  • zadec wrote a new post 3 months, 2 weeks ago

    Scrying screen techno talisman

    Dead magic trash can.

    Your magic is dead.
    Your 911 crisis people have abandoned you.
    What are you going to do?
    Bring the UFO’s Too!
    We are watching you!!!!!!!

    Arrest The Counterfeiters.
    All Fake Money Forces will be prosecuted.

    Scrying screen techno talisman

    Dead magic trash can.

    Your pogrom is now complete.

    Have a nice day.

    Deceptio Visus. Dead Magic. Alphabet – Corporate Science

  • zadec wrote a new post 3 months, 3 weeks ago

    We begin in the sands of Tunis. Following the path of a shooting star.

    A faint emerald glow can be seen above the undulating dunes.

    We follow the light.

    A radiant star portal is found beside a green oasis, we pause for repast and prayer.

    Your hair wrapped in white silk, your robes flowing like a turquoise flag.

    We sit beside the fresh water, date palms surround us, the Tunis sand still and cool beneath our feet.

    We hold hands and say a prayer.

    The heavens open like a scroll, we’re transported a million-billion years into the future.

    We find a great citadel, gossamer bird-humans flying among the trellis.

    The inhabitants are terribly vexed by our power.

    Our CYMATIC connection is a blessing to the people.

    A power that uplifts, transforms, and upturns the FUTURE.

    We are the ones and twos and threes.

    You are the sun.

    Let us proceed.

    Earth’s Last Citadel by C.L. Moore and Henry Kuttner Book Review

    My annotations and highlights:

    Earth’s Last Citadel by Henry Kuttner

    Book last read: 2024-11-18 15:01:13
    Percentage read: 100%

    Chapter 3: Prologue
    Chapter progress: 6.67%
    Highlight: some kind of manmade ship fromā€”ā€
    Notes: Fuck you Elon Musk. You fake fuck.

    Chapter 3: Prologue
    Chapter progress: 7.62%
    Highlight: Donā€™t shoot,ā€ a girlā€™s light voice said from the darkness.
    Notes: Enter female.

    Chapter 3: Prologue
    Chapter progress: 8.57%
    Highlight: Maybe itā€™s a ship from outer space. Maybe thereā€™s something insideā€”
    Notes: Lame already UFO op.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 10.48%
    Highlight: Karen lay a little way from him, her red hair showering across the bent arm pillowing her head. With a slow, impersonal pleasure he liked the way the curved lines of her caught shadow and low light as she sprawled there asleep.

    Notes: It’s personal.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 12.38%
    Highlight: Iā€™m not so sure there is a Germany,
    Notes: Motherland vacated.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 13.33%
    Highlight: Their quarrel seemed curiously lacking in point now,
    Notes: Prison planet revelation.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 15.24%
    Highlight: they all could see the contours of a human body sailing on winged arms high in the twilight.

    Notes: Bird people.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 16.19%
    Highlight: the two men moved forward with wary, shuffling steps into a darkness that blinded every sense like oblivion itself.

    Notes: Exploring the ship.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 18.1%
    Highlight: They might beā€”property. And the owners might be even less human than they are.ā€
    Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 19.05%
    Highlight: she awoke with a vengeance.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 19.05%
    Highlight: The great pale disc came up slowly, tremendously, overpowering and desolately beautiful in the night of the world.

    Notes: Moonrise. I love you.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 19.05%
    Highlight: Command was in her voice for the first time since their awakening, as if she had only now fully aroused from a dream.
    Notes: Take command.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 20.0%
    Highlight: Against the monstrous circle of the moon the citadel held steady, huge and enigmatic.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 20.95%
    Highlight: What lives in it now is the spawn of ageā€”twisted abortions of evil. Mindless manbirds, worms gone mad with growth, what else we may never know.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 20.95%
    Highlight: The absolute zero? Slowing down the electronic orbits to stop the liberation of quanta.
    Notes: Higgs go fuck yourself Boson god particle.

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 21.9%
    Highlight: Very low refractive indexā€”seems to absorb the moonlight.ā€

    Chapter 4: The Citadel
    Chapter progress: 23.81%
    Highlight: a quasi-human figure moved through the fog.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 24.76%
    Highlight: Perhaps her senses were keener than theirs.
    Notes: Yes.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 24.76%
    Highlight: This delicate, hothouse creature
    Notes: C02 greenhouse gas required for life. Do not allow them to tax the air.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 25.71%
    Highlight: Evaya,ā€ she said, her voice like a tinkling silver bell.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 25.71%
    Highlight: We no longer have any gauge to know whatā€™s human and what is not.
    Notes: gmo people. MRNA genetic vaccine therapy.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 27.62%
    Highlight: All her lines were the lovely ones of the huntress goddess, and the moon behind her should have been crescent, not full.

