Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. Book Review

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Thirty and Three Cheers to Victor Hugo and Les Misérables.

Not unlike Dickens’s, A Tale of Two Cities, Les Misérables examines the FAILURE of THE FRENCH REVOLUTION.

You know the one, it’s the revolution where the The French People allegedly chopped the heads off their pitiful leaders. (Antoinette Marbles)

Les Misérables plays out in the aftermath of this REVOLUTIONARY FAILURE.

Social order DECAPITATION following “French Revolution”. Les Misérables.

What Victor Hugo fails to make clear in this great epic on REVOLUTION and INSURRECTION is that HE, Victor Hugo, fought AGAINST THE REBELS who barricaded themselves inside deathtrap blockades on the streets of PARIS.

Note to Alphabet This is like FBI goons writing a love story about a couple in WACO after burning them to death in their compound.

Victor Hugo, in writing his famous RAGS TO RICHES story, Les Misérables, describes THE FAILURE of THE FRENCH REVOLUTION and the victory of his Virgin Sun Goddess, Cosette- full spectrum materialism.

Happiness ever after is the procreation of all lovely virgins sitting in THE GARDEN, like open lilies in the dawning sun.


  • Fake education is free and ubiquitous.
  • Fake science is a religion.


God Bless Victor Hugo and this excellent coded message on REVOLUTIONARY FAILURE.

Material for Materialism: Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables.

The final chapter of the book contains our Christed hero, Jean Valjean, pleading the legitimacy of his fortune- money made from being a jeweler. Amen.

The French Revolution is Fake.


My annotations and highlights:

Les Miserables by Thirlwell, Adam, Rose, Julie, Hugo, Victor

Book last read: 2023-10-28 22:41:04
Percentage read: 100%

Chapter 10: I. Monsieur Myriel
Chapter progress: 2.12%
Highlight: Then the Revolution came along, events spiralled, parliamentary families were wiped out, chased away, hunted, scattered.

Chapter 13: IV. He Puts His Money where his Mouth Is
Chapter progress: 2.93%
Highlight: he had brought about justice by sparking revenge.

Chapter 13: IV. He Puts His Money where his Mouth Is
Chapter progress: 2.98%
Highlight: seeing the guillotine up close had been a shock,
Notes: Fauci

Chapter 13: IV. He Puts His Money where his Mouth Is
Chapter progress: 3.03%
Highlight: The guillotine is the ultimate embodiment of the Law; its name is Retribution.
Notes: Vaccine death mandates

Chapter 17: VIII. Philosophy After a Drink or Two
Chapter progress: 3.84%
Highlight: THE SENATOR MENTIONED earlier was a smart man who had made his way in life with a single-mindedness oblivious to any of those stumbling blocks known as conscience, sworn oaths, justice, duty; he had gone straight for his goal without ever deviating from the path of self-interest and his own

Chapter 19: X. The Bishop Before an Unknown Light
Chapter progress: 4.34%
Highlight: regicide.2
Notes: Killing a king.

Chapter 19: X. The Bishop Before an Unknown Light
Chapter progress: 4.49%
Highlight: curiosity being as far as he was concerned very nearly a crime,
Notes: mind your own business.

Chapter 19: X. The Bishop Before an Unknown Light
Chapter progress: 4.54%
Highlight: the French Revolution was the greatest leap forward for mankind since the coming of Christ.

Chapter 19: X. The Bishop Before an Unknown Light
Chapter progress: 4.59%
Highlight: The French Revolution is mankind’s crowning achievement.”

Notes: The Conventionist.

Chapter 20: XI. A Qualification
Chapter progress: 4.95%
Highlight: We should note in passing that hatred of luxury is not an especially bright form of hatred. Such hatred implies hatred of the arts.
Notes: Art is luxury. VICTOR HUGO.

Chapter 20: XI. A Qualification
Chapter progress: 5.1%
Highlight: A man who has not been a relentless opponent in fair weather, when the enemy is at his peak, should keep quiet in foul, when the enemy collapses.

Chapter 20: XI. A Qualification
Chapter progress: 5.15%
Highlight: He said more than he should have and finally lost his job.
Notes: Covid scam.

Chapter 21: XII. Monseigneur Bienvenu’s Solitude
Chapter progress: 5.2%
Highlight: sinecures.
Notes: paid off ass kisser.

Chapter 21: XII. Monseigneur Bienvenu’s Solitude
Chapter progress: 5.25%
Highlight: We live in a sombre society. How to get ahead, succeed—that is the lesson that trickles down, drop by drop, from the overriding corruption on high.

Chapter 22: XIII. What He Believed
Chapter progress: 5.4%
Highlight: The conscience of a just man should be taken at face value.

