Princess Irene has a silvered haired grandmother living in the garret.
Irene is given a ring that provides a thread of direction spun in the light of the moon by her grandmother.
The thread leads Irene to Curdie who is trapped in the caves by the goblins in the depths of the mountain.
They escape the caves, lay waste to the goddamn goblins, and fall in love with each other, but they are too young to court just yet.
Tender loving story about following the Holy Spirit no matter what. Even if they don’t believe you, love the Romans, care for the pharisees, even the sodomites deserve concern. But the GD goblins got to go.
Stay tuned for next installment, The Princess and Curdie .
The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
My annotations and highlights:
The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald
Book last read: 2024-03-19 19:31:01 Percentage read: 100%
Chapter 8: 3: THE PRINCESS AND – WE SHALL SEE WHO Highlight Chapter progress: 11.32% Highlight: A name is one of those things one can give away and keep all the same. I have a good many such things.
Chapter 9: 4: WHAT THE NURSE THOUGHT OF IT Highlight Chapter progress: 14.47% Highlight: a real princess is never rude
Chapter 9: 4: WHAT THE NURSE THOUGHT OF IT Highlight Chapter progress: 15.72% Highlight: You are not fit to be spoken to – till you can behave better.
Chapter 10: 5: THE PRINCESS LETS WELL ALONE Highlight Chapter progress: 16.98% Highlight: the princess never minded any remarks that were not unfriendly.
Chapter 10: 5: THE PRINCESS LETS WELL ALONE Highlight Chapter progress: 16.98% Highlight: the princess kept her own counsel.
Chapter 10: 5: THE PRINCESS LETS WELL ALONE Highlight Chapter progress: 16.98% Highlight: today is very seldom like yesterday,
Chapter 11: 6: THE LITTLE MINER Annotation Chapter progress: 20.13% Highlight: they don’t like other people to sing. Notes: Goblins
Chapter 11: 6: THE LITTLE MINER Highlight Chapter progress: 20.75% Highlight: If you’re not afraid of them, they’re afraid of you.
Chapter 12: 7: THE MINES Highlight Chapter progress: 25.79% Highlight: ‘I’ll do my best,’ said Curdie. ‘I’m not afraid.’
Chapter 13: 8: THE GOBLINS Annotation Chapter progress: 29.56% Highlight: I tell you to hold your tongue. You are no patriot. Notes: Vaccine, face mask, lock down death cult.
Chapter 15: 10: THE PRINCESS’S KING-PAPA Highlight Chapter progress: 35.22% Highlight: a princess never forgets her debts until they are paid.
Chapter 15: 10: THE PRINCESS’S KING-PAPA Highlight Chapter progress: 35.22% Highlight: He had gentle, blue eyes, but a nose that made him look like an eagle.
Chapter 19: 14: THAT NIGHT WEEK Highlight Chapter progress: 46.54% Highlight: Could it really be that an old lady lived up in the top of the house, with pigeons and a spinning-wheel, and a lamp that never went out?
Chapter 19: 14: THAT NIGHT WEEK Highlight Chapter progress: 47.17% Highlight: that is the way fear serves us: it always sides with the thing we are afraid of.
Chapter 20: 15: WOVEN AND THEN SPUN Highlight Chapter progress: 49.06% Highlight: Oh, what a lovely haven to reach from the darkness and fear through which she had come!
Chapter 20: 15: WOVEN AND THEN SPUN Annotation Chapter progress: 49.69% Highlight: It is when people do wrong things wilfully that they are the more likely to do them again. Notes: Willful sin.
Chapter 20: 15: WOVEN AND THEN SPUN Highlight Chapter progress: 52.2% Highlight: Yes. But, remember, it may seem to you a very roundabout way indeed, and you must not doubt the thread.
Chapter 21: 16: THE RING Annotation Chapter progress: 53.46% Highlight: But she said nothing of her grandmother or her lamp.
Notes: Don’t tell the heathens all your secrets.
Chapter 21: 16: THE RING Highlight Chapter progress: 54.09% Highlight: Without another word she went and got some fresh tea and bread and butter for the princess.
Chapter 22: 17: SPRINGTIME Highlight Chapter progress: 54.72% Highlight: He had been in a distant part of his dominions all the winter, for he was not in the habit of stopping in one great city, or of visiting only his favourite country houses, but he moved from place to place, that all his people might know him.
Chapter 23: 18: CURDIE’S CLUE Annotation Chapter progress: 57.23% Highlight: Going up to it, he found it was a piece of mica, or Muscovy glass, called sheep-silver in Scotland, and the light flickered as if from a fire behind it. Notes: Magic crystal.
Chapter 23: 18: CURDIE’S CLUE Highlight Chapter progress: 60.38% Highlight: Curdie would have endured much rather than hurt a woman
Chapter 24: 19: GOBLIN COUNSELS Highlight Chapter progress: 61.64% Highlight: Why do we not destroy them entirely, and use their cattle and grazing lands at our pleasure?
