The Children of Captain Grant by Jules Verne Book Review
The Children of Captain Grant by Jules Verne Book Review
Lord Glenarvan of Malcom Castle is finishing initial sea trials on his new sailing yacht. THE DUNCAN.
Three masted, steam powered, screw driven, ocean going sea vessel with crew of twenty sailors.
It was Lord Glenarvan’s intention to present the ship to his new wife, Lady Helena, upon which they would spend the next year making a grand tour.
A message in a bottle is found. Captain Grant’s children are summoned, Lady Helena insists they exchange their grand tour for the rescue of Captain Grant.
The DUNCAN is prepared. Provisioning and coaling complete, the ship weighs anchor for Patagonia.
Patagonia is a dream. We cross the South American Continent, the DUNCAN redoubles the Horn and awaits our arrival.
We steam to Australia. The convict Ben Joyce forces us to separate from the DUNCAN. We make our way to New Zealand by way of shipwreck.
The Maoris almost make a meal of us.
We are reunited with our beloved DUNCAN.
We find our way to the Island of Maria Therasa in the middle of the Pacific. The DUNCAN lies off shore awaiting the new day orb.
Mary and Robert are on the poop deck, the fog mixes with the sound of shore breakers. Upon my word, the voice of Captain Grant is heard on the waves.
Providence saves, the DUNCAN is a bad ass yacht.
All expense paid adventure on the thirty seventh parallel.
The Children of Captain Grant by Jules Verne book review
My highlights and annotations:
Chapter 205: CHAPTER I THE SHARK Annotation Chapter progress: 5.92% Highlight: Lady Helena soon joined her husband on deck, quite charmed at the prospect of such exciting sport. Notes: Deep sea fishing for hammerhead shark on family yacht.
Chapter 207: CHAPTER III THE CAPTAIN’S CHILDREN Annotation Chapter progress: 5.98% Highlight: He had the DUNCAN built expressly that he might take his bride to the most beautiful lands in the world, Notes: God bless this man’s yacht.
Chapter 207: CHAPTER III THE CAPTAIN’S CHILDREN Annotation Chapter progress: 5.98% Highlight: LORD GLENARVAN’S fortune was enormous, and he spent it entirely in doing good. Notes: God bless.
Chapter 207: CHAPTER III THE CAPTAIN’S CHILDREN Highlight Chapter progress: 5.99% Highlight: I’m proof against sorrow.
Chapter 209: CHAPTER V THE DEPARTURE OF Highlight Chapter progress: 6.04% Highlight: There was no knowing what might happen, and it is always well to be able to send a good round bullet flying four miles off.
Chapter 210: CHAPTER VI AN UNEXPECTED PASSENGER Highlight Chapter progress: 6.06% Highlight: Edward,” said his wife, “you are the best of men.”
Chapter 210: CHAPTER VI AN UNEXPECTED PASSENGER Highlight Chapter progress: 6.07% Highlight: nyctalopes, or people who have a peculiar construction of the eye, which makes the sight imperfect in the day and better at night.
Chapter 210: CHAPTER VI AN UNEXPECTED PASSENGER Highlight Chapter progress: 6.07% Highlight: he had not the crabbed expression of those grave individuals who never laugh on principle,
Chapter 211: CHAPTER VII JACQUES PAGANEL IS Annotation Chapter progress: 6.1% Highlight: The French traveler had mistaken his vessel, and gone on board while the crew were attending the service at St. Mungo Notes: French man accidental stow away.
Chapter 211: CHAPTER VII JACQUES PAGANEL IS Annotation Chapter progress: 6.1% Highlight: DESIDERATA Notes: Something needed or wanted.
Chapter 211: CHAPTER VII JACQUES PAGANEL IS Annotation Chapter progress: 6.1% Highlight: country of elephants and Thugs. Notes: India
Chapter 212: CHAPTER VIII THE GEOGRAPHER’S RESOLUTION Annotation Chapter progress: 6.13% Highlight: In 1813, 22,000 pipes of wine were made there, and in 1845 the number fell to 2,669. It is a grievous spectacle! Notes: Madeira wine production issues.
Chapter 212: CHAPTER VIII THE GEOGRAPHER’S RESOLUTION Annotation Chapter progress: 6.16% Highlight: what can be nobler than to bring science to the service of humanity? Notes: BDSM face mask on children.