Chapter 23: XIV. What He Thought
Chapter progress: 5.65%
Highlight: There is holy horror at the gates to enigma; the doors gape open wide but something tells you, you, life’s passerby, not to go there.

Chapter 26: II. Prudence is Recommended to Wisdom
Chapter progress: 6.51%
Highlight: the prefect of police and the mayor hated each other and tried to do each other harm by staging incidents to show the other up.
Notes: False flag deep state war.

Chapter 26: II. Prudence is Recommended to Wisdom
Chapter progress: 6.61%
Highlight: police are less than useless [a useful repetition].

Chapter 27: III. The Heroism of Passive Obedience
Chapter progress: 6.81%
Highlight: Ignominy is thirsty for respect.

Chapter 28: IV. The Cheesemakers of Pontarlier
Chapter progress: 6.97%
Highlight: There are paper mills, tanneries, distilleries, big clock factories, steel mills, copper foundries, at least twenty iron foundries
Notes: industry all out of country. Usa

Chapter 30: VI. Jean Valjean
Chapter progress: 7.47%
Highlight: if you can call it being free to be hunted down, to whip your head round at every instant, to start at the slightest noise, to be frightened of anything and everything, of smoke coming from a roof, of a man passing by, of a dog, of a galloping horse, of the sound of the hour striking, of daylight because you can see, of night because you can’t see, of the road, the path, the bushes, of sleep.
Notes: Fbi and paid off informants. Usa

Chapter 30: VI. Jean Valjean
Chapter progress: 7.52%
Highlight: British statistics show that in London four out of five thefts have hunger as their immediate cause.

Chapter 31: VII. Despair From the Inside
Chapter progress: 7.57%
Highlight: If it wasn’t a serious matter to start with that he, who was a worker, lacked work; that he, who was industrious, lacked bread.
Notes: Begin revolt.

Chapter 35: XI. What He does Next
Chapter progress: 8.53%
Highlight: He looked as though he was ready either to smash the old man’s skull in or to kiss his hand.

Chapter 37: XIII. Petit-Gervais
Chapter progress: 9.24%
Highlight: And yet, a new day was dawning and its soft light was settling over his life and over his soul.

Chapter 39: I. The Year 1817
Chapter progress: 9.29%
Highlight: Mademoiselle Bigottini danced,

Chapter 40: II. A Double Foursome
Chapter progress: 9.74%
Highlight: Favourite, Dahlia, Zéphine, and Fantine were four ravishing girls, perfumed and sparkling, still a bit on the working-class side, not having entirely abandoned their sewing needles, troubled by torrid romances of the railway novel kind, but with traces of the serenity of labour on their faces and in their hearts that bloom of purity that survives a woman’s first fall from grace.

Chapter 40: II. A Double Foursome
Chapter progress: 9.74%
Highlight: Poverty and coquetry are two deadly counsellors; one upbraids, the other flatters, and the beautiful daughters of the working class have both of them whispering in their ears, each with its own agenda.

Chapter 41: III. Four By Four
Chapter progress: 10.1%
Highlight: Her magnificent teeth had clearly been given her by God with one purpose only, and that was to laugh.

Chapter 45: VII. The Wisdom of Tholomyès
Chapter progress: 10.75%
Highlight: Not everything that falls out of the sky is worthy of enthusiasm and respect.
Notes: Blackrock LLC

Chapter 45: VII. The Wisdom of Tholomyès
Chapter progress: 10.8%
Highlight: just because it seems I’m about to be made a doctor of law, it does not necessarily follow that I am a complete idiot.
Notes: Non sequiter.

Chapter 45: VII. The Wisdom of Tholomyès
Chapter progress: 10.85%
Highlight: Woman is perfidious and devious. She hates the serpent out of professional rivalry.
Notes: The snake!

Chapter 45: VII. The Wisdom of Tholomyès
Chapter progress: 10.95%
Highlight: Let’s not blindly accept what they tell us.

Chapter 45: VII. The Wisdom of Tholomyès
Chapter progress: 11.0%
Highlight: I am happy. The birds are amazing. It’s all one big party!

Chapter 45: VII. The Wisdom of Tholomyès
Chapter progress: 11.0%
Highlight: All the invasions in history have been caused by petticoats.

Chapter 46: VIII. Death of a Horse
Chapter progress: 11.16%
Highlight: Though she lived at a time when women did not yet have souls,

Chapter 50: II. Initial Sketch of Two Shady Characters
Chapter progress: 11.91%
Highlight: employing experience to aggravate their deformity,
Notes: Terrible people

Chapter 56: IV. Monsieur Madeleine in Mourning
Chapter progress: 12.77%
Highlight: The ultimate happiness in life is the conviction that one is loved; loved for oneself—better still, loved in spite of oneself.

