy Land.

The crusades, the pilgrimage.

This book is a mishmash of different versions from different times. John Mandeville is an English knight who traveled from 1322 to 1356 (1332 to 1366 in some versions)

Ultimately, I would say it’s a recruitment tract for “pilgrims” to spread the good news of Christ by physically invading lands afar. For example, The Holy Land, The Americas.

A recruitment poster from the “church” to the “pilgrims”. A fantastic tale of magical relics, strange people, and IRL Sultans, Genghis Khan, The Tartarians, The Saracens, and the damn Christians.

I also want to go on a crusade to the very center of the world, to the land of giants, to The Holy Land.

This is what the Space religion is doing to the trans-human people.

They will tell of awesome relics and artifacts in far away places, and the transhumans will go there to worship and die. (On Mars)

GTFO Planet Elon Musk.

All seeing eye library
Mappa Mundi

Some of my highlights:

The Travels of Sir John Mandeville by John Mandeville

Book last read: 2022-12-31 07:15:05
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter progress: 3.19%
Highlight: Thus it is meaningless to attempt, as editors did once upon a time, to plot Mandeville’s journey on a modern map outline, for the rigid spatial relationships of the modern map, for us so important a part of the meaning of map conventions, are simply irrelevant.
Notes: They changed the map.

Chapter progress: 3.19%
Highlight: and it is, incidentally, a modern slander that the medievals believed the earth to be flat
Notes: Is it?

Chapter 6: PROLOGUE
Chapter progress: 12.75%
Highlight: we ought to lay claim to the heritage that our Father left to us, and win it out of strange men’s hands.
Notes: Blackrock board.

Chapter 6: PROLOGUE
Chapter progress: 12.75%
Highlight: But now pride, envy and covetousness have so inflamed the hearts of lords of the world that they are more busy to disinherit their neighbours than to lay claim to or conquer

Chapter 6: PROLOGUE
Chapter progress: 12.75%
Highlight: For an assembly of the people without lords who can govern them is as a flock of sheep that have no shepherd, which part asunder and never known whither they should go.
Notes: Endowment enriched chaos cult AT END.

Chapter 7: 1 Of the way from England to Constantinople
Chapter progress: 13.62%
Highlight: There is the best and most beautiful church in the world, of Saint Sophia.

Chapter 10: 4: Of Saint John the Evangelist; and of Hippocrates’ daughter, turned into the shape of a dragon
Chapter progress: 16.23%
Highlight: For many men desire to hear of unfamiliar things and take

Chapter 10: 4: Of Saint John the Evangelist; and of Hippocrates’ daughter, turned into the shape of a dragon
Chapter progress: 16.52%
Highlight: And indeed there is there a great marvel, for men can see the earth of the tomb many a time stir and shift, as if
Notes: Tomb of saint John the revelator.

Chapter 11: 5: Of different things in Cyprus; of the route from Cyprus to Jerusalem; and of the marvel of a ditch full of sand
Chapter progress: 17.97%
Highlight: And there are the bones of a giant there who was called Andromeda, and one of his ribs is forty feet long.
Notes: Jaffa

Chapter 13: 7: Of the country of Egypt; of the Phoenix of Arabia; of the city of Cairo; how to know balm; and of Joseph’s Barns
Chapter progress: 20.87%
Highlight: And because there is no disturbance of the air through any rains, and the air is always fair and clear, without clouds, there used to be the best astronomers in the world there.
Notes: Egypt

Chapter 13: 7: Of the country of Egypt; of the Phoenix of Arabia; of the city of Cairo; how to know balm; and of Joseph’s Barns
Chapter progress: 21.16%
Highlight: The head of that beast, with the horns, is still kept at Alexandria as a marvellous thing.

Notes: Satyr in Alexandria. Goat man.

