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Techno Space Religion by Gigi Young – DON’T TAKE THE CHIP – Vacked

Views: 268The Coming Era of Techno-Space Barons by Gigi Young It’s time to address the big tech elephant in the room. Trump needs big tech to win but will be beholden to that particular cartel while in office. This means that should he take the presidency, the issues that the Democratic party have created will… Continue reading Techno Space Religion by Gigi Young – DON’T TAKE THE CHIP – Vacked

Clif High – BUILDING IDENTIFICATION ON THE BLOCKCHAIN. Real ID. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – MOTB – Vacked

Views: 337No. We WILL NOT REGISTER FOR YOUR “VOTING SYSTEM”. YOU SICK FUCKS. BUILDING Real ID app for BLEATING LAMBS.Magic The Trump Gathering Card Game.Reversible Bibles.Jewish Nuke War.Thirty Two Days.Social Credit Corporate Debt.Over drawn.Under exposed. https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/choose-your-future-flavor Clif High – BUILDING IDENTIFICATION ON THE BLOCKCHAIN. Real ID. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax –… Continue reading Clif High – BUILDING IDENTIFICATION ON THE BLOCKCHAIN. Real ID. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Asymptomatic Hoax – MOTB – Vacked

DO NOT Stand Up and Be Counted. GloboCorp secret code for Beast Mark Number on Your forehead or hand. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Vacked

Views: 423“Stand Up and Be Counted““Stand Up and Be Numbered“Like a Lamb prepared for slaughter.No man can buy or sell without it. Do not stand up to be counted. Make haste for the wilderness,hide yourselves for a little while,LET THE DEATH ANGEL PASS OVER. Keep your head down, soldier. The abomination of desolation is here.… Continue reading DO NOT Stand Up and Be Counted. GloboCorp secret code for Beast Mark Number on Your forehead or hand. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science – Vacked

SCANNING PEOPLE at LOCAL CAFE FEB2024. Corporate Science – Alphabet Inc.gov – Vacked

Views: 317The Granularity by which the Lizard Commie People want to track US is INHUMAN. The Fidelity by which the Lizards read our telemetry is INHUMAN.WHO and/or WHAT THE FUCK IS TAGGING THE PEOPLE like cows in slaughter house? I OPT OUT OF YOUR NIGHTMARE. Separate yourselves from this abomination. Shut your doors for a… Continue reading SCANNING PEOPLE at LOCAL CAFE FEB2024. Corporate Science – Alphabet Inc.gov – Vacked


Views: 63Considerations and Evaluations; VACKED PEOPLE are BROADCASTING UNNAMED BLUETOOTH SIGNAL. Up until now I was a skeptic. VACKED PEOPLE broadcasting MAC addresses? It doesn’t seem possible. I started experimenting with my laptop at local cafe. I installed BlueMan software, it was easy to SCAN for UNNAMED BLUETOOTH DEVICES. My first scan was extremely anomalous.… Continue reading SCANNING AND LOGGING VACKED PEOPLE. Apocalypse Science