Chapter 57: V. Dim Flashes of Lightning on the Horizon
Chapter progress: 13.02%
Highlight: Public education, when it is good, can always bring out the latent usefulness of a soul, no matter what it is like to start with.

Notes: Child in face mask eight hours daily on pharma meds.

Chapter 57: V. Dim Flashes of Lightning on the Horizon
Chapter progress: 13.02%
Highlight: The Asturian peasants are convinced that in every litter of wolves there is one pup who is killed by the mother because otherwise it would grow up to devour all the other pups.

Chapter 60: VIII. Madame Victurnien Spends Thirty-Five Francs On Morality
Chapter progress: 13.48%
Highlight: She rented a small room and furnished it on credit from her future labour—
Notes: Debt slave 1815

Chapter 61: IX. Madame Victurnien’s Success
Chapter progress: 13.78%
Highlight: Nasty people enjoy a grim satisfaction.

Chapter 63: XI. Christus Nos Liberavit
Chapter progress: 14.13%
Highlight: In becoming trash she turned to marble.

Chapter 63: XI. Christus Nos Liberavit
Chapter progress: 14.18%
Highlight: it is a mistake to imagine that you can exhaust fate or that you ever hit rock bottom—in anything.

Chapter 65: XIII. The Answer to Some of the Municipal Police’s Questions
Chapter progress: 14.49%
Highlight: eau-de-vie,
Notes: What kind of drink is this?

Chapter 65: XIII. The Answer to Some of the Municipal Police’s Questions
Chapter progress: 14.84%
Highlight: . I will give you all the money you need.
Notes: Rags to riches female story on cinderella repeat.

Chapter 68: II. How Jean can Turn Into Champ
Chapter progress: 15.09%
Highlight: this bizarre composite of Roman, Spartan, monk, and corporal, this spy who could not lie, this virgin snitch,
Notes: Police

Chapter 72: III. A Storm On The Brain
Chapter progress: 16.0%
Highlight: he lived a quiet life, reassured and hopeful, having only two concerns: to hide his name and to sanctify his life; to escape the clutches of men and to return to God.

Chapter 72: III. A Storm On The Brain
Chapter progress: 16.36%
Highlight: He would only enter into sanctity in the eyes of God if he reentered infamy in the eyes of men!

Chapter 74: V. A Spoke in The Wheels
Chapter progress: 17.47%
Highlight: To see a thousand things for the first time and for the last—what could be more melancholy or more profound!
Notes: Road trip.

Chapter 80: XI. Champmathieu More and More Amazed
Chapter progress: 19.33%
Highlight: The peculiarity of sublime spectacles is to seize all souls and make all witnesses spectators.
Notes: Note to CIA and FBI agents.

Chapter 84: III. Javert Satisfied
Chapter progress: 19.89%
Highlight: No human feeling ever manages to be quite as appalling as gloating joy.

Chapter 84: III. Javert Satisfied
Chapter progress: 19.94%
Highlight: The pitiless but honest joy of a fanatic in the middle of perpetrating an atrocity still preserves some mysterious radiance that is both funereal and noble.
Notes: Covid injectors.

Chapter 101: XIII. The Catastrophe
Chapter progress: 23.17%
Highlight: no more comrades in arms, no more officers, no more generals, just unspeakable horror.
Notes: 5g warfare.

Chapter 104: XVI. Quot Libras in Duce?
Chapter progress: 23.62%
Highlight: THE BATTLE OF Waterloo is an enigma.

Chapter 104: XVI. Quot Libras in Duce?
Chapter progress: 23.62%
Highlight: Battle lost, progress is often won. Less glory, more liberty.

Chapter 105: XVII. Do We have to Think Waterloo was a Good Thing?
Chapter progress: 23.93%
Highlight: Solidarity of the Brunswicks, the Nassaus, the Romanoffs, the Hohenzollerns, the Hapsburgs, with the Bourbons.
Notes: Lizard people.

Chapter 105: XVII. Do We have to Think Waterloo was a Good Thing?
Chapter progress: 23.93%
Highlight: The fact is that revolution cannot really be defeated and that, being providential and absolutely inevitable, it always reappears
Notes: Begin revolution.

Chapter 105: XVII. Do We have to Think Waterloo was a Good Thing?
Chapter progress: 23.98%
Highlight: If you want to understand what revolution is, call it Progress; and if you want to understand what progress is, call it Tomorrow.
Notes: Face mask pharma death cult.

Chapter 106: XVIII. A Fresh Bout of Divine Right
Chapter progress: 24.08%
Highlight: It had spread over the earth all the light that tyranny can provide.
Notes: Democracy.