Chapter 213: CHAPTER IX THROUGH THE STRAITS Highlight Chapter progress: 6.18% Highlight: Patagonia, which means ‘great feet’ in Spanish,
Chapter 214: CHAPTER X THE COURSE DECIDED Annotation Chapter progress: 6.22% Highlight: anthropophagi! Notes: Canibal.
Chapter 215: CHAPTER XI TRAVELING IN CHILI Annotation Chapter progress: 6.24% Highlight: The torrents provide them with water in the mountains, and the rivulets in the plains, which they improve by the addition of a few drops of rum, and each man carries a supply of this in a bullock’s horn, called CHIFFLE. Notes: Water treatment with Rum.
Chapter 215: CHAPTER XI TRAVELING IN CHILI Annotation Chapter progress: 6.24% Highlight: The only viands on which travelers can regale themselves are dried meat, rice seasoned with pimento, and such game as may be shot en route. Notes: Apocalypse science.
Chapter 215: CHAPTER XI TRAVELING IN CHILI Highlight Chapter progress: 6.26% Highlight: GUASSOS, the degenerate offspring of Indians and Spaniards,
Chapter 215: CHAPTER XI TRAVELING IN CHILI Annotation Chapter progress: 6.26% Highlight: seventy-eight parts of copper and twenty-two of tin.” Notes: How to make church bell.
Chapter 219: CHAPTER XV THALCAVE Highlight Chapter progress: 6.42% Highlight: As long as he could get beef and horses, he cared for nothing else.
Chapter 220: CHAPTER XVI THE NEWS OF Annotation Chapter progress: 6.43% Highlight: The LAZO is always retained in the hand. It is simply a rope, thirty feet long, made of tightly twisted leather, with a slip knot at the end, Notes: Lasso from Patagonia.
Chapter 220: CHAPTER XVI THE NEWS OF Highlight Chapter progress: 6.47% Highlight: Es mio padre.
Chapter 220: CHAPTER XVI THE NEWS OF Highlight Chapter progress: 6.47% Highlight: What an intelligent race! All my explanations would have been lost on nineteen in every twenty of the peasants in my own country.
Chapter 221: CHAPTER XVII A SERIOUS NECESSITY Annotation Chapter progress: 6.48% Highlight: The geologist would find rich treasures in the tertiary strata here, for it is full of antediluvian remains — enormous bones, which the Indians attribute to some gigantic race that lived in a past age. Notes: Argentine Pampas.
Chapter 221: CHAPTER XVII A SERIOUS NECESSITY Highlight Chapter progress: 6.5% Highlight: I have heard that, in South America, the wind greatly irritates the nervous system.”
Chapter 222: CHAPTER XVIII IN SEARCH OF Annotation Chapter progress: 6.52% Highlight: encomium. Notes: A speech or writing that praises someone or something.
Chapter 225: CHAPTER XXI A FALSE TRAIL Highlight Chapter progress: 6.64% Highlight: He was happy, and as Goethe says, “Nothing that makes us happy is an illusion.
Chapter 226: CHAPTER XXII THE FLOOD Annotation Chapter progress: 6.67% Highlight: coppice. Notes: Cutting tree or shrub to ground level to stimulate growth.
Chapter 226: CHAPTER XXII THE FLOOD Highlight Chapter progress: 6.7% Highlight: an immense towering wave was seen advancing over the plain, and changing the whole country into an ocean.
Chapter 228: CHAPTER XXIV PAGANEL’S DISCLOSURE Annotation Chapter progress: 6.76% Highlight: Impossible?” returned Paganel. “That is a word we don’t allow in France. Notes: Fake revolution for lizard literature.
Chapter 228: CHAPTER XXIV PAGANEL’S DISCLOSURE Highlight Chapter progress: 6.77% Highlight: the best geographers have agreed to call the island the Australian Continent.
Chapter 228: CHAPTER XXIV PAGANEL’S DISCLOSURE Annotation Chapter progress: 6.79% Highlight: He likes to eat an Indian best, and next to him a negro, then a mulatto, and last of all a white man.”
Notes: Jaguar. American tiger.
Chapter 228: CHAPTER XXIV PAGANEL’S DISCLOSURE Highlight Chapter progress: 6.8% Highlight: The fewer one’s comforts, the fewer one’s needs; and the fewer one’s needs, the greater one’s happiness.
Chapter 229: CHAPTER XXV BETWEEN FIRE AND Highlight Chapter progress: 6.81% Highlight: The entire atmosphere was charged to the utmost with electricity, the presence of which sent a thrill through the whole nervous system of all animated beings.