Chapter 13: 7: Of the country of Egypt; of the Phoenix of Arabia; of the city of Cairo; how to know balm; and of Joseph’s Barns
Chapter progress: 21.16%
Highlight: And they say that if they were to paint an angel and a devil, they would paint the angel black and the devil white. And if they do not seem black enough when they are born, they use certain medicines to make them black. That country is marvellously hot, which makes
Notes: Sos

Chapter 13: 7: Of the country of Egypt; of the Phoenix of Arabia; of the city of Cairo; how to know balm; and of Joseph’s Barns
Chapter progress: 21.16%
Highlight: In Egypt are but few castles, for the country is strong enough of
Notes: No mention of pyramids. Similar to bible.

Chapter 14: 8: Of the isle of Sicily; of the way from Babylon to Mount Sinai; of the church of Saint Katherine, and the wonders there
Chapter progress: 23.48%
Highlight: They use olive oil both for food and lighting, and that oil comes to them as if by a miracle. For every year rooks and crows and other birds come flying to that place in a great flock, as if they were in their way making a pilgrimage; and each one brings in its beak instead of an offering a branch of olive, which it leaves there; and in that way there is great plenty of olive oil

Chapter 15: 9: Of the desert between the church of Saint Katherine and Jerusalem; of the Dry Tree; and how roses first came into the world
Chapter progress: 24.64%
Highlight: In Hebron was once the chief city of the Philistines, and giants dwelled there.

Chapter 15: 9: Of the desert between the church of Saint Katherine and Jerusalem; of the Dry Tree; and how roses first came into the world
Chapter progress: 24.93%
Highlight: This is that tree which men call the Dry Tree; and they say that it has been there since the beginning of the world,
Notes: Hebron

Chapter 16: 10: Of the pilgrimages in Jerusalem, and of the holy places thereabout
Chapter progress: 26.67%
Highlight: but according to our years of twelve months he was thirty-three years and three months old.
Notes: secret society coding.

Chapter 16: 10: Of the pilgrimages in Jerusalem, and of the holy places thereabout
Chapter progress: 26.67%
Highlight: But Julius Caesar, who was Emperor of Rome, had the two months of Januere [January] and Feuerere [February] inserted, and decided the year of twelve months, that is to say of 365 days (excepting leap years) according to the proper course of the sun.
Notes: Change times and laws.

Chapter 17: 11: Of the Temple of Our Lord; of the cruelty of Herod; of Mount Sion; of the Probatica Piscina and the Pool of Siloam
Chapter progress: 27.54%
Highlight: Charlemagne was in this Temple when the angel brought him the foreskin of Our Lord when He was circumcised;

Chapter 17: 11: Of the Temple of Our Lord; of the cruelty of Herod; of Mount Sion; of the Probatica Piscina and the Pool of Siloam
Chapter progress: 28.7%
Highlight: Afterwards, when in course of time he had come to his right mind, he had the children he had of her slain.
Notes: Lol

Chapter 17: 11: Of the Temple of Our Lord; of the cruelty of Herod; of Mount Sion; of the Probatica Piscina and the Pool of Siloam
Chapter progress: 29.57%
Highlight: There used to be black monks [Benedictines] there,

Chapter 17: 11: Of the Temple of Our Lord; of the cruelty of Herod; of Mount Sion; of the Probatica Piscina and the Pool of Siloam
Chapter progress: 29.86%
Highlight: A little thence is a stone on which Our Lord sat and preached, and He will appear in the same spot on the Day of Judgement.

Chapter 18: 12: Of the Dead Sea; of the River Jordan; of the head of John the Baptist, and of the customs in the country of the Samaritans
Chapter progress: 30.43%
Highlight: This sea casts up from itself a substance which is called asphalt. Each day on each side of this sea great lumps of it, as big as a horse, can be found washed up on the shore; it is like pitch.