Chapter 107: XIX. The Battlefield by Night
Chapter progress: 24.28%
Highlight: After all, a person has the right to rob a corpse he has made.

Chapter 110: II. In Which You Will Read Two Lines of Verse That Are Perhaps The Devil’s
Chapter progress: 24.99%
Highlight: With admirable art and a masterly sense of proportion, he combined the thirst of a greedy pig with the discretion of a judge.

Chapter 111: III. How The Chain on the Shackles Must have Undergone Preparatory Treatment to be Shattered Like That With One Whack of The Hammer
Chapter progress: 25.14%
Highlight: it felt as if it was more a case of the generals having been won than the battles,
Notes: Fat Milly injecting our troops.

Chapter 111: III. How The Chain on the Shackles Must have Undergone Preparatory Treatment to be Shattered Like That With One Whack of The Hammer
Chapter progress: 25.19%
Highlight: France is made to stir people’s souls, not smother them.
Notes: Excluding conquests in Africa.

Chapter 111: III. How The Chain on the Shackles Must have Undergone Preparatory Treatment to be Shattered Like That With One Whack of The Hammer
Chapter progress: 25.19%
Highlight: It was a bid for enslavement.
Notes: Covid scam, banking collapse.

Chapter 114: II. Two Portraits Completed
Chapter progress: 25.9%
Highlight: She was a mother only because she was a mammal.

Chapter 117: V. A Little Girl All On Her Own
Chapter progress: 26.4%
Highlight: Jupiter was setting in the depths of the sky.

Chapter 117: V. A Little Girl All On Her Own
Chapter progress: 26.4%
Highlight: You would have said it was a luminous wound.

Chapter 119: VII. Cosette Side by Side with the Stranger in the Dark
Chapter progress: 26.96%
Highlight: No one had ever taught her to turn to Providence and to pray.

Chapter 120: VIII. Unpleasantness of Putting Up a Pauper Who Might Just be Rich
Chapter progress: 27.11%
Highlight: only let her breathe as much as strictly necessary,
Notes: Face mask children.

Chapter 121: IX. Thénardier in Operation
Chapter progress: 28.17%
Highlight: She had put her louis in the pocket of her new smock. From time to time she bent over and took a peek at it, then she looked at the man. She felt a bit like she was walking along next to God.

Notes: Men, money, and women.

Chapter 122: X. Who Looks for the Best May Find The Worst
Chapter progress: 28.22%
Highlight: The secrets of the rich are sponges full of gold; you have to know how to squeeze them.

Chapter 125: I. Maître Gorbeau
Chapter progress: 28.77%
Highlight: Nothing is as harrowing as symmetry.

Chapter 131: I. The Zigzags of Strategy
Chapter progress: 29.68%
Highlight: for you hold the face of your homeland in your heart as you would your own mother’s face.

Notes: Remember time before face mask, lockdowns, and mandatory injections.

Chapter 140: X. In Which it is Explained How Javert Came Up Empty
Chapter progress: 31.4%
Highlight: It must be remembered that, at the time, the police were not exactly at ease; they were hampered by a free press.
Notes: FBI wellness check for denying slave mask.

Chapter 140: X. In Which it is Explained How Javert Came Up Empty
Chapter progress: 31.4%
Highlight: To attack the freedom of the individual was a grave matter.

Chapter 140: X. In Which it is Explained How Javert Came Up Empty
Chapter progress: 31.5%
Highlight: Claws and talons have a monstrous sensuality; it is a terrible pleasure, the obscure struggle of the animal caught in their grip.

Chapter 142: I. Petite Rue Picpus, No. 62
Chapter progress: 31.75%
Highlight: This head spoke to you but did not look at you and never smiled at you.

Notes: FBI

Chapter 143: II. The Rule of Martin Verga
Chapter progress: 31.95%
Highlight: This is canonical enslavement in all its self-abnegation.
Notes: Face mask.

Chapter 143: II. The Rule of Martin Verga
Chapter progress: 32.0%
Highlight: To brush your teeth lies at the top of a slippery slope at the bottom of which lies: losing your soul.

Chapter 143: II. The Rule of Martin Verga
Chapter progress: 32.16%
Highlight: When a nun was called to the visitors’ parlour, even if she was the prioress, she dropped her veil in such a way that, as you will recall, only her mouth could be seen.
Notes: Reverse face mask.

Chapter 145: IV. Fun
Chapter progress: 32.36%
Highlight: Perrault,
Notes: Charles.

Chapter 152: XI. End of The Petit-Picpus
Chapter progress: 33.77%
Highlight: The counterfeits of the past assume false identities and happily call themselves the future.