Chapter 229: CHAPTER XXV BETWEEN FIRE AND Highlight Chapter progress: 6.82% Highlight: wonderful jets of arborescent light.
Chapter 229: CHAPTER XXV BETWEEN FIRE AND Highlight Chapter progress: 6.82% Highlight: Besides, I need not tell you, friend, that learned men tell us never to take refuge under trees during a storm.
Chapter 232: CHAPTER I A NEW DESTINATION Highlight Chapter progress: 6.92% Highlight: going over incident by incident, the entire march from one ocean to another, the pass of the Andes, the earthquake, the disappearance of Robert, his capture by the condor, Thalcave’s providential shot, the episode of the red wolves, the devotion of the young lad, Sergeant Manuel, the inundations, the caimans, the waterspout, the night on the Atlantic shore
Chapter 232: CHAPTER I A NEW DESTINATION Annotation Chapter progress: 6.93% Highlight: it is only human to make a mistake, while to persist in it, a man must be a fool. Notes: Face mask people still in power over me.
Chapter 233: CHAPTER II TRISTAN D’ACUNHA AND Highlight Chapter progress: 6.97% Highlight: The children of these heterogeneous households are very disagreeable compounds of Saxon stiffness and African blackness.
Chapter 234: CHAPTER III CAPE TOWN AND Highlight Chapter progress: 6.97% Highlight: Twenty miles of desert separate men more than five hundred miles of ocean.
Chapter 234: CHAPTER III CAPE TOWN AND Highlight Chapter progress: 6.97% Highlight: Ah! the sea! the sea!” exclaimed Paganel, “it is the field par excellence for the exercise of human energies, and the ship is the true vehicle of civilization.
Chapter 234: CHAPTER III CAPE TOWN AND Highlight Chapter progress: 6.98% Highlight: I should begin a new life; I should hunt and fish; I should choose a grotto for my domicile in Winter and a tree in Summer. I should make storehouses for my harvests: in one word, I should colonize my island.”
Chapter 234: CHAPTER III CAPE TOWN AND Highlight Chapter progress: 6.98% Highlight: Man is made for society and not for solitude, and solitude can only engender despair. It is a question of time.
Chapter 235: CHAPTER IV A WAGER AND Annotation Chapter progress: 7.02% Highlight: From 1606 to 1862, more than fifty have been engaged in exploring along the coast and in the interior. Notes: Explore and own.
Chapter 237: CHAPTER VI A HOSPITABLE COLONIST Highlight Chapter progress: 7.1% Highlight: whole acres covered with bristling ears of corn, hay-ricks in the shape of large bee-hives, blooming orchards, a fine garden worthy of Horace, in which the useful and agreeable were blended; then came sheds; commons wisely distributed, and last of all, a plain comfortable dwelling-house, crowned by a joyous-sounding mill, and fanned and shaded by its long sails as they kept constantly moving round.
Chapter 237: CHAPTER VI A HOSPITABLE COLONIST Annotation Chapter progress: 7.1% Highlight: a man who, weary of the miseries of his country, had come, with his family, to seek fortune and happiness beyond the seas.
Notes: Behind enemy lines. Nowhere to run.
Chapter 237: CHAPTER VI A HOSPITABLE COLONIST Annotation Chapter progress: 7.11% Highlight: From Scotch to Irish is but a handsbreadth. Notes: What is the difference?
Chapter 237: CHAPTER VI A HOSPITABLE COLONIST Annotation Chapter progress: 7.11% Highlight: Whoever is sober and industrious, honest and economical, gets on. Notes: Face mask and vaccine required.
Chapter 237: CHAPTER VI A HOSPITABLE COLONIST Annotation Chapter progress: 7.11% Highlight: been under cultivation for two years, he had five hundred acres cleared by his own hands, and five hundred head of cattle. He was his own master, after having been a serf in Europe, and as independent as one can be in the freest country in the world.
Notes: Take me to the asylum.
Chapter 237: CHAPTER VI A HOSPITABLE COLONIST Annotation Chapter progress: 7.11% Highlight: The whole territory of South Australia is divided into lots, each containing eighty acres, and these are granted to colonists by the government. Any industrious man, by proper cultivation, can not only get a living out of his lot, but lay by pounds 80 a year.
Notes: Face mask and vaccine required.
Chapter 238: CHAPTER VII THE QUARTERMASTER OF Annotation Chapter progress: 7.13% Highlight: Indeed, it has been noticed that a falsehood has sometimes gained ground by being exceedingly particular in minutiae. Notes: Covid is the flu.
