Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review

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Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review.

Doctor Jason Tennyson is on the run from planet Gut Check.

He’s a stowaway on the Wayfarer, a ship full of pilgrims.

Destination: The Vatican.

The End of Nothing houses the electronic pope.

The listeners are astral travelers, revealing mysteries about other luminaries, employs of robot pope.

A planet full of walking chalkboards, upside down squids, smoke filled sentience, and essential worker cones.

The chalkboards communicate with equations, the plopper alien is a lesser demigod, the smokey sphere is a bald eagle, the cone people handle transportation.

The Listener, Mary, is canonized for sainthood.

She meets God on a golden staircase. Musical spheres play a glorious harmony. God turns out to be a black man.

He waves his thick black digit at Mary, exclaiming, “Naughty, naughty, naughty.”

Mary dies shortly thereafter.

Revelations too much to bare.

The Holy Spirit saves everybody in the form of a shimmering dust cloud.

The Whisperer. Tessellating diamonds.

Always follow the Holy Spirit.

Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak Book Review

My highlights and annotations:

Project Pope by Clifford D. Simak

Book last read: 2024-05-20 14:10:52
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 5: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 6.07%
Highlight: A young physician fresh out of medical school ordinarily finds it hard to get started in his profession unless he has some money.
Notes: Paid off covid doctors.

Chapter 5: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 6.71%
Highlight: The center of the Roman Catholic faith, which still exists on Earth and on several other human planets, is still headed by a pope and is still as strong as ever, perhaps stronger, its people still as devout as ever.
Notes: Romans in space.

Chapter 5: Chapter Three
Chapter progress: 7.35%
Highlight: One specialist—can you imagine it?—suggested I wear a mask,
Notes: Arrest all covid doctors.

Chapter 6: Chapter Four
Chapter progress: 7.67%
Highlight: infallible pope—an electronic pope, a computer pope.
Notes: Go get injected says the robot in costume.

Chapter 7: Chapter Five
Chapter progress: 9.9%
Highlight: He was as close to nothing as one could imagine. And yet he got things done.

Chapter 9: Chapter Seven
Chapter progress: 12.46%
Highlight: What’s going on at this big, secret-religion institution that can’t stand the light of day? What have they got to hide?
Notes: Roman banking religion.

Chapter 11: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 14.7%
Highlight: We are End of Nothing.
Notes: Covid Idiots.

Chapter 11: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 14.7%
Highlight: I know you are a doctor.
Notes: Face mask on face, mandatory injections, lockdown.

Chapter 11: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 15.02%
Highlight: Someone may come storming in here with a warrant for my arrest.
Notes: Fbi face mask crew.

Chapter 11: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 15.34%
Highlight: a new race of robots has arisen.
Notes: Smartphone feedback loop for bleating lambs.

Chapter 11: Chapter Nine
Chapter progress: 16.61%
Highlight: It would be just another space myth.
Notes: NASA moon landings.

Chapter 13: Chapter Eleven
Chapter progress: 18.21%
Nonsense, he told himself again. There was not a scrap of logic in it.
Notes: Face mask on face.

Chapter 13: Chapter Eleven
Chapter progress: 18.21%
Highlight: Perhaps a human lifetime would not be sufficient to reach an evaluation that had some color of validity.
Notes: Dead from vaccine.

Chapter 14: Chapter Twelve
Chapter progress: 20.45%
Highlight: There are, I am sure, unscrupulous forces in existence that would try to steal from us,
Notes: Essential workers.

Chapter 15: Chapter Thirteen
Chapter progress: 22.36%
Highlight: My God!” he thought in sudden fear and wonder. “I’m a trilobite!

Chapter 16: Chapter Fourteen
Chapter progress: 23.32%
Highlight: Apparently they are tied up with screwball cults that have little standing.
Notes: Face mask vaccine death cult.