Chapter 18: 12: Of the Dead Sea; of the River Jordan; of the head of John the Baptist, and of the customs in the country of the Samaritans
Chapter progress: 30.43%
Highlight: Ships cannot sail on it unless they are well dressed with pitch; for nothing dead can go into it without immediately sinking, unless it is well painted with pitch.
Notes: Dead Sea

Chapter 18: 12: Of the Dead Sea; of the River Jordan; of the head of John the Baptist, and of the customs in the country of the Samaritans
Chapter progress: 30.72%
Highlight: and he was circumcised when he was fourteen years old.

Chapter 18: 12: Of the Dead Sea; of the River Jordan; of the head of John the Baptist, and of the customs in the country of the Samaritans
Chapter progress: 30.72%
Highlight: When Sarah bore Isaac she was ninety years old.

Chapter 18: 12: Of the Dead Sea; of the River Jordan; of the head of John the Baptist, and of the customs in the country of the Samaritans
Chapter progress: 31.59%
Highlight: In the city of Shechem Dinah the daughter of Jacob was ravished, on whose account her brothers slew many of the people of that city.

Chapter 18: 12: Of the Dead Sea; of the River Jordan; of the head of John the Baptist, and of the customs in the country of the Samaritans
Chapter progress: 31.59%
Highlight: There the head of Saint John was enclosed in the wall; but the Emperor Theodosius had it taken out, and he found it wrapped in a bloody cloth. So he had it taken to Constantinople, and half of it is still there; the other half is in Rome in the church of Saint Silvester.

Chapter 19: 13: Of the province of Galilee, and where Antichrist will be born; of the age of Our Lady; of the Day of Judgement; and of the customs of the Syrian Jacobites
Chapter progress: 32.17%
Highlight: At Chorozin Antichrist will be born. But some say he will be born in Babylon, and therefore the prophecy says, De Babilonia exiet coluber, qui totum [mundum] deuorabit* which means, ‘Out of Babylon shall a serpent come which shall devour all the world.

Chapter 19: 13: Of the province of Galilee, and where Antichrist will be born; of the age of Our Lady; of the Day of Judgement; and of the customs of the Syrian Jacobites
Chapter progress: 32.46%
Highlight: There Joseph wedded Our Lady, when she was fourteen years old.

Chapter 19: 13: Of the province of Galilee, and where Antichrist will be born; of the age of Our Lady; of the Day of Judgement; and of the customs of the Syrian Jacobites
Chapter progress: 32.75%
Highlight: He will destroy the world and take His friends and lead them to joy without end, and damn the

Chapter 19: 13: Of the province of Galilee, and where Antichrist will be born; of the age of Our Lady; of the Day of Judgement; and of the customs of the Syrian Jacobites
Chapter progress: 32.75%
Highlight: You should know that Our Lady Saint Mary, when she bore Christ, was fifteen years old, and she was with Him on earth thirty-three years and three
Notes: Super source code.

Chapter 20: 14: Of the city of Damascus; of three routes to Jerusalem, one by land and by sea, and the next more by land than by sea, and the third all by land
Chapter progress: 35.65%
Highlight: But if a man wants to, he goes through Germany and Prussia and so to Tartary. This Tartary is under the suzerainty of the Great Khan of Cathay, whom I intend to talk about later.
Notes: Tartaria

Chapter 21: 15: Of the customs of the Saracens and of their law; how the Sultan talked with the author of this book; and of the beginning of Muhammad, etc.
Chapter progress: 36.23%
Highlight: They also say that Christ spoke as soon as He was born,

Chapter 21: 15: Of the customs of the Saracens and of their law; how the Sultan talked with the author of this book; and of the beginning of Muhammad, etc.
Chapter progress: 37.39%
Highlight: For Christians are so proud, so envious, such great gluttons, so lecherous, and moreover so full of covetousness, that for a little silver they will sell their daughters, their sisters, even their own wives to men who want to lie with them.

