Do you remember when they put the children in a face mask? That was cray-cray.
I wish big brother would stop harassing. I am always rushing to answer the landline hoping it is you but…
Ice bucket challenge except w face masks on your face. AI Covid BDSM domination.
What about space rangers on moon complex? Are they not pulverizing rock in vacuum of space? The covid OP was…
There is no third way or breakaway civilization. The money is fake.
It’s not a secret. Their money is incomprehensible nonsense. Totally fake. God bless you all.
Mother, that is very good news about the rain. Please be advised about this site- – I’m having a…
It is so good to see you. We have had some rain here which is very welcome Love from the…
I tried to speak out against the face mask on social media and two FBI agents and a Fort Worth…