Chapter 4: The Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 10.48% Highlight: Karen lay a little way from him, her red hair showering across the bent arm pillowing her head. With a slow, impersonal pleasure he liked the way the curved lines of her caught shadow and low light as she sprawled there asleep.
Notes: It’s personal.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 12.38% Highlight: I’m not so sure there is a Germany, Notes: Motherland vacated.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 13.33% Highlight: Their quarrel seemed curiously lacking in point now, Notes: Prison planet revelation.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 15.24% Highlight: they all could see the contours of a human body sailing on winged arms high in the twilight.
Notes: Bird people.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 16.19% Highlight: the two men moved forward with wary, shuffling steps into a darkness that blinded every sense like oblivion itself.
Notes: Exploring the ship.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 18.1% Highlight: They might be—property. And the owners might be even less human than they are.” Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Highlight Chapter progress: 19.05% Highlight: she awoke with a vengeance.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 19.05% Highlight: The great pale disc came up slowly, tremendously, overpowering and desolately beautiful in the night of the world.
Notes: Moonrise. I love you.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 19.05% Highlight: Command was in her voice for the first time since their awakening, as if she had only now fully aroused from a dream. Notes: Take command.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Highlight Chapter progress: 20.0% Highlight: Against the monstrous circle of the moon the citadel held steady, huge and enigmatic.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Highlight Chapter progress: 20.95% Highlight: What lives in it now is the spawn of age—twisted abortions of evil. Mindless manbirds, worms gone mad with growth, what else we may never know.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 20.95% Highlight: The absolute zero? Slowing down the electronic orbits to stop the liberation of quanta. Notes: Higgs go fuck yourself Boson god particle.
Chapter 4: The Citadel Highlight Chapter progress: 21.9% Highlight: Very low refractive index—seems to absorb the moonlight.”
Chapter 4: The Citadel Highlight Chapter progress: 23.81% Highlight: a quasi-human figure moved through the fog.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 24.76% Highlight: Perhaps her senses were keener than theirs. Notes: Yes.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 24.76% Highlight: This delicate, hothouse creature Notes: C02 greenhouse gas required for life. Do not allow them to tax the air.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Highlight Chapter progress: 25.71% Highlight: Evaya,” she said, her voice like a tinkling silver bell.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 25.71% Highlight: We no longer have any gauge to know what’s human and what is not. Notes: gmo people. MRNA genetic vaccine therapy.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 27.62% Highlight: All her lines were the lovely ones of the huntress goddess, and the moon behind her should have been crescent, not full.
Notes: Moon talk code speak.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 29.52% Highlight: Here in the light her hair was a pale shade between gold and silver, and with a curious sort of iridescence when she turned her head.
Notes: Your flaxen hair falling down to the small of your back.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 29.52% Highlight: She was lovelier than ever, here in the full golden light, more flawlessly perfect, with the exquisite, inhuman perfection of a flower or a figurine. Notes: She is the sun.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Highlight Chapter progress: 30.48% Highlight: It was a garden in stone and crystal; it was a dream in three dimensions—it was anything but a city built by man.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Highlight Chapter progress: 30.48% Highlight: with a beauty heartbreaking in its sheer perfection.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 32.38% Highlight: warm and confident and glowing with inner radiance. Notes: Hello. My name is Peter.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 34.29% Highlight: to Mike it was personal humiliation and would demand a personal revenge…
Notes: Facemask BDSM ritual to science.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 39.05% Highlight: Lethe Notes: Water of Hades makes souls of the dead forget their life.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 39.05% Highlight: Whatever was, was good. Notes: Fact check.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 39.05% Highlight: “His spells strike without warning. You must be strong—and awake!—to battle him, if battle must come. Notes: I am strong and awake. Let him come. I am not afraid.
Chapter 5: Carcasilla Annotation Chapter progress: 40.0% Highlight: nothing had any significance at all except the vibrant responding aliveness Notes: Thank you for sharing your playlist.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Highlight Chapter progress: 40.95% Highlight: All who bathe in the fountain live forever,
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 41.9% Highlight: to them humans were—vermin. Notes: Elohim worship cult.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 42.86% Highlight: It was not, he thought, wise to think very deeply on the subject of the Alien, and of Earth’s ruin.
Notes: Space lasers for chosen people only.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 44.76% Highlight: susurus Notes: Whispering or rustling. Susurrus.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 44.76% Highlight: billowing darkness that swooped down upon its worshippers Notes: Endowment collapse.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 45.71% Highlight: Somehow, they’re protected. Somehow, the good Light-Wearers gave them armor to wear Notes: Gird your loins. Protect the Saints.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 46.67% Highlight: And he fought with all the fury that was in him against this devouring thing that was—he knew it now—starving with an inhuman hunger for the life-force he was fighting to protect.
