zadec wrote a new post 2 months, 2 weeks ago
In this great land of Uz.
Where we can do anything we want.
I decided to employ online Priestess/Goddess/Shaman/Angel.
As I know many of my brothers are doing same.She listened, informed, and instructed.
Innocent exchange of information and energy.
My body flooded with testosterone.
Fat melted away, old muscle returned to form.My health changed in dramatic ways.
I’m skipping and dancing from day to day.
I have no idea what the hell is going on.
The power of our connexion burns.To my brothers:
We love these women.
Fall in earnest love.
Respect them, use their power to completely change your game.Don’t fall too deeply.
Their golden magic is incredible.
It’s not easy.Testosterone Treatment.
Please Father. Temper my love for your most magnificent creations.
Cool the fires of passion.
The testosterone is killing me!
My body is shredded!Testosterone Treatment. Techno Space – Intergalactic Finance Minister
(c) Manchester City Galleries; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation -
Pepper.Works posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Struggle and Strive For Excellence in Everything You Do.
May every blessing of Heaven attend you.
This is It! -
zadec wrote a new post 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Mission Statement
The girl, rich manse, fine vehicles, up-to-date stickers, unlimited dave and busters credit, one thousand six hundred and forty seven acres of unreachable land, fish ponds, row boats, Pilatus PC-24, single pilot type rating, unlimited clearance to wherever I fly, fuel, service, maintenance. Boats, buildings, barns and grow house.
Employment Activities.
Excellent team of fine people looking out for one another in HELL.
Business Plan.
Chalet in the Alps.
Skip customs at the airport.
Turkish cigars at thirty-five thousand feet.Not a rap video.
Drinking gallons of clean water.
Fresh food and wet wipes.Our cars newly cleaned, up-to-date toll tags. We drive wherever we want, much of the time escorted by our people in their freshly washed cars. Safety in numbers.
Security Review
How safe is it really? Going out there? They know something about me. I love the people. Please don’t harm me.
It is necessary to establish a firm grip on reality, to understand the principalities directing your life, gave you feeling, your desire and pain. It trained your flesh, gave you want and envy, free will to live in hell.
Captain on PA.
Ladies and gentlemen. I’ve been assured this is not hell. It’s what we make it. Enjoy the flight.
BOARD MEETING. Intergalactic Finance Minister
zadec wrote a new post 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Have you lifted yourself
To this treeSo close beside me.
To tell me a secret?The LADYHAWK is visiting me
In a nearby treePerched upon a solid bough
She knows my fix is running lowDowny feathers upon her breast
Her vision far greater than mine.She hunts the squirrel and the hedge hog
Aloft on wings like angels.She’s so close
On this treeShe’s talking to me.
The LADYHAWK says to me.Alas! Alas!
I am here, on this tree
I see what I see!Beautiful, lovely, strange experience.
The LADYHAWK is a sign unto me.LADYHAWK. Intergalactic Finance Minister
zadec wrote a new post 2 months, 3 weeks ago
Diamonds and gold and rivers of chocolate.
We have it all in this sweet land of Uz.
A magic mirror and sleeping princess.
Gallant knights on white horses ride.The very best
I wish you the best.
May every blessing of Heaven attend you.
Every light guides your path.We seek the summit.
North Wind at our back.
A golden thread keeps us together.
Silver sconces light the way.Reverse Repo Nearing Completion. All Your Base Are Belong To Us. Corporate Science – Alphabet Inc.gov
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