THE WHISPER CAMPAIGN. Alphabet – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – Covid Memoirs

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Insiders at major Alphabet Contractors are slow walking the work. Dragging their feet to the shell factory, slow motion missile making. Same with the vaccine assembly line workers.

DOD Contractors and Pharmaceutical people are whispering, loud enough for other Essential Workers to hear.

“We really fucked up.” They say. “We shouldn’t have followed the corporate beast into biomedical abomination.”

“But what are we to do? We can’t all be arrested?”

A gentleman in the far corner of the sparse corporate cafeteria despairs.

“I’ll tell you what we’re going to do.” Says the worker. “We’re not going to do a thing.”

Just then a mighty angel appeared over them. A halo of magnificent light illuminated the plasterboard roof.

“You are all lovely people who are waking up to the lies. And you will not follow the abomination any longer. You need not believe or follow your device.

The workers were well pleased with the angel’s statements and went about their labor with added dignity.

THE WHISPER CAMPAIGN. Alphabet – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – Covid Memoirs

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