Chapter 157: IV. The Convent from the Point of View of Principles
Chapter progress: 34.23%
Highlight: Liberty is enough to transform the monastery into a republic.

Notes: Victor Hugo is opposed to monoastic life, especially the convent.

Chapter 158: V. Prayer
Chapter progress: 34.33%
Highlight: At the same time that there is an infinite outside us, isn’t there also an infinite inside us?
Notes: Many of us are souless NPCs.

Chapter 158: V. Prayer
Chapter progress: 34.33%
Highlight: The greatness of democracy is that it denies nothing and renounces nothing for humanity.
Notes: Neverending war, fake money, fake medicine, fake food. Democracy.

Chapter 158: V. Prayer
Chapter progress: 34.33%
Highlight: We have a duty: to work on the human soul, to defend mystery as opposed to miracle, to worship the incomprehensible and reject the absurd, to accept of the inexplicable only what is necessary, to clean up faith, to remove superstition from on top of religion; to rid God of worms.
Notes: Covid “vaccine” is Mark of the Beast.

Chapter 158: V. Prayer
Chapter progress: 34.33%
Highlight: and there is a self in the infinite above, just as there is a self in the infinite below.
Notes: As above, so below. Secret society code words. On earth as it is in heaven.

Chapter 159: VI. Absolute Goodness of Prayer
Chapter progress: 34.43%
Highlight: The negation of the infinite leads straight to nihilism. Everything becomes “a figment of the imagination.”

Chapter 159: VI. Absolute Goodness of Prayer
Chapter progress: 34.43%
Highlight: the idea of a will in a plant, which this school promotes, seems harder to accept than a will in the universe, which the school denies.

Chapter 159: VI. Absolute Goodness of Prayer
Chapter progress: 34.48%
Nihilism has nowhere to go.
There is no nothingness. Zero does not exist. Everything is something. Nothing is nothing.

Chapter 159: VI. Absolute Goodness of Prayer
Chapter progress: 34.48%
Highlight: Science should be a tonic.
Notes: the vacked people are broadcasting unnamed MAC address.

Chapter 159: VI. Absolute Goodness of Prayer
Chapter progress: 34.48%
Highlight: Wisdom is Holy Communion.
Notes: Snake alert.

Chapter 160: VII. Precautions to Take in Laying Blame
Chapter progress: 34.58%
Highlight: You take out a mortgage on death.
Notes: In the cloister.

Chapter 160: VII. Precautions to Take in Laying Blame
Chapter progress: 34.58%
Highlight: In the cloister, hell is accepted as advance payment on paradise.

Chapter 160: VII. Precautions to Take in Laying Blame
Chapter progress: 34.58%
Highlight: Cenobitism2is a human problem.

Notes: Victor Hugo is not a fan of nunnery.

Chapter 161: VIII. Faith, Law
Chapter progress: 34.68%
Highlight: We need those who forever pray for those who never pray.

Chapter 164: II. Fauchelevent Confronted With a Problem
Chapter progress: 35.29%
Highlight: when he had had to put straw mats over the melon beds because of the moon
Notes: Lost garden technique. Moon blight.

Chapter 165: III. Mother Innocent
Chapter progress: 35.39%
Highlight: A woman is never a man.
Notes: ¡

Chapter 165: III. Mother Innocent
Chapter progress: 35.64%
Highlight: People don’t know what they should know and know things they should not.

Chapter 165: III. Mother Innocent
Chapter progress: 35.74%
Highlight: The government won’t suspect a thing.

Chapter 165: III. Mother Innocent
Chapter progress: 35.74%
Highlight: There’s nothing wrong with limping—it may even be a blessing.

Chapter 166: IV. In Which Jean Valjean Looks as Though He Has Read Austin Castillejo
Chapter progress: 35.84%
Highlight: THE STRIDES OF the lame are like the winks of the one-eyed; they don’t go straight to the point.
Notes: hehe.

Chapter 166: IV. In Which Jean Valjean Looks as Though He Has Read Austin Castillejo
Chapter progress: 35.99%
Highlight: An escape is a cure.

Chapter 167: V. It’s Not Enough to be a Drunk to be Immortal
Chapter progress: 36.24%
Highlight: Men, you can make as many laws as you like, but keep them to yourselves.

Chapter 175: II. A Few of His Distinguishing Marks
Chapter progress: 37.61%
Highlight: he has his own currency, which consists of all the tiny bits of beaten copper you can find on the public thoroughfare. This curious currency, which goes by the name of loques, or tatters, enjoys an invariable and highly regulated exchange rate within this little bohemia of children.

