How To Turn Unnamed Bluetooth Broadcast signal OFF. VACKED People. Apocalypse Science

The VACKED PEOPLE are broadcasting unnamed bluetooth MAC signal. To TURN OFF the unnamed broadcast signal follow these instructions: ASK VACKED PERSON TO TURN OFF THEIR UNNAMED BLUETOOTH MAC SIGNAL. VACKED PERSON replies, “What are you talking about?” I say, “Good sir, you are broadcasting an unnamed bluetooth device from your person. Please turn this… Continue reading How To Turn Unnamed Bluetooth Broadcast signal OFF. VACKED People. Apocalypse Science

Prayer Censorship – Alphabet

Oh LORD, MOST HIGH, GOD, Decimate my enemies with your almighty SWORD. Alphabet Protect THE SAINTS. DO THE PROPHETS NO HARM. Thank you, FATHER. We can’t physically harm our enemies.We can’t hold our enemies to account.We can’t do anything. Censored Prayers by Alphabet See also: Unpleasant Prayers

Earth Under Fire by Paul A. LaViolette book review

The story begins in the heavens. Look towards the arrow of Sagittarius, the center of our galaxy. Kinetic superwave event of ancient star charts, the zodiac tells the story of our cataclysmic cycle. The wave carries with it a storm of space dust. The space dust enters our solar system. Our sun responds with increased… Continue reading Earth Under Fire by Paul A. LaViolette book review