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Published 1878
Set on the heavenly heath. The summit of the barrow, undulating folds of the field.
Secret grassy swales for lovers to hide.
The heathmen burn the furze on the Fifth of November. Men and women dance around the wispy flames.
Enter Suitor One: A reddleman. He’s colored red from toe to head. The ocher used to mark the flock permeates his clothing and skin. He loves Thomasin Yeobright deeply and earnestly. Introducing, Diggory Venn.
Enter Suitor Two: He’s a failed professional, maintains tryst with the best women, talks sweet like molasses on a hot summer day. Introducing, Damon Wildeve.
Enter Suitor Three: He’s the cousin of one of our lovely heroines. Kissing cousins. This young man comes straight from Paris with cosmopolitan ideas and big town disillusions. Introducing, Clym Yeobright.
The story on the heath is perfect.
The women are soft as clouds.
The text is pious as a dove.
Introducing the Heroines:
Heroine one. She wants to be married, her good character is on the line. She is lovely and agreeable. Thomasin Yeobright.
Heroine two: After realizing her man was rejected by her rival, she loses all respect for him and marks a bullseye directly on Mr. Cosmopolitan. There’s no hope for him. She is devious, collected, and extremely beautiful. Eustacia Vye.
What’s going to happen?!
The reddleman’s love is so pure, he encourages the marriage of his beloved to his rival to save her good name and character.
Eustacia is so cunning you are compelled to fall in love with her.
The heath plays the best character. I was immediately enchanted by the heathmen and their fires.
Secret grassy swales for lovers to hide.
The Native Son Returns, falls in love with the wrong woman, makes a fool of himself, is filled with wrong ideals, generally an extremist, objectionable on every measure. Proceeds to make glorious mess out of everything.
Dear Mr. Thomas Hardy,
For shame, sir. Must love be a tragedy? I want to dance and sing. For shame, sir.
I now call on Eustacia Vye, “Eustacia, my love! Dump Wildeve and Clym and go with me to Paris! I love you!”
To Thomasin: I’ll be your reddleman if it pleases you. Affectionately yours forever.
Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy Book Review
My highlights and annotations:
Complete Works of Thomas Hardy (Illustrated) by Thomas Hardy
Book last read: 2024-11-09 17:47:43
Chapter progress: 19.13%
Highlight: The sombre stretch of rounds and hollows seemed to rise and meet the evening gloom in pure sympathy, the heath exhaling darkness as rapidly as the heavens precipitated it.
Notes: Nightfall on the heath.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.15%
Highlight: Intensity was more usually reached by way of the solemn than by way of the brilliant, and such a sort of intensity was often arrived at during winter darkness, tempests, and mists.
Notes: Solemn glow.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.19%
Highlight: reddleman
Notes: Ask Circe. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ruddle#h1Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.19%
Highlight: The traveller with the cart was a reddleman — a person whose vocation it was to supply farmers with redding for their sheep.
Notes: Why do you redden the fleece?Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.2%
Highlight: The silence conveyed to neither any sense of awkwardness;
Notes: Rest notes.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.21%
Highlight: “You have a child there, my man?”“No, sir, I have a woman.”
Chapter progress: 19.21%
Highlight: “She’s above mating with such as I. But there’s no reason why I should tell you about that.”Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.23%
Highlight: The scene was strangely homogeneous, in that the vale, the upland, the barrow, and the figure above it amounted only to unity.
Notes: On the summit.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.24%
Highlight: The movement had been sufficient to show more clearly the characteristics of the figure, and that it was a woman’s.Notes: Enter heroine.
Chapter progress: 19.24%
Highlight: with the glide of a water-drop down a bud,Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.25%
Highlight: like a travelling flock of sheep; that is to say, the strongest first, the weak and young behind.
Notes: I say Hello to the bleating lambs.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.25%
Highlight: furze faggots,
Notes: Yellow flower gorse bush for lamb fodder.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.25%
Highlight: Maenades,
Notes: Female follower of Bachus.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.25%
Highlight: The cheerful blaze streaked the inner surface of the human circle — now increased by other stragglers, male and female
Notes: Smell of sage from burning fire.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.26%
Highlight: Moreover to light a fire is the instinctive and resistant act of man when, at the winter ingress, the curfew is sounded throughout Nature. It indicates a spontaneous, Promethean rebelliousness against that fiat that this recurrent season shall bring foul times, cold darkness, misery and death. Black chaos comes, and the fettered gods of the earth say, Let there be light.
