Abduction to the 9th Planet Book Review
Regurgitated star trek corn chowder. Techno circus of universal materialism. Chosen people from category higher than you.
Welcome to the golden planet. So bright, you gotta wear shades. I’m serious. The golden ninth planet is so bright, the epicene space gods require all visitors wear a face mask.
Category nine planet. They can levitate with their mind and travel in time. But you gotta wear a face mask.
Welcome to the ninth planet.
Chimera furry fantasy on Planet Hermaphrodite.
Abduction to the 9th Planet
Your space fantasy is PLAYED OUT.
Make your way to the ninth planet.
The golden planet.
Goodbye forever.
Don’t come back.
You’re not welcome here.
This book is chosen people vomit.

My annotations and highlights:
Thiaoouba Prophecy: The Golden Planet. : A True Report by the Author Who Was PHYSICALLY ABDUCTED to Another Planet by Michel Desmarquet
Book last read: 2024-04-19 05:41:10
Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 4: Foreword
Chapter progress: 3.72%
Highlight: The big institutions we have set up
will not (because they cannot) help change direction,
Notes: CDC face mask extortion covid scam.
Chapter 6: Preface
Chapter progress: 4.65%
Highlight: This is not science fiction.
Notes: This is techno space religion.
Chapter 7: Chapter 1: Abduction
Chapter progress: 5.58%
Highlight: I rose, slowly at first, above the philodendrons, and then quicker, until I saw the house becoming smaller and smaller below me.
Notes: Escape from prison planet.
Chapter 7: Chapter 1: Abduction
Chapter progress: 7.44%
Highlight: Your doctors still wonder what use it could possibly have
in your body.
Notes: Appendix.
Chapter 7: Chapter 1: Abduction
Chapter progress: 10.23%
Highlight: I wanted to remove my mask so as to see the colours better,
Notes: do not remove face mask. Stay safe.
Chapter 7: Chapter 1: Abduction
Chapter progress: 10.7%
Highlight: I have also given you another drug that has caused your Astral being to leave your body
Notes: narco planet
Chapter 8: Chapter 2: Atomic destruction
Chapter progress: 12.56%
Highlight: However, what we were seeing so clearly on
the panel was a horrible cockroach, about two metres long and 80
centimetres high.
Notes: Bugs in space.
Chapter 8: Chapter 2: Atomic destruction
Chapter progress: 14.88%
Highlight: A group of red ants, each the size of a cow, were rushing from behind the rocks onto the beach.
Notes: Fire ants in space.
Chapter 8: Chapter 2: Atomic destruction
Chapter progress: 18.6%
Highlight: superior race,
Notes: Snake alert.
Chapter 8: Chapter 2: Atomic destruction
Chapter progress: 19.07%
Highlight: Is your whole planet inhabited only by hermaphrodites?
Notes: Transformers in space.
Chapter 8: Chapter 2: Atomic destruction
Chapter progress: 19.07%
Highlight: Perhaps, for once, you could make use of the neuter gender of English and think of us as ‘it’.’
Notes: Inhuman pronoun for losers.
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 20.47%
Highlight: First of all, it is important to explain that those who
remained were not, as you might expect, the leaders, well protected
in specially equipped shelters.
Notes: Your bunkers will be your tombs.
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 20.47%
Highlight: a decision was made by the leaders of that planet, following numerous conferences and reconnaissance expeditions, to send inhabited vessels to the planets Mars and Earth.
Notes: Space cadets in vacuum tubes.
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 20.47%
Highlight: A black race, they had thick lips, flattened noses and frizzy hair – resembling, in these ways, the blacks now living on Earth.
Notes: “the blacks”
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 20.47%
Highlight: Not only did atomic radiation destroy the population, but cold and lack of food accomplished the rest.
Notes: Face mask people at end.
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 20.93%
Highlight: then, in order to eat, they had to kill each other and that was the worst catastrophe on their planet.
Notes: fine young cannibals.
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 20.93%
Highlight: they allowed themselves to be duped and led in circles by a structure of politicians and bureaucrats,
Notes: Covid extortion scam. USA
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 21.86%
Highlight: even in the best-planned hoax,
Notes: Covid scam.
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 22.33%
Highlight: many of them recorded in writing, so that future
generations would know exactly what had provoked the nuclear
catastrophe and what its consequences had been.
Notes: Covid memoirs.