Chapter 238: CHAPTER VII THE QUARTERMASTER OF Highlight Chapter progress: 7.13% Highlight: M. De Lesseps,
Chapter 238: CHAPTER VII THE QUARTERMASTER OF Annotation Chapter progress: 7.14% Highlight: For a whole month he subsisted on roots, edible ferns and mimosa gums, Notes: Apocalypse science
Chapter 238: CHAPTER VII THE QUARTERMASTER OF Annotation Chapter progress: 7.15% Highlight: There could not possibly be the least doubt now of Ayrton’s identity, for it would have been difficult to account for his possession of the document if he were not the man named in it. Notes: Vaccine passport in your veins.
Chapter 238: CHAPTER VII THE QUARTERMASTER OF Annotation Chapter progress: 7.16% Highlight: What we all think, dear Edward,” replied Lady Helena, turning toward her companions; “let us be off at once. Notes: Resume adventure.
Chapter 238: CHAPTER VII THE QUARTERMASTER OF Highlight Chapter progress: 7.16% Highlight: In the first place, I beg leave to say I am not an Englishman,” replied Glenarvan.
Chapter 240: CHAPTER IX A COUNTRY OF Highlight Chapter progress: 7.21% Highlight: Here and there they noticed a species of sheep peculiar to New Holland — sheep with pig’s heads,
Chapter 240: CHAPTER IX A COUNTRY OF Annotation Chapter progress: 7.23% Highlight: incomparable docility. Notes: Fake men in face mask.
Chapter 241: CHAPTER X AN ACCIDENT Highlight Chapter progress: 7.23% Highlight: M. Olbinett prepared the evening meal with his accustomed punctuality, and after this was dispatched, the travelers disposed themselves for the night in the wagon and in the tent, and were soon sleeping soundly, notwithstanding the melancholy howling of the “dingoes,” the jackals of Australia.
Chapter 241: CHAPTER X AN ACCIDENT Highlight Chapter progress: 7.25% Highlight: Xenophon
Chapter 241: CHAPTER X AN ACCIDENT Highlight Chapter progress: 7.26% Highlight: 25th of December, the Christmas Day so dear to English hearts.
Chapter 242: CHAPTER XI CRIME OR CALAMITY Annotation Chapter progress: 7.3% Highlight: Great tracks of blood, scattered limbs, charred trunks of bodies, showed here and there; none could guess how many victims lay dead and mangled under those ruins.
Notes: Train crash.
Chapter 243: CHAPTER XII TOLINE OF THE Highlight Chapter progress: 7.33% Highlight: The Australian aborigines are gentle and inoffensive, never exhibiting the fierce hatred toward their conquerors which characterizes the New Zealanders, and possibly a few of the races of Northern Australia.
Chapter 243: CHAPTER XII TOLINE OF THE Highlight Chapter progress: 7.35% Highlight: All Oceanica belongs to the English.
Chapter 243: CHAPTER XII TOLINE OF THE Highlight Chapter progress: 7.36% Highlight: does the moon belong to England, too?” “She will, some day,” replied the young savage, gravely.
Chapter 244: CHAPTER XIII A WARNING Highlight Chapter progress: 7.38% Highlight: The forests of the Oceanic continent do not in the least resemble the forests of the New World;
Chapter 244: CHAPTER XIII A WARNING Highlight Chapter progress: 7.38% Highlight: There is nothing more intelligent than a leaf.”
Chapter 244: CHAPTER XIII A WARNING Annotation Chapter progress: 7.4% Highlight: A brave man wouldn’t care a bit for them!” Notes: FBI sellouts
Chapter 245: CHAPTER XIV WEALTH IN THE Highlight Chapter progress: 7.43% Highlight: They managed their immense property with rare ability and uncommon energy.
Chapter 245: CHAPTER XIV WEALTH IN THE Highlight Chapter progress: 7.43% Highlight: Here are some thousands, young men. Go to a distant colony; and start some useful settlement there.
Chapter 245: CHAPTER XIV WEALTH IN THE Highlight Chapter progress: 7.43% Highlight: Ten thousand acres of ground, admirably cultivated, produced harvests of native productions and exotics, and several millions of animals fattened in the fertile pastures.
Chapter 248: CHAPTER XVII THE PLOT UNVEILED Highlight Chapter progress: 7.57% Highlight: Better to meet a tiger on the plain than a serpent in the grass.