Notes: The warmth and power of THE FLAME.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.26%
Highlight: the bonfire-makers were standing in some radiant upper story of the world, detached from and independent of the dark stretches below.
Notes: Burn Ban to stop Saints from burning fires of LOVE.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.27%
Highlight: The beaming sight, and the penetrating warmth, seemed to breed in him a cumulative cheerfulness, which soon amounted to delight.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.27%
Highlight: Dureresque
Notes:Albert Durer – Dureresque Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.27%
Highlight: eyeballs glowed like little lanterns.
Notes: In the fire light.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.32%
Highlight: “‘Tis the only sort of party a staid man can feel safe at after the mug have been round a few times.”Notes: Dance party.
Chapter progress: 19.32%
Highlight: heath brooms, or besoms.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.32%
Highlight: Her nature was to be civil to enemies as well as to friends, and grateful to all the world for letting her remain alive.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.34%
Highlight: A young woman with a home must be a fool to tear her smock for a man like that.
Notes: Tear her smock?Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.36%
Highlight: tis not to married couples but to single sleepers that a ghost shows himselfChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.36%
Highlight: The boy never comes to anything that’s born at new moon.
Notes: No moon, no man. Axiom.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.37%
Highlight: I am up for anything.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.38%
Highlight: And what a zany an old chap must be, to light a bonfire when there’s no youngsters to please.”
Notes: HeheChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.39%
Highlight: Fifth-of-Novembers
Notes: Ask Circe – It’s when the HEATHMEN heathens set fire to the furze.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.39%
Highlight: Once within the circle he whirled her round and round in a dance.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.39%
Highlight: she helplessly danced round with him, her feet playing like drumsticks among the sparks.
Notes: Your bare feet ankleted with silver bells.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.39%
Highlight: “She’s a well-favoured maid enough,” said Humphrey the furze-cutter, “especially when she’s got one of her dandy gowns on.”Notes: It’s you in a milk chocolate dress. Hourglass contours of heaven in the sun.
Chapter progress: 19.41%
Highlight: heathmen
Notes: Heathen.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.42%
Highlight: Persons with any weight of character carry, like planets, their atmospheres along with them in their orbits;Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.43%
Highlight: Tis a weight upon a man to be looked up to as commander,Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.44%
Highlight: besom-maker.
Notes: Broom maker.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.48%
Highlight: Though her eyes were closed, one could easily imagine the light necessarily shining in them as the culmination of the luminous workmanship around.
Notes: You are the light.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.51%
Chapter progress: 19.52%
Highlight: The grace of his movement was singular — it was the pantomimic expression of a lady-killing career.
Notes: Damon WildeveChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.54%
Highlight: the double insult to a man unlucky enough to be cursed with sensitiveness, and blue demons, and Heaven knows what, as I am.
Notes: What am I?Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.56%
Highlight: All that can be said against mead is that ‘tis rather heady, and apt to lie about a man a good while. But tomorrow’s Sunday, thank God.
Notes: Alcohol is a terrible poison and should only be used to conjure love spirit. Can i pour u a glass of wine?Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.58%
Highlight: Sheridan’s renowned Begum Speech,
Notes: Ask Circe – https://quod.lib.umich.edu/e/ecco/004780205.0001.000/1:3?rgn=div1;view=fulltextChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.61%
Highlight: And a partner as deep as the North Star,
Notes: YOU are a star!Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.63%
Highlight: she was listening to the wind,Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.63%
Highlight: baritone buzz of a holly tree.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.7%
Highlight: Yes?” she said, and held her breath.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.7%
Highlight: pinafore
Notes: Sleeveless apron jumper smock.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.71%
Highlight: Why shouldn’t I have a bonfire on the Fifth of November, like other denizens of the heath?”Notes: Build fire on Fifth of November and pray pray pray.
Chapter progress: 19.71%
Highlight: She let her joyous eyes rest upon him without speaking, as upon some wondrous thing she had createdChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.74%
Highlight: I merely lit that fire because I was dull, and thought I would get a little excitement by calling you up and triumphing over you as the Witch of Endor called up Samuel.
Notes: Witch of EndorChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.76%
Highlight: Eustacia Vye was the raw material of a divinity.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.76%
Highlight: When her hair was brushed she would instantly sink into stillness and look like the Sphinx.