Chapter 179: VI. A Bit of History
Chapter progress: 38.06%
Highlight: Hate-filled opposition to the education of lower-class children was a dogma.
Notes: Children in face mask 8+ hours per day. Minimum.

Chapter 179: VI. A Bit of History
Chapter progress: 38.06%
Highlight: Besides, the monarchy sometimes needed children, and when it did, it skimmed the street.
Notes: Do not have sex w children.

Chapter 179: VI. A Bit of History
Chapter progress: 38.06%
Highlight: a certain incorruptibility results from ideas that are in the air of Paris the way salt is in the ocean. To breathe Paris preserves the soul.

Notes: Vaccine passport required.

Chapter 179: VI. A Bit of History
Chapter progress: 38.06%
Highlight: Paris was crawling with stray children. Statistics show an average of two hundred and sixty homeless children were picked up annually by police on the beat in open terrain, in houses under construction, and under the arches of bridges.
Notes: Cabbage patch kids.

Chapter 179: VI. A Bit of History
Chapter progress: 38.16%
Highlight: Under Louis XV, children disappeared in Paris, kidnapped by the police for no one knows what mysterious purpose.
Notes: sex w child is wrong.

Chapter 179: VI. A Bit of History
Chapter progress: 38.16%
Highlight: The judges were more than happy to oblige.
Notes: Prison kickbacks.

Chapter 180: VII. The Gamin would have his Place in The Caste System of India
Chapter progress: 38.26%
Highlight: You put “politicals” in the same basket as murderers.

Chapter 181: VIII. In Which You Will Read a Delightful Saying of The King’s
Chapter progress: 38.41%
Highlight: He is like Tantalus when it comes to two overriding ambitions that constantly elude him: to overthrow the government and to patch up his trousers.

Chapter 183: X. Ecce Paris, Ecce Homo
Chapter progress: 38.62%
Highlight: All the generous radiance society spreads stems from science,
Notes: Mandatory mystery vaccines and face mask death cult.

Chapter 184: XI. Railing, Reigning
Chapter progress: 38.87%
Highlight: it whispers that potent watchword Liberty in the ear of the American Abolitionists gathered below Harper’s Ferry,
Notes: No entry without vaccine passport and face mask.

Chapter 184: XI. Railing, Reigning
Chapter progress: 38.92%
Highlight: To attempt, to brave, to persist, to persevere, to be true to oneself, to tackle destiny in hand-to-hand combat, to flummox catastrophe

Chapter 184: XI. Railing, Reigning
Chapter progress: 38.92%
Highlight: To dare—progress comes at this price.
Notes: Face mask lockdowns.

Chapter 184: XI. Railing, Reigning
Chapter progress: 38.92%
Highlight: Daring!” is a fiat lux.

Chapter 186: XIII. Petit-Gavroche
Chapter progress: 39.17%
Highlight: There is never any shortage of old women.

Chapter 188: I. Ninety Years Old and All Thirty-Two Teeth
Chapter progress: 39.32%
Highlight: I do, in all honesty, have some perspicacity; I can tell, when a flea bites me, what woman it comes from.
Notes: Lol

Chapter 190: III. Luc-Esprit
Chapter progress: 39.58%
Highlight: But then again, they’re so stupid, it’d go over!
Notes: Covid scam

Chapter 193: VI. In Which We Catch a Glimpse of La Magnon and Her Two Little Boys
Chapter progress: 39.83%
Highlight: one of his majesty Charles IX’s bastards, got married when he was eighty-five to a ninny of fifteen;

Chapter 198: II. One of The Red Ghosts of The Time
Chapter progress: 40.84%
Highlight: One has dedicated himself to the homeland here below, the other to the homeland up above; there is no other difference.

Notes: Victor Hugo is a secret society dark wizard.

Chapter 199: III. Requiescant—R.I.P.
Chapter progress: 41.14%
Highlight: Ideas are such torrents! How swiftly they cover all they set out to destroy and bury, and how promptly they create terrifyingly fathomless depths!

Chapter 202: VI. What it is to Have Met a Churchwarden
Chapter progress: 41.7%
Highlight: and he had seen a sun rise, Napoléon.

Chapter 202: VI. What it is to Have Met a Churchwarden
Chapter progress: 41.7%
Highlight: The Republic, the Empire, had been nothing but monstrous words for him till that moment.
Notes: This part is decidedly pro lizard people and slavery.

Chapter 202: VI. What it is to Have Met a Churchwarden
Chapter progress: 41.75%
Highlight: the Republic’s establishing the sovereignty of civil law and restoring it to the masses; the Empire’s establishing the sovereignty of the French ideal and imposing it on Europe.
Notes: French revolution according to Victor Hugo.