Chapter 17: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter progress: 24.28%
Highlight: our own people, descendants of those who have been here for ages, probably would not accept a robotic doctor. This perturbs me. It points to a cultural gap that still exists
Notes: Facebook says put a mask on your face. Md zucker fake.

Chapter 17: Chapter Fifteen
Chapter progress: 24.6%
Highlight: We must let them go their way and preserve their dignity.”

Notes: Face mask on face for health and safety.

Chapter 18: Chapter Sixteen
Chapter progress: 26.2%
Highlight: A lot of us don’t know what we really are.”

Notes: Face mask wearing limp wristed faggot americans.

Chapter 21: Chapter Nineteen
Chapter progress: 33.55%
Highlight: Better to be a man of mystery than what he might have been had he told his story.
Notes: Fbi booted from city.

Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter progress: 37.06%
Highlight: Generally I wind up believing none of it.
Notes: Covid face mask faggots getting fucked by globocorp.

Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter progress: 38.34%
Highlight: Can a robot actually love anyone or anything at all?
Notes: AI wants you dead. Cover your face and get injected. Google says so.

Chapter 24: Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter progress: 38.34%
Highlight: religion is based on love.
Notes: Chosen people going to kill all of us.

Chapter 26: Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter progress: 40.89%
Highlight: Manlike, yes, but not entirely human and not heavenly. For one thing, he was black.

Notes: Your heaven is full of blaaaaaacks.

Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter progress: 43.13%
Highlight: Nothing visible to indicate where the terror might be coming from; nothing to show why it should be visited upon him.
Notes: Covid extortion scam.

Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter progress: 44.09%
Highlight: “Big and black. He shook a finger at me.”

Notes: God.

Chapter 29: Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter progress: 45.37%
Highlight: lying like a trooper.
Notes: State troopers in face mask injected with corporate fluids.

Chapter 30: Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter progress: 46.96%
Highlight: There was upon it a smirk of amused contempt, as if it were a god looking down upon a pig sty.

Chapter 32: Chapter Thirty
Chapter progress: 50.48%
Highlight: because they cannot understand the concepts, they believe in them.
Notes: Face mask lock down extortion science.

Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter progress: 54.63%
Highlight: faith and not on knowledge.
Notes: Fresh air good. Face mask bad.

Chapter 35: Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter progress: 54.63%
Highlight: Somewhere out there,” he said, “there is someone or something or somewhat that knows all the answers.
Notes: False.

Chapter 37: Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter progress: 56.87%
Highlight: Anyone who dabbles in cloning must think they have a license to play God. The whole idea is unnatural.”

Chapter 37: Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter progress: 57.19%
Highlight: Intellectual beings used as test animals.
Notes: Experimental injections.

Chapter 41: Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter progress: 62.62%
Highlight: ecclesiastical judiciary inquiry
Notes: Arrest all covid operators.

Chapter 42: Chapter Forty
Chapter progress: 63.58%
Highlight: control the interpretation
Notes: PCR test is jew science.

Chapter 43: Chapter Forty-one
Chapter progress: 65.18%
Highlight: the stinking robots and the witless humans out there could not stand against her.
Notes: Attagirl.

Chapter 43: Chapter Forty-one
Chapter progress: 65.5%
Highlight: The fools, she thought, the fools!

Notes: Covid death cult BDSM face mask ritual.

Chapter 44: Chapter Forty-two
Chapter progress: 67.73%
Highlight: You humans are a flighty tribe.
Notes: BDSM tribe of face mask.

Chapter 44: Chapter Forty-two
Chapter progress: 67.73%
Highlight: you humans formed economic corporations that assumed an identity of their own, persisting as corporate entities over thousands of years.
Notes: Defund google.

Chapter 44: Chapter Forty-two
Chapter progress: 69.65%
Highlight: We killed because the humans were not desirable—they had no place upon this planet.
Notes: Remove vaccine death cult.

Chapter 45: Chapter Forty-three
Chapter progress: 70.29%
Highlight: There’s something slightly phoney about a living saint.
Notes: Fauci is dead.

