• zadec posted an update 19 hours, 46 minutes ago

    Sanction @BlackRock #bitcoin – FORCE BEHAVIOR CHANGE

  • zadec wrote a new post 1 day, 13 hours ago

    They’re Going To Confiscate Bitcoin.

    and/or make it illegal to transact in “bitcoin” (lizards only) because the asset is “strategic”.


    Strategic asset reserve confiscation

    Confiscation of strategic assets refers to the government’s seizure or forced sale of critical resources, such as commodities, currencies, or financial instruments, to address economic or financial crises. In the context of a strategic asset reserve, confiscation could involve the government taking control of a reserve of a commodity or item, such as gold, oil, or food, to mitigate the impact of supply disruptions or market volatility.

    Historical Context

    In the 1930s, the US government confiscated gold from citizens and institutions as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, including Executive Order 6102 and the Gold Reserve Act of 1934. This move was aimed at stabilizing the US economy and restoring confidence in the dollar.


    They’re Going To Confiscate Bitcoin. Strategic Asset Reserve. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science

    and/or make it illegal to transact in strategic reserve currency.

  • zadec wrote a new post 1 day, 16 hours ago

    There is a woman at the top of the stairs.

    Her brunette hair up in a bun, tiny tendrils caress her slender neck. Her smile is a beaming light, her almond brown eyes have found yours.

    I climb the stairs, others evaporate away into nothing. All attention fixed on her.

    I cross paths with a glorious light.

    Hurry up and slow down, don’t act a fool, don’t trip on the stairs, hold on to the railing, get a grip.

    It’s too late.

    All I could manage was a sheepish, “Hello.”

    She smiled ever so brightly, and said, “Hi.”

    Her smell a flower garden of repast, her hair a raven’s nest of alluvial wisps.

    The moon raising her up to the highest.

    The Selenite orb enshrines the glowing city in a whimsical beauty. I walk into the future.

    The angels are alive and well.

    There Is A Woman At The Top Of The Stairs.

  • zadec posted an update 1 day, 16 hours ago

    Sounds About Right
    Elder Ahyal.
    It’s In The Water 🙁

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