Chapter progress: 19.76%
Highlight: To see her hair was to fancy that a whole winter did not contain darkness enough to form its shadow — it closed over her forehead like nightfall extinguishing the western glow.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.76%
Highlight: She had the passions and instincts which make a model goddess,Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.76%
Highlight: Assuming that the souls of men and women were visible essences, you could fancy the colour of Eustacia’s soul to be flamelike.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.76%
Highlight: soft to the touch as a cloud.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.77%
Highlight: Her presence brought memories of such things as Bourbon roses, rubies, and tropical midnight; her moods recalled lotus-eaters and the march in Athalie; her motions, the ebb and flow of the sea; her voice, the viola. In a dim light, and with a slight rearrangement of her hair, her general figure might have stood for that of either of the higher female deities. The new moon behind her head, an old helmet upon it, a diadem of accidental dewdrops round her brow, would have been adjuncts sufficient to strike the note of Artemis, Athena, or Hera respectively, with as close an approximation to the antique as that which passes muster on many respected canvases.Notes: Isn’t she lovely. Isn’t she wonderful!
Chapter progress: 19.82%
Highlight: In heaven she will probably sit between the Heloises and the Cleopatras.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.82%
Highlight: there was only one circumstance which could dislodge him, and that was the advent of a greater man.Notes: Hello. My name is Peter.
Chapter progress: 19.86%
Highlight: reddle.
Notes: Red pigment consisting of ochre.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.89%
Highlight: Reddle spreads its lively hues over everything it lights on, and stamps unmistakably, as with the mark of Cain, any person who has handled it half an hour.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.89%
Highlight: Love Leads a Shrewd Man into StrategyChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.9%
Highlight: he had relinquished his proper station in life for want of interest in it.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.92%
Highlight: his expenditure was only one-fourth of his income,
Notes: Prophet.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.95%
Highlight: Don’t you offer me tame love, or away you go!”Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.98%
Highlight: It seems impossible to do well here, unless one were a wild bird or a landscape-painter.
Notes: heheChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 19.99%
Highlight: bustard
Notes: Heaviest flying land bird.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.03%
Highlight: with a laugh which unclosed her lips so that the sun shone into her mouth as into a tulip, and lent it a similar scarlet fire.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.05%
Highlight: out of every ten folks you meet nine of ‘em in love.
Notes: Fact check.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.07%
Highlight: though idle people might call it work, working people would call it play.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.09%
Highlight: There is nobody so poor as these professional fellows who have failed;
Notes: Wildeve.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.09%
Highlight: her eyes involuntarily glanced towards his singular though shapely figure.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.1%
Highlight: She thanked God for the weapon which the reddleman had put into her hands.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.11%
Highlight: The gentlest women are not such fools as to show EVERY card.”Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.14%
Highlight: what was the man worth whom a woman inferior to herself did not value?
Notes: Good question.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.14%
Highlight: Was it really possible that her interest in Wildeve had been so entirely the result of antagonism that the glory and the dream departed from the man with the first sound that he was no longer coveted by her rival?
Notes: Coveted by rival.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.16%
Highlight: dog-hole of England
Notes: Limey Brits.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.19%
Highlight: somnolence.
Notes: Sleepy, drowsy.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.2%
Highlight: a real perusing man, with the strangest notions about things.
Notes: At your service.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.21%
Highlight: scampering over the furze with a face as red as a rose,Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.21%
Highlight: Both of one mind about niceties for certain, and learned in print, and always thinking about high doctrine — there couldn’t be a better couple if they were made o’ purpose.
Notes: Glad to meet you.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.21%
Highlight: They say he can talk French as fast as a maid can eat blackberries;
Notes: Hehe.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.31%
Highlight: No event could have been more exciting.
Notes: Meeting you on the heath in the sun.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.32%
Highlight: Suddenly these two wheeled out from the mass of dancers, dived into one of the pools of the heath, and came out somewhere into an iridescent hollow, arched with rainbows.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.33%
Highlight: newly kindled fervour.
Notes: I love you!Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.34%
Highlight: Providence is nothing if not coquettish;
Notes: Your light burns inside me.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.35%
Highlight: Thus the congregation on Christmas morning is mostly a Tussaud collection of celebrities who have been born in the neighbourhood.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.36%
Highlight: The fuelhouse was as roomy as a barn, and was a most desirable place for such a purpose.
Notes: I’ll meet you at the fuelhouse.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.37%
Highlight: Gorget, gusset, basinet, cuirass, gauntlet, sleeve,
Notes: Good list of clothing.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.39%
Highlight: Saint George.
