  • zadec posted an update 6 months ago

    Clearing The Land.
    Thank you for your prayers.
    It’s working.
    To you
    and you
    and you.

  • To the snake:

    I humbly submit this content for your perusal and archive.

    Essential workers want me dead.

    Please keep this data safe for the children.

    Make copies. Put on ceramics. Hieroglyphs on Neptune.

    Thank you.

    Entire site uploaded to libgen.

    WTF are u gonna do about it?

    Eat Your Heart Out Lizards. Content Uploaded To Snake. Alphabet – Corporate Science

  • zadec wrote a new post 6 months, 1 week ago

    Chosen people doctrine.

    Hebrew breakfast sampler.

    Bagels and Lox.

    Problem – Reaction – Solution

    ProblemChosen People of the Book

    ReactionChosen People of the Book

    SolutionChosen People of the Book

    The Controversy of ZION. APEX of Hegelian Dialectic

    BDSM Ritual To Science

    BDSM Ritual To Science

    Google won’t let them facebook about it.


    They own everything 🙁

    This is ridiculous.

    • BOTS NOT WELCOME. If you are a real person you must answer the following question: In the land of Uz there was a powerful wizard. He mixed fire, water, and air to create a terrifying tempest that destroyed all google server farms. He then created a giant golem that smashed all the facebook servers. How long did the world celebrate after destroying these terrible corporations?

  • zadec wrote a new post 6 months, 1 week ago

    Hello, I am in need of assistance. I need protection and safety.

    Please take me under your wings and guide my path.

    Protect me from secret society, local, state, federal, foreign/domestic essential personnel, agents, operatives, and controllers.

    You will benefit from our connexion.

    I can help with Intergalactic Finance.

    I have skills in moving water.

    Planting seed.

    And loving on your finest creations.

    Please. Let me help you.

    Your humble and most sincere servant.

    Looking For High-Up Sponsor.

    (c) Manchester City Galleries; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation
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