We found 139 results for your search.

Strange Tales of the High Seas by Osie Turner, Morgan Robertson, William Hope Hodgson Book Review

Great collection of adventure, ghosts, shipwrecks, and insurance scam barratry. Morgan Robertson, in his story, THE WRECK OF THE TITAN, exactly predicts and describes the sinking of the Titanic more than a decade before the actual event. James Cameron, here’s to you, your submarine, and the deepest abyss. The Titanic allegedly sunk in 1912. Mr.… Continue reading Strange Tales of the High Seas by Osie Turner, Morgan Robertson, William Hope Hodgson Book Review

Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Book Review

Schadow's Mignon (1828)

Curious book about discovery, direction, and predetermined destination by secret society. An alter is prepared covered in green tapestry. Wilhelm enters the inner sanctum, his life revealed as a program, a stage act; all his movements known and precalculated by mysterious hidden hand. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, published 1795 Greg. I dislike Wilhelm. He’s the kind… Continue reading Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Book Review

Mignon – A Character Reveal – Book Review

Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship by Goethe: Full Book Review Here I’m in a precarious situation here. I’ve reached a go-no-go point in this book. The Mignon reveal is going to be sweet nectar, milk chocolate, and honey. I don’t know what’s going to happen. She’s just a child, she dances, sings, and dresses like a boy.… Continue reading Mignon – A Character Reveal – Book Review

The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Book Review

This story published in 1774 is terrible! Just terrible. I couldn’t put the book down! The love between Werther and Charlotte is genuine to be sure. Strong, stupid, selfish, deadly passion. Thanks be to God I am not a stupid young man any more! These passions are outlived. I feel the desperation, full of want… Continue reading The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Book Review

Two Years Holiday by Jules Verne Book Review

The boys are shipwrecked. Fifteen of them. Aging from eight to fourteen years old. No adults around. They live on the island without trouble, build shelter in a cave, read lessons from a small library, hunt game, gather the flocks, and harvest the herbs. Everything is working out marvelously. The French boy, Briant, is likable.… Continue reading Two Years Holiday by Jules Verne Book Review

Earth’s Last Citadel by C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner Book Review

We begin in the sands of Tunis. Following the path of a shooting star. A faint emerald glow can be seen above the undulating dunes. We follow the light. A radiant star portal is found beside a green oasis, we pause for repast and prayer. Your hair wrapped in white silk, your robes flowing like… Continue reading Earth’s Last Citadel by C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner Book Review

The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy Book Review

Published 1878 Set on the heavenly heath. The summit of the barrow, undulating folds of the field. Secret grassy swales for lovers to hide. The heathmen burn the furze on the Fifth of November. Men and women dance around the wispy flames. Enter Suitor One: A reddleman. He’s colored red from toe to head. The… Continue reading The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy Book Review

Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Sir Walter Scott Book Review

Published 1830. Do you believe in enchantments? Is the presence of the creator working on supernatural levels? Do you believe in angels? Are you an angel? Let the Holy Spirit move through us.We are together. Only harmonizing, always resonant.Pure thought. Righteous action. Perfect love. 🙏🏻 Sir Walter Scott informs us that the etymology of ‘witch’… Continue reading Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft by Sir Walter Scott Book Review

The Mask of Circe by Henry Kuttner book review

I am Jason of Argo. I feel her keel vibrating in the sea. The slap of water against her prow. Our connection is surreal. My memory of you is undeniable. You were a light warrior. I was your lover. Now I find you here. Strange, wonderful, electrifying. I know I’m jumping timelines. But what the… Continue reading The Mask of Circe by Henry Kuttner book review

Robur The Conqueror by Jules Verne Book Review

Arrange first class travel on your finest sailing vessel. I’ll take you to X Island. The lady and I will stroll the decks, play guitars in our cabin, and eat like rabbits. Salad mostly. Red wine on full moons only. Several pounds of fresh coffee and freshly rolled Turkish cigars. At the end of the… Continue reading Robur The Conqueror by Jules Verne Book Review