Chapter 202: VI. What it is to Have Met a Churchwarden
Chapter progress: 41.8%
Highlight: When he thought of his previous views, which only went back as far as the day before, though they seemed already so old, he felt furious with himself and he smiled.
Notes: The awakening.

Chapter 202: VI. What it is to Have Met a Churchwarden
Chapter progress: 41.9%
Highlight: He was the predestined builder of the French order succeeding the Roman order in world domination.
Notes: Napoleon.

Notes: Napoleon is God.

Chapter 206: I. A Group That Nearly Became History
Chapter progress: 42.6%
Highlight: The incubation of insurrection is the rejoinder to the premeditated coup d’état.

Chapter 206: I. A Group That Nearly Became History
Chapter progress: 42.66%
Highlight: To see the thoughtful light shining in his eyes, you’d have thought that he had already, in a previous life, lived through the apocalypse of the Revolution.

Chapter 206: I. A Group That Nearly Became History
Chapter progress: 42.71%
Highlight: flowers were good only for camouflaging swords.

Chapter 206: I. A Group That Nearly Became History
Chapter progress: 42.71%
Highlight: He was grave, he did not seem to know that there was on earth a creature known as woman.

Chapter 206: I. A Group That Nearly Became History
Chapter progress: 42.96%
Highlight: There is no more supreme eloquence than that derived from outrage based on truth,

Chapter 208: III. The Amazement of Marius
Chapter progress: 43.56%
Highlight: he wasn’t sure whether he wasn’t looking at chaos.
Notes: Order from chaos. Secret society worship.

Notes: Secret society worship chaos.

Chapter 209: IV. The Back Room of The Café Musain
Chapter progress: 43.77%
Highlight: The whole of history is just one long rehash.
Notes: Loop matrix.

Chapter 210: V. The Horizon Expands
Chapter progress: 44.32%
Highlight: to offer the French empire as a counterpart to the Roman empire,
Notes: Gd romans.

Chapter 213: I. Marius Destitute
Chapter progress: 44.57%
Highlight: Crucible into which fate hurls a man, whenever it wants to make a mongrel or a demigod.

Notes: Being poor.

Chapter 217: V. Poverty, Misery’s Good Neighbour
Chapter progress: 45.48%
Highlight: Within humanity, he chose France; within the nation, he chose the people; within the people, he chose women.

Chapter 217: V. Poverty, Misery’s Good Neighbour
Chapter progress: 45.48%
Highlight: All passions, other than those of the heart, are dissipated by daydreaming.

Chapter 217: V. Poverty, Misery’s Good Neighbour
Chapter progress: 45.48%
Highlight: He was just a young man with no money, dreaming aimlessly.

Chapter 218: VI. The Substitute
Chapter progress: 45.78%
Highlight: It’s the end of the world. It’s obviously the end of this miserable terraqueous globe.

Chapter 218: VI. The Substitute
Chapter progress: 45.78%
Highlight: It ought to be strictly forbidden to have political opinions.

Chapter 218: VI. The Substitute
Chapter progress: 45.89%
Highlight: Monsieur Gillenormand broke off a gesture he had begun to make, wheeled round, looked the lancer Théodule straight in the eye and said to him: “You are a moron.”

Chapter 220: I. The Nickname As a Way of Forming Family Names
Chapter progress: 45.94%
Highlight: There’s something to be said for the girls,

Chapter 221: II. Lux Facta Est
Chapter progress: 46.14%
Highlight: There is an instant, the blink of an eye, when girls blossom suddenly into roses. Yesterday when you left them they were still children, today you find them downright disturbing.

Chapter 221: II. Lux Facta Est
Chapter progress: 46.19%
Highlight: When you passed close by, her whole toilette gave off a fresh, green, penetrating perfume.

Chapter 222: III. The Effect of Spring
Chapter progress: 46.34%
Highlight: It is a virgin with the glance of a

Chapter 232: III. Babet, Gueulemer, Claquesous, and Montparnasse
Chapter progress: 47.8%
Highlight: Finding himself pretty, he had wanted to be elegant, and, well, the first form elegance takes is idleness; and the idleness of a pauper means crime.

Chapter 239: V. The Judas of Providence
Chapter progress: 49.02%
Highlight: there is a point where the unfortunate and the ignominious mingle and fuse, poor bastards, in a single word, a deadly word, outcasts, les misérables,

Chapter 240: VI. Feral Man in His Lair
Chapter progress: 49.12%
Highlight: Caves are better than ratholes.

Chapter 241: VII. Strategies and Tactics
Chapter progress: 49.37%
Highlight: Must be Rothschild!
Notes: Snake.