Chapter 21: 15: Of the customs of the Saracens and of their law; how the Sultan talked with the author of this book; and of the beginning of Muhammad, etc.
Chapter progress: 37.39%
Highlight: And as a result, on holy days, when people should go to church to serve God, they go to the tavern and spend all the day – and perhaps all the night – in drinking and gluttony, like beasts without reason which do not know when they have had enough.
Notes: Happy Thanksgiving. MERRY Christmas and happy new year.

Chapter 22: 16: Of the lands of Albania and Libya; of the desires in the Watching of the Sparrowhawk; and of the Ark of Noah
Chapter progress: 38.55%
Highlight: In that land are marvellously big powerful dogs, which fight with lions and kill them.

Chapter 22: 16: Of the lands of Albania and Libya; of the desires in the Watching of the Sparrowhawk; and of the Ark of Noah
Chapter progress: 38.55%
Highlight: Amazonia, which is the Land of Women, where women live by themselves with no man among them.

Chapter 23: 17: Of the land of Job and of his age; of the clothing of the people of Chaldea; of the land where women live without the company of men; and of the knowledge of and the properties of the true diamond
Chapter progress: 40.29%
Highlight: Manna is called the bread of angels; it is a very white, sweet substance, sweeter than sugar or honey. It comes from the dew of Heaven falling on the herbage, where it coagulates and grows white. Men make it into medicines for rich men, for constipation and the cleansing of too rich

Chapter 24: 18: Of the customs in the isles around India; of the distinction between idols and simulacres; of three types of pepper growing on one tree; and of the well that changes colour each hour of the day
Chapter progress: 42.03%
Highlight: The people of India are not naturally disposed to travelling beyond their own country, for they live under [the influence of] the planet called Saturn.

Chapter 24: 18: Of the customs in the isles around India; of the distinction between idols and simulacres; of three types of pepper growing on one tree; and of the well that changes colour each hour of the day
Chapter progress: 42.03%
Highlight: We are in a climate under the rule of the moon, which is a planet that moves quickly – the traveller’s planet. So it gives us the desire to travel and visit different countries of the world, for it moves round the world more quickly than other
Notes: Moon people invasion force.

Chapter 24: 18: Of the customs in the isles around India; of the distinction between idols and simulacres; of three types of pepper growing on one tree; and of the well that changes colour each hour of the day
Chapter progress: 43.19%
Highlight: And whoever drinks three times of that well on an empty stomach will be healed of whatever malady he has. And therefore those who live near that well drink of it very often, and so they are never ill, but always seem young.

Chapter 24: 18: Of the customs in the isles around India; of the distinction between idols and simulacres; of three types of pepper growing on one tree; and of the well that changes colour each hour of the day
Chapter progress: 43.48%
Highlight: Good vines grow in that country; there the women drink wine and not men. And women shave their beards, and not men.

Chapter 25: 19: Of the judgements given by the hand of Saint Thomas the Apostle in the city of Calamy; of the devotion and sacrifice offered to idols there; and of the procession round the city
Chapter progress: 44.35%
Highlight: even so it seems to them a great honour when any of their cousins or friends kill themselves for love of that idol,
Notes: Corporate science.

Chapter 26: 20: Of the foul customs followed in the isle of Lamory; and how the earth and sea are of round shape, proved by means of the Star Antarctic
Chapter progress: 44.93%
Highlight: Merchants bring children there to sell, and the people of the country buy them. Those that are plump they eat; those that are not plump they feed up and fatten, and then kill and eat them. And they say it is the best and
Notes: CIA exploitation.

Chapter 26: 20: Of the foul customs followed in the isle of Lamory; and how the earth and sea are of round shape, proved by means of the Star Antarctic
Chapter progress: 45.22%
Highlight: And so, passing by land and sea to the country I speak of, and other lands and isles beyond, I found this Antarctic star to be thirty-three degrees in elevation.
Notes: Super secret society code words.