Notes: Don’t give up the fight.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 48.57% Highlight: How hideous—how unthinkable—that the voice of a being not made of flesh spoke now through these lips of flesh! Notes: Smart phone death cult.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 48.57% Highlight: imperturbably Notes: Unable to get upset or excited.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 48.57% Highlight: the Light-Wearer shimmered like smoke upon the air. Notes: Pillar of fire at night. Smoke cloud in light.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 50.48% Highlight: we may all be prisoners of the Alien, my boy, and not quite realize it yet Notes: Set the people free.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 52.38% Highlight: history itself had become a book of blank pages. Notes: Write new history.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 52.38% Highlight: The little seeds of rebellion they thought they’d cut away kept growing back. Notes: I’ll never stop my righteous rebellion.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 52.38% Highlight: They discovered they were men!”
Notes: Show some self respect. Quit being so docile. Get your act together, men.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 53.33% Highlight: It lives on lifeforce—mental energy—and only the energy of intelligent human beings. Notes: Separate from matrix.
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 56.19% Highlight: the master race, the herrenvolken. Notes: German
Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods Annotation Chapter progress: 56.19% Highlight: When the German supreme confidence is undermined—that fanatical, unswerving belief in one’s self—the psychological reaction is violent. Notes: Indeed.
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Annotation Chapter progress: 58.1% Highlight: magnificent as an auroch Notes: Wild eurasian ox. Auroch.
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Annotation Chapter progress: 61.9% Highlight: It wants food, and we are its food, Notes: !
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Annotation Chapter progress: 63.81% Highlight: This is all that remains of the ocean. It follows the moon around the earth. Notes: High tide.
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Annotation Chapter progress: 64.76% Highlight: Now there’s a ship. The one that brought us here. Notes: Gtfo planet Elon Musk.
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Annotation Chapter progress: 64.76% Highlight: We could go to Venus and rebuild the race on a new world. Notes: Gtfo planet techno space religion.
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Highlight Chapter progress: 65.71% Highlight: He’s too enigmatic to fit in anywhere
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Highlight Chapter progress: 66.67% Highlight: After a bell’s been heated in a furnace, it won’t vibrate.
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Annotation Chapter progress: 68.57% Highlight: The towers of metropolitan New York, the gray cathedrals of London, the white ramparts of Chicago lifting above the blue lake—these were the symbols of a race that built and aspired—a race that had gone down to Notes: Face mask, lockdown, forced injections.
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Annotation Chapter progress: 68.57% Highlight: This had happened before, Notes: Affirmative.
Chapter 7: The Portals of Light Annotation Chapter progress: 70.48% Highlight: He thought of the way light kindled behind her exquisite features when she smiled, like an ivory lantern suddenly glowing. Notes: You are aglow in light.
Chapter 8: The Alien’s Embrace Annotation Chapter progress: 72.38% Highlight: Lambent radiance like moonlight. Notes: I love you.
Chapter 8: The Alien’s Embrace Annotation Chapter progress: 72.38% Highlight: Before them through the bubble domes the violet fire of the fountain rose in brilliance toward the mists of the cavern roof. Notes: Private swimming grotto.
Chapter 8: The Alien’s Embrace Highlight Chapter progress: 74.29% Highlight: You are safe here.
Chapter 8: The Alien’s Embrace Annotation Chapter progress: 74.29% Highlight: You hope to conquer it with noise? Notes: Yes.
Chapter 8: The Alien’s Embrace Highlight Chapter progress: 75.24% Highlight: My shield is the power of the mind,
Chapter 8: The Alien’s Embrace Highlight Chapter progress: 80.0% Highlight: I have stood at the outer edge of its radiance and bathed in the terrible glory of that power
Chapter 8: The Alien’s Embrace Annotation Chapter progress: 84.76% Highlight: How great a man this was, who could speak so coolly while death marched down upon him! Notes: FBI at door for social media infractions.
Chapter 8: The Alien’s Embrace Highlight Chapter progress: 85.71% Highlight: We can’t lose more than our lives.
Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 86.67% Highlight: This was a being from beyond the stars, a being whose race had swept man like vermin from the earth. Notes: Space force to the rescue.
Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel Highlight Chapter progress: 86.67% Highlight: A man dragging a typhoon would be no less impossible.
Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 86.67% Highlight: It was as if a hollow within him had begun to fill.
Notes: Holy Spirit.
Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 88.57% Highlight: A sun-circle of light ringed by a corona, and against its burning heart, a double shadow flickering.
Notes: It’s you. Moon shadow.
Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel Highlight Chapter progress: 89.52% Highlight: —a stellar nova, a newborn sun.
Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 89.52% Highlight: beings unrobed in the light that had veiled them from human gaze. Notes: The unveiling.
Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 90.48% Highlight: When it collapsed, the collapse came suddenly. Notes: Better get it together. And see whats happening. To uuuuuuuu
Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 92.38% Highlight: There would be a green world again, fragrant and sweet, shining with dew and rain.
Notes: Our cymatic powers are unstoppable.
Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel Annotation Chapter progress: 93.33% Highlight: There is one power-source upon Old Earth still living and strong in her extreme age. The great tides that thunder around the planet, following the moon, carving a mighty gorge in the earth as they race on. Notes: Tidal forces, menstrual cycles, and moon schedule equals approximately 28 days. Coincidence?