Notes: vs. saint Nick. Ask Circe.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.39%
Highlight: “Now, would you do anything to please me,
Notes: Yes.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.39%
Highlight: what an opportunity would have been afforded her of seeing the man whose influence was penetrating her like summer sun!Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.39%
Highlight: for he, like many, had felt the power of this girl’s face and form.Notes: Milk chocalate dress. Hourglass contours. It’s YOU in the sun.
Chapter progress: 20.42%
Highlight: she struck the light revealing herself to be changed in sex, brilliant in colours, and armed from top to toe.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.42%
Highlight: She pulled off the glove, and gave him her bare hand.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.43%
Highlight: The contract completed, she raised between them a barrier impenetrable as a wall.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.46%
Highlight: To dance with a man is to concentrate a twelvemonth’s regulation fire upon him in the fragment of an hour.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.47%
Highlight: The fury of personal movement that was kindled by the fury of the notes
Notes: Dance!Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.49%
Highlight: honourable lads will not tell tales upon a lady.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.52%
Highlight: At the other side of the chimney stood the settle, which is the necessary supplement to a fire so open that nothing less than a strong breeze will carry up the smoke.
Notes: Fire science.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.52%
Highlight: the age of a modern man is to be measured by the intensity of his history.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.53%
Highlight: It was a phase of cheerfulness which was, as a matter of course, to be passed through every Christmas; and there was no more to be
Notes: holiday cheer on repeat.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.53%
Highlight: ideal physical beauty is incompatible with emotional development and a full recognition of the coil of things.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.53%
Highlight: As is usual with bright natures, the deity that lies ignominiously chained within an ephemeral human carcase shone out of him like a ray.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.53%
Highlight: The beauty here visible would in no long time be ruthlessly over-run by its parasite, thought,
Notes: Ego loop.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.57%
Highlight: how extended was her scope both in feeling and in making others feel, and how far her compass transcended that of her companions in the band?
Notes: Chassonet de se FaconChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.6%
Highlight: Polly PeachumChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.6%
Highlight: Eustacia felt a wild jealousy of Thomasin on the instant.
Notes: Uh oh.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.6%
Highlight: Lydia LanguishChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.64%
Highlight: You may walk on the heath night or day, as you choose,Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.64%
Highlight: Diggory Venn.
Notes: The reddleman.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.65%
Highlight: His figure was perfect, his face young and well outlined, his eye bright, his intelligence keen, and his position one which he could readily better if he chose.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.68%
Highlight: if she cannot be happy without him I will do my duty in helping her to get him, as a man ought.
Notes: Hmmm.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.76%
Highlight: Let the past be forgotten.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.83%
Highlight: That he would be successful in an original way, or that he would go to the dogs in an original way, seemed equally probable. The only absolute certainty about him was that he would not stand still in the circumstances amid which he wasChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.89%
Highlight: A man should be only partially before his time — to be completely to the vanward in aspirations is fatal to fame.
Notes: nobody likes me.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.89%
Highlight: He had a conviction that the want of most men was knowledge of a sort which brings wisdom rather than affluence.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.89%
Highlight: Much of this development he may have owed to his studious life in Paris, where he had become acquainted with ethical systems popular at the time.
Notes: Snake alert!Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.89%
Highlight: To argue upon the possibility of culture before luxury to the bucolic world may be to argue truly, but it is an attempt to disturb a sequence to which humanity has been long accustomed.
Notes: Luxury always before Culture.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.91%
Highlight: I am going to take an entirely new course.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 20.99%
Highlight: With the glance the calm fixity of her features sublimed itself to an expression of refinement and warmth; it was like garish noon rising to the dignity of sunset
Notes: She is the sun.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.02%
Highlight: I have not much love for my fellow-creatures. Sometimes I quite hate them.”Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.02%
Highlight: I did not know that I had such a magic reputation.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.05%
Highlight: In the social sphere these gifted ones are mostly women; they can watch a world which they never saw, and estimate forces of which they have only heard. We call it intuition.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.06%
Highlight: The awakening was almost feline in its stealthiness.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.08%
Highlight: It was very well to talk of, but ridiculous to put in practice.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.09%
Highlight: It was a bad day for you when you first set eyes on her. And your scheme is merely a castle in the air built on purpose to justify this folly which has seized you, and to salve your conscience on the irrational situationChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.19%
Highlight: she is a lady by instinct.