    Notes: Moon talk code speak.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 29.52%
    Highlight: Here in the light her hair was a pale shade between gold and silver, and with a curious sort of iridescence when she turned her head.

    Notes: Your flaxen hair falling down to the small of your back.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 29.52%
    Highlight: She was lovelier than ever, here in the full golden light, more flawlessly perfect, with the exquisite, inhuman perfection of a flower or a figurine.
    Notes: She is the sun.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 30.48%
    Highlight: It was a garden in stone and crystal; it was a dream in three dimensionsā€”it was anything but a city built by man.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 30.48%
    Highlight: with a beauty heartbreaking in its sheer perfection.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 32.38%
    Highlight: warm and confident and glowing with inner radiance.
    Notes: Hello. My name is Peter.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 34.29%
    Highlight: to Mike it was personal humiliation and would demand a personal revengeā€¦

    Notes: Facemask BDSM ritual to science.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 39.05%
    Highlight: Lethe
    Notes: Water of Hades makes souls of the dead forget their life.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 39.05%
    Highlight: Whatever was, was good.
    Notes: Fact check.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 39.05%
    Highlight: ā€œHis spells strike without warning. You must be strongā€”and awake!ā€”to battle him, if battle must come.
    Notes: I am strong and awake. Let him come. I am not afraid.

    Chapter 5: Carcasilla
    Chapter progress: 40.0%
    Highlight: nothing had any significance at all except the vibrant responding aliveness
    Notes: Thank you for sharing your playlist.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 40.95%
    Highlight: All who bathe in the fountain live forever,

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 41.9%
    Highlight: to them humans wereā€”vermin.
    Notes: Elohim worship cult.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 42.86%
    Highlight: It was not, he thought, wise to think very deeply on the subject of the Alien, and of Earthā€™s ruin.

    Notes: Space lasers for chosen people only.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 44.76%
    Highlight: susurus
    Notes: Whispering or rustling. Susurrus.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 44.76%
    Highlight: billowing darkness that swooped down upon its worshippers
    Notes: Endowment collapse.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 45.71%
    Highlight: Somehow, theyā€™re protected. Somehow, the good Light-Wearers gave them armor to wear
    Notes: Gird your loins. Protect the Saints.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 46.67%
    Highlight: And he fought with all the fury that was in him against this devouring thing that wasā€”he knew it nowā€”starving with an inhuman hunger for the life-force he was fighting to protect.

    Notes: Don’t give up the fight.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 48.57%
    Highlight: How hideousā€”how unthinkableā€”that the voice of a being not made of flesh spoke now through these lips of flesh!
    Notes: Smart phone death cult.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 48.57%
    Highlight: imperturbably
    Notes: Unable to get upset or excited.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 48.57%
    Highlight: the Light-Wearer shimmered like smoke upon the air.
    Notes: Pillar of fire at night. Smoke cloud in light.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 50.48%
    Highlight: we may all be prisoners of the Alien, my boy, and not quite realize it yet
    Notes: Set the people free.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 52.38%
    Highlight: history itself had become a book of blank pages.
    Notes: Write new history.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 52.38%
    Highlight: The little seeds of rebellion they thought theyā€™d cut away kept growing back.
    Notes: I’ll never stop my righteous rebellion.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 52.38%
    Highlight: They discovered they were men!ā€

    Notes: Show some self respect. Quit being so docile. Get your act together, men.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 53.33%
    Highlight: It lives on lifeforceā€”mental energyā€”and only the energy of intelligent human beings.
    Notes: Separate from matrix.

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 56.19%
    Highlight: the master race, the herrenvolken.
    Notes: German

    Chapter 6: The Way of the Gods
    Chapter progress: 56.19%
    Highlight: When the German supreme confidence is underminedā€”that fanatical, unswerving belief in oneā€™s selfā€”the psychological reaction is violent.
    Notes: Indeed.

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 58.1%
    Highlight: magnificent as an auroch
    Notes: Wild eurasian ox. Auroch.

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 61.9%
    Highlight: It wants food, and we are its food,
    Notes: !

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 63.81%
    Highlight: This is all that remains of the ocean. It follows the moon around the earth.
    Notes: High tide.

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 64.76%
    Highlight: Now thereā€™s a ship. The one that brought us here.
    Notes: Gtfo planet Elon Musk.