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 23.72%
Highlight: They still exist under the botanical name Xanthorrhoea and the popular name “black boys
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 24.65%
Highlight: Eventually the yellow people produced a vaccine that was immediately made available to the blacks
Notes: Vaccine carnage. Death cult injections.
Chapter 9: Chapter 3: The first man on Earth
Chapter progress: 27.91%
Highlight: Thus, a new race was born – the Arab
Notes: Yellow plus black equals arab.
Chapter 10: Chapter 4: The Golden Planet
Chapter progress: 30.7%
Highlight: For example, if you want people to see a spaceship in the sky, it is important that they are expecting to see one.
Notes: Predictive program.
Chapter 10: Chapter 4: The Golden Planet
Chapter progress: 30.7%
Highlight: with several people, a chain reaction is produced. You release the astropsychic bodies of the individuals and when you put the procedure in motion, they telepathise among themselves. It’s a bit like the famous domino-lines – when you make the first one fall, all the others must fall right down to the last one.
Notes: The covid extortion op.
Chapter 10: Chapter 4: The Golden Planet
Chapter progress: 30.7%
Highlight: Your astropsychic body was separated from the
others by a telepathic system originating in my brain which, acts
in this case, like a transmitter.
Chapter 10: Chapter 4: The Golden Planet
Chapter progress: 31.63%
Highlight: Whom do you believe when one
gives the death toll in an earthquake as 75, another as 62 and
another as 95? Do you really imagine we would trust a
Notes: Covid death toll numbers totally fake.
Chapter 10: Chapter 4: The Golden Planet
Chapter progress: 31.63%
Highlight: Certainly, millions of human beings would have given all they owned to be in my place.
Notes: Materialism.
Chapter 10: Chapter 4: The Golden Planet
Chapter progress: 34.42%
Highlight: you will be obliged to wear a mask,
Notes: Face mask covid nightmare.
Chapter 10: Chapter 4: The Golden Planet
Chapter progress: 35.35%
Highlight: Everyone I had seen, seemed to be of the same age!
Notes: Material plane on repeat.
Chapter 11: Chapter 5: Learning to live on another planet
Chapter progress: 35.81%
Highlight: My mask was put on
Notes: U look like death in a face mask.
Chapter 11: Chapter 5: Learning to live on another planet
Chapter progress: 37.21%
Highlight: so relaxed I felt like crying.
Notes: All commies raptured.
Chapter 11: Chapter 5: Learning to live on another planet
Chapter progress: 38.14%
Highlight: When I removed my mask,
Notes: Good idea u fucking covid freaks.
Chapter 11: Chapter 5: Learning to live on another planet
Chapter progress: 39.53%
Highlight: What you see are concentrates of the various foods – fish,
vegetables etc, of the best quality prepared by excellent cooks
using various special methods.
Notes: Fake food.
Chapter 11: Chapter 5: Learning to live on another planet
Chapter progress: 40.47%
Highlight: On this planet, you could sleep on the
ground in the middle of town and you would be safer than in a
building with armed guards, dogs and alarms on Earth.
Notes: Sleeping in public is illegal in USA.
Chapter 12: Chapter 6: The Seven Masters and the Aura
Chapter progress: 41.4%
Highlight: They’d make use of colour rather than aspirin.
Notes: Md doctors all in prison for collusion.
Chapter 12: Chapter 6: The Seven Masters and the Aura
Chapter progress: 41.86%
Highlight: placed my mask on my face
Notes: Covid hellscape.
Chapter 12: Chapter 6: The Seven Masters and the Aura
Chapter progress: 41.86%
Highlight: On this planet, there is neither hypocrisy, exhibitionism nor false modesty
Chapter 12: Chapter 6: The Seven Masters and the Aura
Chapter progress: 42.33%
Highlight: In spite of my mask,
Notes: Covid BDSM ritual.
Chapter 12: Chapter 6: The Seven Masters and the Aura
Chapter progress: 43.72%
Highlight: Technology should assist spiritual
development, not confine people, more and more, within a
materialistic world, as is happening now on your planet.
Notes: !!
Chapter 12: Chapter 6: The Seven Masters and the Aura
Chapter progress: 43.72%
Highlight: your technology, which is nothing compared with what existed on Earth more than 14 500 years ago, is dragging your civilisation down, and pushing it closer and closer to moral and spiritual catastrophe
Notes: Face mask on for safety.