Chapter progress: 21.19%
Highlight: I have been told an incomprehensible thing,
Notes: Lockdown, face mask humiliation ritual.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.19%
Highlight: What will you do with a wife, then?
Notes: Good question.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.22%
Highlight: I am only at an awkward turning.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.22%
Highlight: Our present mode of life must shortly be brought to an end.”Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.22%
Highlight: Pleasure not known beforehand is half wasted; to anticipate it is to double it.
Notes: Anticipation is half the fun.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.23%
Highlight: it was a favourite way with them to walk bare hand in bare hand — and led her through the ferns.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.24%
Highlight: The luminous rays wrapped her up with her increasing distance, and the rustle of her dress over the sprouting sedge and grass died away.
Notes: Don’t go!Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.24%
Highlight: Nobody dares to speak disrespectfully of you or of me.”Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.25%
Highlight: it gave him a sense of bare equality with, and no superiority to, a single living thing under
Notes: The sun.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.3%
Highlight: Miss Vye’s family is a good one on her mother’s side; and her father was a romantic wanderer — a sort of Greek Ulysses.”
Notes: Scattered to the four corners.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.31%
Highlight: Why is it that a woman can see from a distance what a man cannot see close?
Notes: Good question.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.37%
Highlight: You’ve got no young woman nor wife to your name to gie a gown-piece to, I’m sure.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.55%
Highlight: The July sun shone over Egdon and fired its crimson heather to scarlet.
Notes: It’s You!Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.55%
Highlight: They were enclosed in a sort of luminous mist, which hid from them surroundings of any inharmonious colour, and gave to all things the character of light.
Notes: I love you.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.6%
Highlight: Ah, yes, it is very well to see things in that business point of view,” murmured Eustacia with a smothered fire of feeling.
Notes: business and pleasureChapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.64%
Highlight: what must be will be.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.65%
Highlight: Eustacia read to him by the glimmer of a shaded lamp.
Notes: Romance.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.77%
Highlight: Desperately fond of dancing herself,Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.78%
Highlight: All the dancing girls felt the symptoms, but Eustacia most of all. The grass under their feet became trodden away, and the hard, beaten surface of the sod, when viewed aslant towards the moonlight, shone like a polished table.
Notes: Dancing in the moonlight.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.79%
Highlight: The enchantment of the dance surprised her.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 21.81%
Highlight: To an eye above them their two faces would have appeared amid the expanse like two pearls on a table of ebony.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.15%
Highlight: You must rub the place with the fat of other adders, and the only way to get that is by frying them.
Notes: How to cure adder bite.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.18%
Highlight: The two visits had stirred her into restlessness.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.18%
Highlight: he has come into a fortune of eleven thousand pounds
Notes: I want to share it w YOU!Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.19%
Highlight: What’s mine is yours, you know.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.2%
Highlight: it was an ample sum — one sufficient to supply those wants of hers
Notes: Books, tea, and towel. Private solarium.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.2%
Highlight: Though she was no lover of money she loved what money could bring;
Notes: Hehe.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.2%
Highlight: How much he wishes he had me now, that he might give me all I desire!
Notes: I love you.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.2%
Highlight: Those delicate touches of good taste were, in fact, one of the strong points in his demeanour towards the other sex.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.22%
Highlight: I could not help feeling too that in many respects he was a richer man than I.
Notes: He has you.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.22%
Highlight: What, would you exchange with him — your fortune for me?”“I certainly would,
Notes: positive exchange rate. Arbitrage.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.22%
Highlight: it is my misfortune to be too sudden in feeling.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.27%
Highlight: silver face of the moon sent a bundle of beams
Notes: Great work.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.34%
Highlight: nobody knows of it but you.”Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.52%
Highlight: the wildness of her manner arrested his attention.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.54%
Highlight: You let me hold your hand when you were a maiden at home.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.6%
Highlight: To have lost is less disturbing than to wonder if we may possibly have won;Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.69%
Highlight: Our love must still continue. Such hearts as ours would never have been given us but to be concerned with each other.
Notes: I love you.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.73%
Highlight: some good simple quality of his would occasionally return to her memory and stir a momentary throb of hope that he would again present himself before her.
Notes: I love you.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.73%
Highlight: As Eustacia crossed the firebeams she appeared for an instant as distinct as a figure in a phantasmagoria — a creature of light surrounded by an area of darkness; the moment passed, and she was absorbed in night again.Notes: You are the light.
