The Coming Era of Techno-Space Barons by Gigi Young
It’s time to address the big tech elephant in the room. Trump needs big tech to win but will be beholden to that particular cartel while in office. This means that should he take the presidency, the issues that the Democratic party have created will be addressed. However, we will immediately enter into another set of problems which involves silicon valley creating a technological revolution and consolidating a great deal of power through his administration.
This technological revolution is not a return to what ‘made America great’, it is actually the creation of a new synthetic, digitalized America. Many attacks and social issues will arise and the answer will be to technologize humanity further, and further. This includes the rapid development of the ‘space economy’, which will largely be a mask for other dark operations that will be hidden from humanity. This impulse cannot be prevented, but we can raise awareness so that the organic path is seen as an option along side it. Many people will be seduced by these avenues and that cannot be prevented.
In the past, elite organizations would fight for land, natural resources, railroads etc., and, as a result, all of these mundane, earthly things are presently consolidated, controlled and even leveraged against humanity. The new, and ultimate, frontier is space, AI/digitization and bio-tech. This new monopoly will take place and be significantly more difficult to overcome once it begins. These endeavors (space, AI and biotech) will create emperors more powerful than was even possible in the past. These industries are the final chess move for elite groups, and we have to enter into this future with our eyes wide open. While the deep issues of the Biden Administration will be addressed through a Trump presidency (which is necessary), we will be confronted with even greater problems, problems that seem existential to the average person.
‘Free Energy’ Devices
Further, what is Trumps idea for ‘Freedom Cities’, is this simply his term for ‘Smart City’? With big tech behind him this is an honest question. We need to leave the messianic, tribal rhetoric behind and get serious about the era we are heading into.
It should be noted here that ‘free energy’ devices are held back from the public not solely because of greedy shadowy organizations that want to keep the tech for themselves. These devices are not widely available because of how they operate. They effect human consciousness. You don’t just turn them on and have them work like combustion or other material options. They magnify, or amplify, the condition of consciousness we currently have. In other words, the thoughts and feelings of the people exposed to this technology become amplified. If you think things are bad now, turn one one of these devices and things will become worse psychologically for the people exposed to them. Humanity is not evolved enough, not moral enough, for this technology. That is why it is not in every home. It is not a matter of greed that keeps this technology back, but rather ethics.
Colonizing Space Denies the Doctrine of Resurrection
Many Trump supporters are Christians. Are such Christians aware that the action of colonizing space suggests that life must exist perpetually in the material world which in turn directly opposes the doctrine of resurrection? Immortality through spiritual development is the central tenet in Christianity, and quite frankly most other spiritual systems. Many bio-tech operations also directly insult human progress and dignity. We must proceed with caution. Take the wins, but not in such a way that we are blind to what lurks in the background. Nor in such a way that we betray and destroy our own soul. A person of true spiritual character cannot support these ideologies.
This post is not to take the wind out of anyones sails, but rather to discuss the reality of the challenges we will face in the coming years. We have many professionals who are capable of discussing financial crisis, civil issues or national defense, however, the topics mentioned here get very little attention when they are, in fact, the most pressing for humanity long term.
Most people kowtow to big tech to remain relevant creating an unfortunate state of symbiosis (and a cloud of confusion and unpreparedness for their audience who trust whatever their idols say). The attitude towards these issues is that it is some thing we will deal with ‘eventually’, when the time comes. Well, the time has come. In fact, we are already overdue.
Gigi Young – Techno Space Religion – DON’T TAKE THE CHIP

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FREE ENERGY For Chosen People Only.