Chapter 12: Chapter 6: The Seven Masters and the Aura
Chapter progress: 46.98%
Highlight: Earth, which is sometimes called ‘The Planet of Sorrows
Notes: Face mask on face. Lock down injections.
Chapter 13: Chapter 7: The Continent of Mu and Easter Island
Chapter progress: 48.84%
Highlight: a mask that was different from the one
I’d worn previously.
Notes: N95 plus for federal and state employees.
Chapter 13: Chapter 7: The Continent of Mu and Easter Island
Chapter progress: 49.3%
Highlight: the sight of horses bearing the heads of very pretty women – some blonde, others auburn or brown and even some with blue hair.
Notes: Reverse cow girl on chimera she horse.
Chapter 13: Chapter 7: The Continent of Mu and Easter Island
Chapter progress: 49.3%
Highlight: handed me my new mask.
Notes: Fake covid doctors all dead from flu.
Chapter 13: Chapter 7: The Continent of Mu and Easter Island
Chapter progress: 49.3%
Highlight: wasn’t I constantly thrilled by this experience
Notes: Materialism for morons.
Chapter 13: Chapter 7: The Continent of Mu and Easter Island
Chapter progress: 49.3%
Highlight: give me a mask which permitted seventy per cent of
Notes: Oxygen. Dumb covid people lacking fresh air.
Chapter 13: Chapter 7: The Continent of Mu and Easter Island
Chapter progress: 49.77%
Highlight: some of the horse-women
Notes: U sick fucks.
Chapter 13: Chapter 7: The Continent of Mu and Easter Island
Chapter progress: 50.23%
Highlight: absence of children on the planet;
Notes: U sick romans.
Chapter 13: Chapter 7: The Continent of Mu and Easter Island
Chapter progress: 52.56%
Highlight: Something like the Roman method, then.’
‘Yes indeed.
Notes: These damn romans.
Chapter 14: Chapter 8: Delving into the psychosphere
Chapter progress: 56.28%
Highlight: animals too – some of which had human heads.
Notes: Chimera furry creatures for disgusting romans.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 61.86%
Highlight: the people here were able to move from place to place by
Notes: Gods can levitate. U gotta wear a face mask.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 61.86%
Highlight: calories contained in the food are
released at regular intervals over a two- day period.
Notes: Fake food on ninth planet.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 62.33%
Highlight: it would have been disastrous for the rest of the people
on Earth if Nazism had triumphed at the end of the Second World
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 62.33%
Highlight: the Germans believe themselves to be the
chosen people.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 62.33%
Highlight: When millions of people are sent to the gas chambers simply because they are Jews, their murderers cannot pride themselves on being a civilised people.
Notes: Ish people enter stage left.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 62.33%
Highlight: we are able to influence the behaviour of certain of your leaders,
Notes: Mask up Texas.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 62.79%
Highlight: If the Second World War had not been stopped, as it
was by the bombing and destruction of those two cities, there would
have been many more deaths
Notes: Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the win.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 62.79%
Highlight: Universal Law.
Notes: Prime directive.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 62.79%
Highlight: If we intervene, it is to give an advantage to the ‘side’ which is most sincere and most respectful of individual liberty.
Notes: Roman gods have chosen the wrong people.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 66.05%
Highlight: It is not a drug that ‘blinds’ and therefore
presents no danger to your Astral body and its effects are very
Notes: Drugs are bad except the ones we offer.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 66.05%
Highlight: I adjusted my mask
Notes: death cult in space.
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 66.05%
Highlight: Jesus, Michel was sent to Earth from Thiaoouba almost 2000 years ago
Chapter 15: Chapter 9: Our ‘so-called’ civilisation
Chapter progress: 66.51%
Highlight: take off my mask,
Notes: Unsafe. Especially for morons.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 67.91%
Highlight: We also wanted to show you, by this experience, that we can give you for a time, the gift not only of seeing Auras, but of understanding all languages – and that, without recourse to telepathy.’
Notes: Still must wear face mask on golden planet.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 68.37%
Highlight: The police were helpless in the face of such unity,
Notes: Arrest all essential workers.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 68.84%
Highlight: You are not to be envied – materially,
technologically or spiritually.
Notes: Roman banking religion.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 69.3%
Highlight: for a poor human
brain, I admit, it is at times difficult to comprehend.