Chapter 26: 20: Of the foul customs followed in the isle of Lamory; and how the earth and sea are of round shape, proved by means of the Star Antarctic
Chapter progress: 45.51%
Highlight: The cause is that the earth and sea is round. For it is a commonplace that Jerusalem is in the middle of the earth;

Chapter 26: 20: Of the foul customs followed in the isle of Lamory; and how the earth and sea are of round shape, proved by means of the Star Antarctic
Chapter progress: 45.8%
Highlight: For the earth is very big, and in circumference it is some 20,425 miles,

Chapter 27: 21: Of the palace of the King of Java; of the trees that bear flour, honey, wine and venom; and of other marvels and customs in the environing isles
Chapter progress: 46.38%
Highlight: You should know that mace is the husk of the nutmeg.

Chapter 27: 21: Of the palace of the King of Java; of the trees that bear flour, honey, wine and venom; and of other marvels and customs in the environing isles
Chapter progress: 47.25%
Highlight: In that land it is a custom when a man dies that his wife is buried alive with him; for they say it is sensible that she should keep him company

Chapter 27: 21: Of the palace of the King of Java; of the trees that bear flour, honey, wine and venom; and of other marvels and customs in the environing isles
Chapter progress: 47.54%
Highlight: Men and women of that isle have heads like dogs, and they are called Cynocephales.

Chapter 28: 22: How men know through the idol if sick men will die or not; of the people of different shapes, and very ugly; and of the monks who give their alms to baboons, monkeys and marmosets
Chapter progress: 48.41%
Highlight: In another part, there are ugly folk without heads, who have eyes in each shoulder; their mouths are round, like a horseshoe, in the middle of their chest.

Chapter 28: 22: How men know through the idol if sick men will die or not; of the people of different shapes, and very ugly; and of the monks who give their alms to baboons, monkeys and marmosets
Chapter progress: 48.41%
Highlight: In another isle there are ugly fellows whose upper lip is so big that when they sleep in the sun they cover all their faces with it.

Chapter 29: 23: Of the Great Khan of Cathay; of the royalty of his palace, and how he sits at meat; and of the great number of servants who serve him
Chapter progress: 50.43%
Highlight: They say that people of other nations are blind, without eyes, as far as knowledge and craft are concerned.

Chapter 30: 24: Why men call him the Great Khan; of the style of his letters; of the inscription round his seals, the great and the little, etc.
Chapter progress: 51.88%
Highlight: Afterwards the Khan gathered all his men and rode against his enemies,
Notes: Excellent info on tribe of Ham, Khan of Ghingus. King of Tartaria.

Chapter 30: 24: Why men call him the Great Khan; of the style of his letters; of the inscription round his seals, the great and the little, etc.
Chapter progress: 52.17%
Highlight: And on account of the nine kneelings and the nine foot breadth of the road the Khan and the men of Tartary honour the number nine.

Chapter 30: 24: Why men call him the Great Khan; of the style of his letters; of the inscription round his seals, the great and the little, etc.
Chapter progress: 52.17%
Highlight: They think the number nine to be the holiest number there is, because God’s messenger so carefully
Notes: Number nine and the owl. Tartars.

Chapter 31: 25: Of the organization of the court of the Great Khan when he holds solemn festival; of his philosophers; and of his arrangements when he progresses through the country
Chapter progress: 53.33%
Highlight: And at another instant another philosopher says, ‘ Every man put his little finger in his ear!’ ; and they do so.

Chapter 31: 25: Of the organization of the court of the Great Khan when he holds solemn festival; of his philosophers; and of his arrangements when he progresses through the country
Chapter progress: 53.91%
Highlight: This Emperor can spend as much as he wishes to, for he coins no money except from leather, or paper, or the bark of trees.
Notes: Fake money.