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 64.76%
    Highlight: We could go to Venus and rebuild the race on a new world.
    Notes: Gtfo planet techno space religion.

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 65.71%
    Highlight: Heā€™s too enigmatic to fit in anywhere

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 66.67%
    Highlight: After a bellā€™s been heated in a furnace, it wonā€™t vibrate.

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 68.57%
    Highlight: The towers of metropolitan New York, the gray cathedrals of London, the white ramparts of Chicago lifting above the blue lakeā€”these were the symbols of a race that built and aspiredā€”a race that had gone down to
    Notes: Face mask, lockdown, forced injections.

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 68.57%
    Highlight: This had happened before,
    Notes: Affirmative.

    Chapter 7: The Portals of Light
    Chapter progress: 70.48%
    Highlight: He thought of the way light kindled behind her exquisite features when she smiled, like an ivory lantern suddenly glowing.
    Notes: You are aglow in light.

    Chapter 8: The Alienā€™s Embrace
    Chapter progress: 72.38%
    Highlight: Lambent radiance like moonlight.
    Notes: I love you.

    Chapter 8: The Alienā€™s Embrace
    Chapter progress: 72.38%
    Highlight: Before them through the bubble domes the violet fire of the fountain rose in brilliance toward the mists of the cavern roof.
    Notes: Private swimming grotto.

    Chapter 8: The Alienā€™s Embrace
    Chapter progress: 74.29%
    Highlight: You are safe here.

    Chapter 8: The Alienā€™s Embrace
    Chapter progress: 74.29%
    Highlight: You hope to conquer it with noise?
    Notes: Yes.

    Chapter 8: The Alienā€™s Embrace
    Chapter progress: 75.24%
    Highlight: My shield is the power of the mind,

    Chapter 8: The Alienā€™s Embrace
    Chapter progress: 80.0%
    Highlight: I have stood at the outer edge of its radiance and bathed in the terrible glory of that power

    Chapter 8: The Alienā€™s Embrace
    Chapter progress: 84.76%
    Highlight: How great a man this was, who could speak so coolly while death marched down upon him!
    Notes: FBI at door for social media infractions.

    Chapter 8: The Alienā€™s Embrace
    Chapter progress: 85.71%
    Highlight: We canā€™t lose more than our lives.

    Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel
    Chapter progress: 86.67%
    Highlight: This was a being from beyond the stars, a being whose race had swept man like vermin from the earth.
    Notes: Space force to the rescue.

    Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel
    Chapter progress: 86.67%
    Highlight: A man dragging a typhoon would be no less impossible.

    Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel
    Chapter progress: 86.67%
    Highlight: It was as if a hollow within him had begun to fill.

    Notes: Holy Spirit.

    Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel
    Chapter progress: 88.57%
    Highlight: A sun-circle of light ringed by a corona, and against its burning heart, a double shadow flickering.

    Notes: It’s you. Moon shadow.

    Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel
    Chapter progress: 89.52%
    Highlight: ā€”a stellar nova, a newborn sun.

    Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel
    Chapter progress: 89.52%
    Highlight: beings unrobed in the light that had veiled them from human gaze.
    Notes: The unveiling.

    Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel
    Chapter progress: 90.48%
    Highlight: When it collapsed, the collapse came suddenly.
    Notes: Better get it together. And see whats happening. To uuuuuuuu

    Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel
    Chapter progress: 92.38%
    Highlight: There would be a green world again, fragrant and sweet, shining with dew and rain.

    Notes: Our cymatic powers are unstoppable.

    Chapter 9: Heirs of the Shattered Citadel
    Chapter progress: 93.33%
    Highlight: There is one power-source upon Old Earth still living and strong in her extreme age. The great tides that thunder around the planet, following the moon, carving a mighty gorge in the earth as they race on.
    Notes: Tidal forces, menstrual cycles, and moon schedule equals approximately 28 days. Coincidence?

  • zadec posted an update 3 months, 3 weeks ago

  • Wouldn’t it be great if Ross Ulbricht has a massive stash of original Silk Road bitcoin hidden away.

    After being freed, he attempts to move it through the blockchain, only to be captured again for money laundering, because

    His Silk Road Bitcoin FORTUNE has ALREADY been laundered through all y’alls exchanges.

    Free Ross.

    Ross Ulbricht is TOO HANDSOME. Techno Space – Alphabet – Corporate Science

  • 21 Nov 2024
    Thank you for a magical day.

    November Love Burn – Grow Barrel Greenhouse

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