Soon the Overlords will reveal themselves. The Tall Whites living in Shasta Mountain or the City of Aragoth. They will subjugate the entire planet in the name of non-violence and peace. The people will follow their rule.
The children of earth will become possessed by Satan. They will leave their parents and transcend into the realm of Lucifer. The OVERLORDS are the angels of SATAN.
When they reveal themselves it will mark the end. Make sure you kill them with your weapon. They will tell you the children are safe, the incomprehensible side effects of the vaccine are natural. But the kids are NOT ASCENDING to heaven. They are destined to live in HELL for eternity.
Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke. A book review.

Some of my highlights:
Childhood’s End (Arthur C. Clarke)
– Your Highlight on page 40 | Location 599-601 | Added on Sunday, December 13, 2020 8:05:17 PM
I can understand your fear that the traditions and cultures of little countries will be overwhelmed when the World State arrives. But you are wrong: it is useless to cling to the past. Even before the Overlords came to Earth, the sovereign state was dying. They have merely hastened its end: no one can save it now-and no one should try.”
Childhood’s End (Arthur C. Clarke)
– Your Highlight on page 53 | Location 806-807 | Added on Sunday, December 13, 2020 8:25:42 PM
There were some things that only time could cure. Evil men could be destroyed, but nothing could be done with good men who were deluded.
Childhood’s End (Arthur C. Clarke)
– Your Highlight on page 141 | Location 2157-2158 | Added on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 8:31:15 PM
Soon people won’t be living their own lives any more. It will be a full-time job keeping up with the various family serials on TV!
Childhood’s End (Arthur C. Clarke)
– Your Highlight on page 210 | Location 3214-3215 | Added on Thursday, December 17, 2020 2:49:41 AM
besides, no-one of intelligence resents the inevitable.”