Notes: Children in face mask for safety.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 73.95%
Highlight: very learned colonisers
Notes: Snake alert.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 74.42%
Highlight: It was quite fast – just nine years, for Toth and his master
architects knew the secrets of anti-gravitation from Mu, and the
secrets for cutting the rock and using – let’s call them
Notes: Great Pyramid
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 74.42%
Highlight: great colonisers
Notes: Snake invaders.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 74.88%
Highlight: in search of a new planet
Notes: Gtfo planet Elon Musk.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 74.88%
Highlight: Truth was not understood and was rejected by many.
Notes: Covid extortion.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 75.81%
Highlight: religions are one of the curses of Earth.
Notes: Excluding techno space religion of science.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 75.81%
Highlight: because your advanced spirituality can’t exist in a materialistic environment.
Notes: Put your face mask on.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 75.81%
Highlight: The race of Jews developed from these three, without mixing with other races because, by atavism, they felt themselves superior – and indeed they were.
Notes: Jews in space.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 75.81%
Highlight: destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was caused by one of our space vehicles.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 75.81%
Highlight: ancestors of present-day Jews.
Notes: stranded on planet.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 75.81%
Highlight: Why not save them in the beginning and take them back to their planet or to another of the same category?
Notes: GTFO Planet.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 76.28%
Highlight: the race is still almost as pure as it was 12 000 years ago.
Notes: This book is vomit on tables.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 76.74%
Highlight: Thus we guided and helped the Jews,
Notes: Techno space religion.
Chapter 16: Chapter 10: A different alien and my former lives
Chapter progress: 77.21%
Highlight: As you know, the Jews are very intelligent by comparison with other races;
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 77.67%
Highlight: We had to get the Hebrews out of Egypt,
Notes: Techno space gods to the rescue.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 77.67%
Highlight: Fornication with animals was by no means rare
Notes: Romans
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 77.67%
Highlight: Fairy tales are indeed very pretty, Michel, but you must
concern yourself with the Truth – not fantasy. Promise me that you
will only report what is the Truth?
Notes: chosen people for the win.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 78.14%
Highlight: French Equatorial Africa.
Notes: Hehe
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 79.07%
Highlight: Do you see how history is just a perpetual recommencement?
Notes: Hebrew matrix loop.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 79.07%
Highlight: In our eyes, these were the only people who followed the right direction, that is, the direction of spirituality.
Notes: Jews.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 79.53%
Highlight: On Earth, they were referred to as the ‘Chosen People’ and the name could not be more appropriate – they were indeed ‘chosen
Notes: Gag w fork.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 80.0%
Highlight: Never forget that we have THE knowledge –
you have not seen one-tenth of what we can do.
Notes: Threaten goyim for increased jew effect.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 80.0%
Highlight: As I was just explaining to you, we have THE knowledge.
Notes: Technology equals knowledge.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 80.0%
Highlight: we can create any type of living creature, including man.’
Notes: But u must wear a face mask when on our planet.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 80.0%
Highlight: The embryo was implanted in her while she was under hypnosis.
Notes: Jesus and virgin mary.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 80.93%
Highlight: Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus, as well as two donkeys,
in our spaceship,
Notes: Lol
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 81.4%
Highlight: we couldn’t risk the Hebrews noticing that this messenger from God was half female.
Notes: Trans hebrew jews in space.
Chapter 17: Chapter 11: Who was Christ?
Chapter progress: 82.79%
Highlight: control by brainwashing.
Notes: Covid extortion scam.
Chapter 18: Chapter 12: Extraordinary journey meeting extraordinary ‘people’
Chapter progress: 83.72%
Highlight: I put my mask
Notes: Unable to live on planet without mask. Techno whores.
Chapter 18: Chapter 12: Extraordinary journey meeting extraordinary ‘people’
Chapter progress: 88.84%
Highlight: hydromel and dishes of red and green food.
Notes: Fake food on golden planet.
Chapter 18: Chapter 12: Extraordinary journey meeting extraordinary ‘people’
Chapter progress: 89.3%
Highlight: I remained there, staring at that minuscule star which seemed so insignificant in a sky filled with large colourful jewels.
Notes: U are grains of sand on sad planet. The jews are better than you. Thesis of rediculous book.
Chapter 19: Chapter 13: Coming back ‘home’
Chapter progress: 92.09%
Highlight: The homosexual, female as well as male, is a neurotic
Notes: Gay neurotics.