Lifting the Bike with Tractor – Apocalypse Cabin

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When I opened the barn this morning, I found the motorcycle turned over on the floor, like a dead cat in a cage. The saddest thing I have seen in a very long while, excluding children in face mask.

The center-stand on the bike sunk into the aggregate flooring, tipping the massive motorcycle onto its side. I tried with all my muscles to lift it, but the weight of the machine (1000 lbs.), plus the sunk center-stand into the wet ground (two inches of rain the previous day) made my attempts futile. The bike didn’t budge.

I began to formulate the turnbuckle style lift I would perform on the bike. The same kind of lift I saw the Euros perform on the Costa Concordia (blonds on boats). I would need to clear and make-ready the chain and attach-point on the bike.

I used a couple of towels as chafing pads, rolled the tractor in so the bucket was positioned over the chain. I slowly lifted the bucket and watched in amazement as the bike righted itself. I dismounted the tractor and heaved the bike onto its kick-stand.

The success was monumental. A grand day at Apocalypse Cabin.

Thank you Father.

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