Chapter 32: 26: Of the faith and customs of the Tartars living in Cathay; and what is done when the Great Khan dies; and how he is chosen, etc.
Chapter progress: 55.65%
Highlight: They eat dogs and lions, mares and foals, mice and rats, and other beasts both great and small, excepting pigs and other animals forbidden in the Old Law.

Chapter 34: 28: Of the empire of Persia; of the land of darkness; and of the other realms from Cathay to the Greek Sea
Chapter progress: 57.97%
Highlight: Thus it may be openly demonstrated that if we would be good men, our enemies might not stand against us.

Chapter 35: 29: Of the countries and isles which are beyond the land of Cathay; and of different fruits there; of the twenty-two kings shut in within the mountains
Chapter progress: 58.55%
Highlight: There are vines that bear such large bunches of grapes that a man can
Notes: Degeneration.

Chapter 36: 30: Of the royal estate of Prester John; and of a rich man who built a wonderful castle and called it Paradise
Chapter progress: 59.71%
Highlight: And because no ships that have iron nails in them can sail that way because of these rocks, which would attract the ships to them, men dare not sail there.
Notes: Adament stone. Loadstone. Magic rock.

Chapter 37: 31: Of the head of the devil in the Vale Perilous; and of the customs of the peoples in different isles round there
Chapter progress: 62.61%
Highlight: I asked them what the cause and reason was for such a custom there. They told me that in ancient times some men had died in that land in deflowering maidens, for the latter had snakes within them, which stung the husbands on their peruses inside the women’s bodies; and thus many men were slain, and so they follow that custom there to make other men test out the route before they themselves set out on that

Chapter 38: 32: Of the goodness of the people in the isle of Bragman; of King Alexander; and why Prester John is so called
Chapter progress: 63.77%
Highlight: And since they are such true and good folk, in their country there is never thunder or lightning, hail nor snow, nor any other storms and bad weather; there is no hunger, no pestilence, no war, nor any other common tribulations among them, as there are among us because of our sins.
Notes: Repent.

Chapter 38: 32: Of the goodness of the people in the isle of Bragman; of King Alexander; and why Prester John is so called
Chapter progress: 64.06%
Highlight: Our land serves us for two things: our livelihood while we live and for burial when we are dead.

Chapter 38: 32: Of the goodness of the people in the isle of Bragman; of King Alexander; and why Prester John is so called
Chapter progress: 64.93%
Highlight: This people lives on the smell of wild apples that grow there; and if they go far from home, they take some of these apples with them, for as soon as they lose the smell of them they die.

Chapter 39: 33: Of the mountains of gold, which the ants watch over; and of the four rivers that come from the Earthly Paradise
Chapter progress: 65.8%
Highlight: For, as I said before, God made the earth quite round, in the middle of the firmament.
Notes: Hi magic.

Chapter 40: 34: Of the customs of the Kings and others living in the isles adjacent to Prester John’s land; and of the honour which the son does to his dead father
Chapter progress: 66.96%
Highlight: And from the cranium of the head he has a cup made, and he drinks from it all

Chapter 40: 34: Of the customs of the Kings and others living in the isles adjacent to Prester John’s land; and of the honour which the son does to his dead father
Chapter progress: 68.12%
Highlight: Mappa Mundi
Notes: Sos map of the world

Chapter progress: 70.14%
Highlight: Jacopo da Voragine (1230–98) as the Aurea Legenda, or Golden Legend.

Chapter progress: 71.59%
Highlight: John of Piano Carpini.

Chapter progress: 71.88%
Highlight: Pepper made possible the eating of slightly rotten meat – and much of what Europe ate would have had modern Health and Safety people gibbering with horror, or dreaming fondly of the prosecutions they might one day bring.
Notes: FDA sellouts.

Chapter progress: 72.46%
Highlight: Pierre d’Ailly’s Imago Mundi, and John of Sacrobosco’s [Holywood] De Sphaera

Chapter progress: 72.46%
Highlight: Vincent of Beauvais, Speculum Naturale VI. 13)

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