Chapter 25: 20: IRENE’S CLUE Highlight Chapter progress: 64.15% Highlight: The dew lay in round drops upon the leaves, and hung like tiny diamond ear-rings from the blades of grass about her path.
Chapter 25: 20: IRENE’S CLUE Annotation Chapter progress: 64.78% Highlight: everything was so fresh and cool and lively and full of something coming, that she felt too happy to be afraid of anything.
Notes: Apr 8. Full solar eclipse.
Chapter 25: 20: IRENE’S CLUE Annotation Chapter progress: 65.41% Highlight: wondering at herself that she was not ten times more frightened, and often feeling as if she were only walking in the story of a dream. Notes: Covid enforcers at your door.
Chapter 26: 21: THE ESCAPE Highlight Chapter progress: 67.92% Highlight: ‘You’ve saved my life, Irene!’ he whispered.
Chapter 26: 21: THE ESCAPE Annotation Chapter progress: 67.92% Highlight: this is the way my thread goes, and I must follow it.’
Notes: follow the spirit.
Chapter 26: 21: THE ESCAPE Highlight Chapter progress: 69.18% Highlight: Then if you don’t know what I mean what right have you to call it nonsense?’ asked the princess, a little offended.
Chapter 26: 21: THE ESCAPE Annotation Chapter progress: 70.44% Highlight: It is the goblins digging and burrowing, Notes: Watch out for goblins.
Chapter 26: 21: THE ESCAPE Annotation Chapter progress: 71.07% Highlight: ‘Then you must believe without seeing,’ said the princess; ‘for you can’t deny it has brought us out of the mountain.’
Notes: Faith.
Chapter 27: 22: THE OLD LADY AND CURDIE Highlight Chapter progress: 71.7% Highlight: People must believe what they can, and those who believe more must not be hard upon those who believe less.
Chapter 27: 22: THE OLD LADY AND CURDIE Highlight Chapter progress: 71.7% Highlight: You darling!’ cried the lady, who was seated by a fire of red roses mingled with white.
Chapter 27: 22: THE OLD LADY AND CURDIE Annotation Chapter progress: 72.96% Highlight: Seeing is not believing – it is only seeing. Notes: Smartphone feedback loop mkUltra.
Chapter 27: 22: THE OLD LADY AND CURDIE Highlight Chapter progress: 72.96% Highlight: We are all very anxious to be understood, and it is very hard not to be.
Chapter 28: 23: CURDIE AND HIS MOTHER Highlight Chapter progress: 75.47% Highlight: Perhaps some people can see things other people can’t see, Curdie,
Chapter 28: 23: CURDIE AND HIS MOTHER Highlight Chapter progress: 76.1% Highlight: suddenly a great white soft light shone upon me.
Chapter 28: 23: CURDIE AND HIS MOTHER Annotation Chapter progress: 76.1% Highlight: When I got there, I was suddenly surrounded by about half a dozen of the cobs, Notes: Goblins.
Chapter 30: 25: CURDIE COMES TO GRIEF Highlight Chapter progress: 81.13% Highlight: the truest princess is just the one who loves all her brothers and sisters best, and who is most able to do them good by being humble towards them.
Chapter 30: 25: CURDIE COMES TO GRIEF Highlight Chapter progress: 81.76% Highlight: it is a low and contemptible thing to refuse to confess a fault,
Chapter 31: 26: THE GOBLIN – MINERS Annotation Chapter progress: 84.28% Highlight: there came a great rolling rumble beneath them, and the house quivered. Notes: Earthquakes in divers places.
Chapter 31: 26: THE GOBLIN – MINERS Highlight Chapter progress: 85.53% Highlight: he no doubt took advantage of the discovery of her toes, and threatened to expose her deformity
Chapter 31: 26: THE GOBLIN – MINERS Annotation Chapter progress: 85.53% Highlight: The queen went stumping along in one shoe of stone and one of skin. Notes: She wears granite shoes to hide her six toes, of which, the goblins have none; toes.
Chapter 32: 27: THE GOBLINS IN THE KING’S HOUSE Annotation Chapter progress: 87.42% Highlight: Stamp on their feet!’ he cried Notes: How to defeat goblin.
Chapter 32: 27: THE GOBLINS IN THE KING’S HOUSE Highlight Chapter progress: 89.31% Highlight: he determined to find and rescue the princess
Chapter 32: 27: THE GOBLINS IN THE KING’S HOUSE Highlight Chapter progress: 89.31% Highlight: She was as submissive and obedient as if he had been the king.
Chapter 34: 29: MASONWORK Annotation Chapter progress: 92.45% Highlight: MASONWORK Notes: Treacherous.
Chapter 34: 29: MASONWORK Highlight Chapter progress: 93.08% Highlight: I never had such fun!’ said the princess, her eyes twinkling and her pretty teeth shining. ‘How nice it must be to live in a cottage on the mountain!
Chapter 36: 31: THE SUBTERRANEAN WATERS Annotation Chapter progress: 98.11% Highlight: They had been caught in their own snare; Notes: Corporate science death mandate.