Chapter progress: 22.76%
Highlight: The spiky points of the fir trees behind the house rose into the sky like the turrets and pinnacles of an abbey.
Notes: Excellent work.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.77%
Highlight: Skirting the pool, she followed the path towards Rainbarrow, occasionally stumbling over twisted furze roots, tufts of rushes, or oozing lumps of fleshy fungi, which at this season lay scattered about the heath like the rotten liver and lungs of some colossal animal.
Chapter progress: 22.77%
Highlight: Never was harmony more perfect than that between the chaos of her mind and the chaos of the world without.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.78%
Highlight: I must drag on next year, as I have dragged on this year, and the year after that as before.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.79%
Highlight: in faint resemblance to a snood worn for confining the hair.Notes: Snood.
Chapter progress: 22.82%
Highlight: What does he want banknotes for, if he is only going off for a day?
Notes: Take the money and run.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.87%
Highlight: enclosed her like a pool.
Notes: Well done.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.89%
Highlight: The noise of her gown over the he’th
Notes: It’s YOU in your milk chocolate dress. Hourglass contours in the sun.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.91%
Highlight: the money-chest, whence he took a tolerably bountiful sum in notes, which had been advanced to him on the property he was so soon to have in possession, to defray expenses incidental to the
Notes: Elopement.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.91%
Highlight: the spell that she had cast over him intensified, and his heart was beating fast in the anticipated
Notes: The Experience.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 22.97%
Highlight: poor young thing.
Chapter progress: 22.99%
Highlight: She looks very beautiful now.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.01%
Highlight: They say that a time comes when men laugh at misery through long acquaintance with it.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.04%
Highlight: instead of men aiming to advance in life with glory they should calculate how to retreat out of it without shame.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.08%
Highlight: in these spots homage to nature, self-adoration, frantic gaieties, fragments of Teutonic rites to divinities whose names are forgotten, seem in some way or other to have survived
Notes: Your feet are bare and ankleted with silver bells dancing round a fire.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.1%
Highlight: I want to wait till the moon rises.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.12%
Highlight: None of the girls at the Maypole were good enough for him,Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.15%
Highlight: Everybody gets so indifferent that I was surprised to know you thought of me.”Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.19%
Highlight: He is a very honest and at the same time astute man. He is clever too, as is proved by his having got you to favour him.
Notes: Hello. My name is Peter.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.21%
Highlight: God has set a mark upon me which wouldn’t look well in a love-making scene.Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.28%
Highlight: He had tested and weighed his convictions again and again, and saw no reason to alter them,Chapter 8: THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE
Chapter progress: 23.33%
Highlight: He stated that his discourses to people were to be sometimes secular, and sometimes religious, but never dogmatic; and that his texts would be taken from all kinds of books.
Notes: Pepper.Works -
zadec posted a new activity comment 4 months, 1 week ago
zadec wrote a new post 4 months, 1 week ago
Amy Grant – Everywhere I Go – Unguarded
Everywhere I Go
I was wasting time
Oh so sure to find somebody
Who’ll never go
How could I know
None I’d found was true
None could be but you
The only one love divine
My heart, my mind are yoursEverywhere I go
I see your face through the crowd
Everywhere I go
I hear your voice clear and loud
Everywhere I go
You are the light that I seek
Everywhere I go
You have found meWhere could my heart go
Where you wouldn’t know to find me?
Far, far from here
Still you are near to meI have seen you in the evening
In the morning light you hold me
Closer than the air around me
You surround me alwaysEverywhere I go
I see your face through the crowd
I hear your voice clear and loud
You are the light that I seek
You have found meAmy Grant – Everywhere I Go – Unguarded
zadec wrote a new post 4 months, 1 week ago
The days are spent reading, writing, aromatics, acrobatics, dancing, and tumbling.
You like to work in the solarium with your books, tea, and towel.
I join you frequently, sitting beside your chaise-lounge, enjoying the luxury of your view.
Today, I am absent, out in the field with the men, harvesting hay, examining the rigs, inspecting the ship.
All fake money forces have been annihilated; secret, fraternal, commie, essential workker, paid-off, local, state, federal, goon-hound, sell-outs are finished.
For now, I’m with the men.
But it won’t last long.
Your call remains forever in my heart.
Every instinct is to love you.
I’ll laugh and cry and dance with you.
That is what we’re born to do.
Progress Report. Intergalactic Finance Minister
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