If your money is unreal, so must everything be unreal. (T.O.E.) Said too much.Forced out of residential sector.Account Closed.Transaction Reversed.Content Censored.Profile Shadow Banned.FBI Wellness Check.Compliance Officer Visit.Face Mask Foot Soldiers at your door.USA.Mask up Texas.Go fuck yourself. It’s easy to see. I was right. I forgive you. It’s over. Repent. I will never believe anything… Continue reading Slave Money IS NOW. Alphabet Inc.gov CBDC is Fake Money. Theory of Everything.
Category: News
Credible news from the other side
REVERSE TRANSACTION. Alphabet Inc.gov – Corporate Science
Transaction reverse.Transaction reverse.Reverse Transaction.Transaction reverse. Transaction reverse.Transaction reverse.Reverse transvengeance.Transaction reverse. Your account is restricted.Please contact support.@Alphabet Inc.gov
The Fastest Way To Solve Trans-Humanism – Corporate Science – Alphabet Inc.gov
Is to bankrupt their unaccountable system. And refuse their replacement TRANS system. You can only be Human when real value discovery is put upon MEN. You will only find time to be Human when the real price of time is put upon MEN. Your fake money is TRANS accountability. And is self-exterminating. So, the best… Continue reading The Fastest Way To Solve Trans-Humanism – Corporate Science – Alphabet Inc.gov
What Kind of Man Are You? Apocalypse Science
I grew up in screaming distance of the country club. All my friends lived in the sector. I could ride my bike to all of their homes. I ruled the neighborhood. Only once did the agents attempt to abduct me, and even then, it was easy to make hellhound BMX escape through the zig-zags of… Continue reading What Kind of Man Are You? Apocalypse Science
Free e-book – Covid Memoirs
History is written by the victors. Thanks to Americans for standing against the COVID SCAM, temperature check points, contact tracing, vaccine passport, corrupt medical officials, fake health authorities, The FBI, CDC, WHO, Facebook, Google, Youtube, and Alphabet Inc.gov. YOU ARE LOSERS. WE WIN. Free e-book brought to you by Pepper.Works First of a kind review… Continue reading Free e-book – Covid Memoirs
PLAIN TO SEE Alphabet Inc.gov HAS BECOME DEATH. Covid Memoirs
They came to my home. She was wearing pants, he was wearing a face mask. The door knocked, the bell rung. Who is it? Who can it be? It’s the FEDS. I tell them to go away. They leave in their maroon Chrysler. I freak out, call people, sound frantic, want to leave, but know… Continue reading PLAIN TO SEE Alphabet Inc.gov HAS BECOME DEATH. Covid Memoirs
Collapse Condition ZERO COFFEE. Corporate Science.
We should lay it all on the line. ZERO COFFEE SCENARIO Inflationary money markets cease to function – CREDIT FREEZE – ENDOWMENT COLLAPSE – the shuttering of the federal reserve window. FRED loves to invest in HEALTH and SAFETY. Endless money flows to LIZARDS ONLY. COLLAPSE CONDITION ZERO COFFEE FOR SALE.Alphabet Inc.govTOTAL LIQUIDATIONEVERYTHING MUST GOUSA… Continue reading Collapse Condition ZERO COFFEE. Corporate Science.
Corporate Science – FOR SALE, USA LLC Alphabet Inc.gov; TOTAL LIQUIDATION NOW IN PROGRESS by Remedy h
It’s Getting Worse – Bank Failure Alphabet Inc.gov USA LLC.What happened on Mars?It’s happening here.Controlled demolition.Cosmic crime in progress.This is war.remedy h
The Degenerate Vaccine People by Gigi Young. Techno Space Religion
There is hope for you.Your redemption will follow in the next life.Degenerate Vaccine Face Mask People Gigi Young
Sensitive Injections – Covid Memoirs
YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE Alphabet Inc.gov As a sovereign individual of America. I do hereby denounce all of your mandates, directives, and illegal maneuvers. You are hereby served under the following indictments: CorruptionCollusionFRAUDMalfeasanceRacketeering Whereas the following summons is served to ALL participants in COVID SCAM; Alphabet Inc.gov and subsidiaries. I humbly request that you… Continue reading Sensitive Injections – Covid Memoirs