Far From The Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy Book Review

Views: 288Far From The Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy Book Review. It’s a love story! Published 1874 Gregorian. Meet the suitors: Gabriel Oak. The shepherd, strong as oak, always at the heels of our fine heroine. Mr. Boldwood. Gentleman farmer, waste of space. Totally taken by her beauty, lured in and dumbstruck by her siren… Continue reading Far From The Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy Book Review

Entering Dark Forest. Intergalactic Finance Minister.

Views: 16We walk into the beach house to shower. Pretty flowers on your blouse. Smell of gardenias and orange peels. Our sedan is waiting, hired post-chaise with team of foals. Springtime feelings abound. Singing birds and verdant buds. The hayricks stand like sentinels of Neverland. Cotton ball clouds and raven calls from approaching wooded forest.… Continue reading Entering Dark Forest. Intergalactic Finance Minister.

Lizards Take Down Site. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Views: 76My site Pepper.Works – was taken down by LIZARDS on 1 SEP 2024 I believe they were offended by this post: About 11pm last night, the lizards slipped through the fence, deployed their bots, and overwhelmed my hardware. ALL LIZARDS ARE FINISHED. YOU CAN’T WIN. Weak, desperate, and SAD. THE LIZARDS ARE FINISHED. You… Continue reading Lizards Take Down Site. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

Report From Mariposa Beach. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Views: 79Report From Mariposa Beach. Intergalactic Finance Minister We awake to the sound of crashing waves. We’re sleeping on a large Persian rug set on a sandy beach. Large tapestries of gold and scarlet overhead. An ocher mist of dawn surrounds us. Your tumbled hair falls around the divan and cushions. Your eyes.Emerald gardens of… Continue reading Report From Mariposa Beach. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Google Pay is Apple Pay is Walmart Pay is Youtube credits is Twitter credits is Instagram credits is Fakebook credits, is Netflix credit, is SOCIAL CREDIT PAYMENT NETWORK – Techno Space Religion – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Italy, Tuscany, Florence, Uffizi Gallery. Eight poplar-wood panels, of varying widths and uniform thickness of 3cm joined at the back by two firwood crosspieces. Whole artwork view. Allegory of Spring. Group of eight figures of adults and one child on a green and flowering lawn limited by a grove of fruit trees, oranges. From left to right Mercury, the Three Graces dancing, Venus and Cupid, Flora.

Views: 79DISCLAIMER ONE: I don’t want to sleep with the techno snake. Blockchain is a technological tool of accountability. POINT.BLANK.PERIOD DISCLAIMER TWO: I AM NOT A PROPONENT OF A CASHLESS SOCIETY. (Cash is already illegal, you dumb dolts.)(Ask me about BSA, FINCEN, MSB, KYC, SEC, IRS, Structured Payments, Compliance, Conformity, CONTROL – Accounts Closed –… Continue reading Google Pay is Apple Pay is Walmart Pay is Youtube credits is Twitter credits is Instagram credits is Fakebook credits, is Netflix credit, is SOCIAL CREDIT PAYMENT NETWORK – Techno Space Religion – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Report From Iron Mountain – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Views: 184Our energies together are strange and powerful. We meet in the den, castle and grounds provided by intergalactic finance council. The room alights with your golden aura. “Let’s go riding.” “Good idea.” We take a stroll in the garden, fresh lilies, koi ponds, and rock formations. The horses are kept aside a copse of… Continue reading Report From Iron Mountain – Intergalactic Finance Minister

Morning Announcement. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Views: 194We exit our private swimming grotto. Your skin is glowing pearls and jade, new energies from galactic center lifting you up to the highest. You wear a sea green sheer satin trim robe, yellow ribbon round the middle. Your bare feet delicate and silent on the cool marble floor. Your form like ripe peaches… Continue reading Morning Announcement. Intergalactic Finance Minister

Marble Encased Underground Swimming Grotto. Intergalactic Finance Minister Compensation Package

mars and venus

Views: 216We take the stairs down several flights and exit into a rock cave with fine gravel path and lighted torches on the walls. The cave leads to an immense STONE SWIMMING GROTTO, statues of cherubs, venus, mars, and bachhus. A great vaulted ceiling. Translucent superstructure. We bathe together in our UNDERGROUND MARBLE ENCASED SWIMMING… Continue reading Marble Encased Underground Swimming Grotto. Intergalactic Finance Minister Compensation Package