Chapter 248: CHAPTER XVII THE PLOT UNVEILED Annotation Chapter progress: 7.59% Highlight: Happily the unmasked bandit was less to be feared than the traitor. Notes: Hurumph hurumph.
Chapter 249: CHAPTER XVIII FOUR DAYS OF Highlight Chapter progress: 7.62% Highlight: and the brave sailor rejoiced in being able to give his Lordship this proof of devotion.
Chapter 249: CHAPTER XVIII FOUR DAYS OF Highlight Chapter progress: 7.63% Highlight: six shots fired in a few seconds would easily clear a road infested with criminals.
Chapter 250: CHAPTER XIX HELPLESS AND HOPELESS Annotation Chapter progress: 7.7% Highlight: But when everything fails a man, and he finds himself without resources, at the very moment when he feels he must give up, then Providence steps in. Notes: Government at door for refusing pandemic scam.
Chapter 251: CHAPTER I A ROUGH CAPTAIN Highlight Chapter progress: 7.73% Highlight: easy to return to Europe by the boats of the Peninsular and Oriental Company.
Chapter 252: CHAPTER II NAVIGATORS AND THEIR Annotation Chapter progress: 7.77% Highlight: But in all that history was there a fact, Notes: No
Chapter 254: CHAPTER IV THE WRECK OF Annotation Chapter progress: 7.81% Highlight: I feel as if fresh misfortunes awaited us, and that Heaven itself is against us. It terrifies me!”
Notes: Arrest all covid operators.
Chapter 255: CHAPTER V CANNIBALS Annotation Chapter progress: 7.86% Highlight: What was a meal, was raised to the dignity of a ceremony, that is all. Notes: Cannibalism.
Chapter 255: CHAPTER V CANNIBALS Highlight Chapter progress: 7.86% Highlight: Surely, two resolute and well-armed Europeans need not give a thought to an attack by a handful of miserable beings.”
Chapter 255: CHAPTER V CANNIBALS Annotation Chapter progress: 7.87% Highlight: Let us hope that one day Christianity will abolish all these monstrous customs. Notes: Health and safety till u die.
Chapter 256: CHAPTER VI A DREADED COUNTRY Highlight Chapter progress: 7.89% Highlight: Fortunately the travelers were well armed with carbines and revolvers.
Chapter 256: CHAPTER VI A DREADED COUNTRY Highlight Chapter progress: 7.9% Highlight: The distant waves glittered in the west, and sparkled like sheets of liquid silver.
Chapter 257: CHAPTER VII THE MAORI WAR Highlight Chapter progress: 7.92% Highlight: We have lost our country! henceforth it is not ours; soon the stranger will come and take it, and we shall be his slaves.”
Chapter 260: CHAPTER X A MOMENTOUS INTERVIEW Highlight Chapter progress: 8.04% Highlight: Every Englishman is an enemy. Your people invaded our island!
Chapter 261: CHAPTER XI THE CHIEF’S FUNERAL Highlight Chapter progress: 8.08% Highlight: The drops of hot blood splashed over these festive monsters, and the whole of this detestable crew groveled under a rain of blood.
Chapter 263: CHAPTER XIII THE SACRED MOUNTAIN Annotation Chapter progress: 8.15% Highlight: What occult power controlled these savages? Notes: humiliation face mask ritual
Chapter 264: CHAPTER XIV A BOLD STRATAGEM Annotation Chapter progress: 8.2% Highlight: Yes, an impromptu volcano, whose fury we can regulate. Notes: The joos control volcanos.
Chapter 265: CHAPTER XV FROM PERIL TO Annotation Chapter progress: 8.26% Highlight: He was too wise to take advantage of a word spoken in a moment of despair. Notes: Fake vaccines for fake flu.
Chapter 268: CHAPTER XVIII A DISCOURAGING CONFESSION Annotation Chapter progress: 8.37% Highlight: My Lord, it is usual for witnesses to be present at every contract or transaction between two parties. Notes: KYC 33.3
Chapter 269: CHAPTER XIX A CRY IN Highlight Chapter progress: 8.43% Highlight: Keep your courage up and no matter what befalls you, let us show this obstinate courage which can rise above everything.
Chapter 270: CHAPTER XX CAPTAIN GRANT’S STORY Highlight Chapter progress: 8.5% Highlight: moderate your grief.
Chapter 271: CHAPTER XXI PAGANEL’S LAST ENTANGLEMENT Highlight Chapter progress: 8.51% Highlight: They had come back again after a voyage of five months, during which, and keeping strictly along the 37th parallel, they had gone round the world.