We exit our private swimming grotto. Your skin is glowing pearls and jade, new energies from galactic center lifting you up to the highest.
You wear a sea green sheer satin trim robe, yellow ribbon round the middle. Your bare feet delicate and silent on the cool marble floor. Your form like ripe peaches in the summer sun.
Your long flaxen hair glides behind, streaming radiant threads of golden energy moving in curious rhythms. I watch you round the balustrade. I prep my morning announcement.
Two coffees later I’m talking to the intergalactic finance council. I’m one of the governors selected for intergalactic transactional proofs and accountability.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the intergalactic finance council. It is my extreme pleasure to announce to you that our planet is now debt free.”
The jubilee was instituted by me, on the first day of my governorship, with a list of to-do items that includes the following:
- Meek inheritance plan.
- Swords into plowshare subsidies.
- Terrible judgment on the wicked.
Morning Announcement. Intergalactic Finance Minister