  • zadec wrote a new post 1 month, 1 week ago

    You were made for more
    Let the light in
    You haven’t met everyone who will love you!
    Trust the rivers of life
    Listen to your soul
    Remember, this is your life.
    When it’s time
    You’ll know.
    It hurts to grow.
    You were made for more.

    hurts to grow

  • zadec wrote a new post 1 month, 1 week ago

    It’s time once again to redouble our efforts,

    Prayers to the millstone,
    experience to next level.

    We are the cause.
    We are the effect.

    They cannot stop us.
    It’s ours for the taking.

    What we’ve always known,
    is what we’re doing.

    You are the light.
    I am the shepherd.

    You help me see it.
    So clearly do i hear it.

    We are making a way,
    When they said there was none.

    We are the exodus.
    We are a new kingdom.

    There is nothing stopping us.

    We are God’s Children.

    Praise – Intergalactic Finance Minister

  • zadec posted an update 1 month, 1 week ago


  • zadec wrote a new post 1 month, 1 week ago

    Comprehensive review of ongoing operation: Intergalactic Finance Minister

    Examine the results of your inputs carefully. See how they are being manifested back to you, make small adjustments and note the changes.

    Keep the sample clean.

    Don’t continue with failed experiments. Let the results speak independently of your bias. (easier said than done.)

    When you have success, understand why it was successful, independent of your bias. (easier said than done.)

    Trust the process. Keep learning the fine details.

    Acknowledge your ignorance. You will never fully understand it, take solace in knowing that you have it. And are using it for good and righteous reasons.

    Continue to believe in miracles, the next door that opens will be your way out, the next opportunity is your deliverance, the next relationship a blessing from God, the next idea given to you by the Holy Spirit.

    Always remember that you are exactly where you said you would be. You knew you were going to be like this, in this way, doing the things you are doing.

    You knew you would be a terrible reckoning, the enigma, a tempest in a tea cup.

    In whatever way you can, stir it up. You must always stir, and watch the whirlpools and eddies of your powers ripple in the stream of ineffable life.

    Stir It Up. Intergalactic Finance Minister

    • Download correct package.
    • Verify signing keys.
    • Unpack .tarball and extract to working directory.
    • Install the package.
    • Setup accounts.
    • Save your seed phrase.
    • Back up instance.
    • Fund your wallets.
    • Begin arbitrage program.

    HOW TO READ CHARTS. Techno Space

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