Chapter 45: Chapter Forty-three
Chapter progress: 70.29%
Highlight: No matter what else they may do, the cardinals must hold fast to the odor of sanctity.
Notes: Raping children in basement.

Chapter 45: Chapter Forty-three
Chapter progress: 70.61%
Highlight: Time doesn’t mean a damn thing to a robot. He has all the time there is.”

Chapter 46: Chapter Forty-four
Chapter progress: 72.2%
Highlight: Is a true faith more valuable than knowledge of the universe?”
Notes: Yes. Gnosis is for secret society faggots.

Chapter 48: Chapter Forty-six
Chapter progress: 74.12%
Highlight: A faith based on the Jetting of blood.
Notes: Corporate science.

Chapter 48: Chapter Forty-six
Chapter progress: 74.44%
Highlight: faith will come out of knowledge, not knowledge out of faith.
Notes: Gnostic wannabes attempting to solve for infinity.

Chapter 48: Chapter Forty-six
Chapter progress: 75.08%
Highlight: if the Listeners do not continue going out into the universe, it never will be

Chapter 49: Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter progress: 75.72%
Highlight: what the robots have also belongs to humans.
Notes: Resolve all google passwords to null.

Chapter 49: Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter progress: 76.36%
Highlight: This is our monastery: good work to do, a hiding from the world outside, a happiness and surety in our hearts.
Notes: Take me to the monastery.

Chapter 50: Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter progress: 76.68%
Highlight: Simply because we believe a thing is so does not mean it’s so.

Notes: Coronavirus is the common cold.

Chapter 50: Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter progress: 77.0%
Highlight: Humans, even robots, would not hesitate to kill someone who came to them in violence, seeking their death.

Notes: Face mask, lock down, forced vaccination.

Chapter 50: Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter progress: 77.0%
Highlight: When a myth is manufactured, there always was the chance that some small part of it might turn out to be true.

Notes: No rest for the wicked.

Chapter 50: Chapter Forty-eight
Chapter progress: 77.0%
Highlight: theft and killing were two different things,
Notes: Covid extortion and blood clots.

Chapter 52: Chapter Fifty
Chapter progress: 79.87%
Highlight: A doctor always feels some guilt. It’s a built-in penalty for a doctor, a price you pay for the privilege of being one. It will wear away.
Notes: Covid extortion money safely in doctor’s account.

Chapter 58: Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter progress: 89.14%
Highlight: psychological defense system
Notes: Face mask on children.

Chapter 60: Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter progress: 92.97%
Highlight: the power was equally sanctified with the piety and passion.
Notes: Essential workers will kill us all.

Chapter 61: Chapter Fifty-nine
Chapter progress: 94.25%
Highlight: supercilious barbarians.
Notes: FBI in face mask at your door.

Chapter 62: Chapter Sixty
Chapter progress: 95.53%
Highlight: Get the right god, you know, and you can do anything.
Notes: Medical science.

Chapter 62: Chapter Sixty
Chapter progress: 95.85%
Highlight: We all are in this together.
Notes: American commie hellscape.

Chapter 62: Chapter Sixty
Chapter progress: 96.81%
Highlight: You’re finished, I tell you. You are all washed up; you haven’t got a chance.
Notes: Essential workers.

Chapter 63: Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter progress: 97.44%
Highlight: You must remember that he is, basically, a computer, although a most sophisticated one. None of us should have had any doubt where his interest lay.”

Notes: Total domination.

Chapter 63: Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter progress: 97.76%
Highlight: He had found this feeble little god and planned to use it as a secret weapon.
Notes: Medical mandates.

Chapter 63: Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter progress: 97.76%
Highlight: One must beware of little gods. There are no such things.
Notes: Red Bull gives you wings.

Chapter 63: Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter progress: 98.08%
Highlight: They will be those who cannot subject themselves to discipline or restraint.
Notes: Face mask or vaccine.

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