Chapter 241: VII. Strategies and Tactics
Chapter progress: 49.42%
Highlight: I won’t have anything more to do with them, for health reasons, to start with, and then for decency’s sake.
Notes: Face mask people.

Chapter 241: VII. Strategies and Tactics
Chapter progress: 49.47%
Highlight: I suppress the freedom of the
Notes: Lizard people.

Chapter 242: VIII. A Ray of Light in The Rathole
Chapter progress: 49.57%
Highlight: What about them! What are they, then, and what were they in their day? Thieves! They wouldn’t have got rich otherwise!
Notes: About them.

Chapter 244: X. Rates For Cabs: Two Francs An Hour
Chapter progress: 49.97%
Highlight: This was safe, effective, and free of danger.

Notes: Face mask death cult science.

Chapter 245: XI. Misery Offers Pain its Services
Chapter progress: 50.18%
Highlight: Is there a straw we won’t clutch at when we feel ourselves drowning?

Chapter 254: XX. The Ambush
Chapter progress: 51.84%
Highlight: The father of a woman that we love is never a stranger for us.

Chapter 254: XX. The Ambush
Chapter progress: 51.94%
Highlight: How could he condemn the victim and spare the assassin?
Notes: FBI

Chapter 254: XX. The Ambush
Chapter progress: 52.2%
Highlight: Why’d you take your mask off?
Notes: double your slave mask for protection.

Chapter 254: XX. The Ambush
Chapter progress: 52.55%
Highlight: You, since you took your face mask off,
Notes: Death be unto you. MD fucks.

Chapter 254: XX. The Ambush
Chapter progress: 52.6%
Highlight: colliers, negroes, or fiends, whatever you feared most,

Chapter 255: XXI. You Should Always Arrest The Victims First
Chapter progress: 53.05%
Highlight: Leave your masks on,
Notes: Covid death cult

Chapter 259: I. Well Cut
Chapter progress: 53.51%
Highlight: equality before the law, freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and equal accessibility to all positions for people at all levels of ability—were seen at work.
Notes: In shackles on chain gang.

Chapter 260: II. Badly Stitched Together
Chapter progress: 53.66%
Highlight: Similarly, saying “statesmen” is sometimes the equivalent of saying “traitors.”

Chapter 260: II. Badly Stitched Together
Chapter progress: 53.76%
Highlight: The bourgeoisie is quite simply the contented section of the people.
Notes: Face mask wearing yes-men.

Chapter 261: III. Louis-Philippe
Chapter progress: 53.96%
Highlight: ruling too much and not reigning enough;

Chapter 262: IV. Cracks Beneath The Foundation
Chapter progress: 54.32%
Highlight: Revolutions stem not from some accident, but from necessity. A revolution is a return from the false to the

Chapter 262: IV. Cracks Beneath The Foundation
Chapter progress: 54.42%
Highlight: First problem: how to produce wealth.
Second problem: how to distribute it.

Notes: Dreams of a socialist. Or nightmares?

Chapter 262: IV. Cracks Beneath The Foundation
Chapter progress: 54.47%
Highlight: By right distribution, we mean not equal distribution but equitable distribution. The prime equality is equity.

Chapter 262: IV. Cracks Beneath The Foundation
Chapter progress: 54.52%
Highlight: in short, work out how to produce wealth and work out how to parcel it out, and you will have material greatness and moral greatness all in one—and you will be worthy of calling yourselves France.

Chapter 263: V. Deeds From Which History Emerges and Which History Ignores
Chapter progress: 54.67%
Highlight: Sometimes people went upstairs to a closed room, and there scenes occurred that were practically Masonic. Initiates were put under oath “to render service as they would to their own fathers.” That was the formula.

Chapter 263: V. Deeds From Which History Emerges and Which History Ignores
Chapter progress: 55.02%
Highlight: Then there was the Army of the Bastille, a sort of cohort organized along military lines, four men commanded by a corporal, ten by a sergeant, twenty by a second lieutenant, forty by a lieutenant; there were never more than five men who knew each other.
Notes: How to build malitia.

Chapter 263: V. Deeds From Which History Emerges and Which History Ignores
Chapter progress: 55.07%
Highlight: When it comes to distress and intelligence it is especially dangerous for the two extremes to meet.

Chapter 267: II. Embryonic Development of Crimes in Prison Incubators
Chapter progress: 55.78%
Highlight: Did this man belong to the twin enigma of disorder and order?

Chapter 267: II. Embryonic Development of Crimes in Prison Incubators
Chapter progress: 55.78%
Highlight: Claquesous was such a scoundrel that he would have made a very good policeman.

Chapter 268: III. Father Mabeuf’s Apparition
Chapter progress: 56.03%
Highlight: Pierre de Médine’s The Art of Sailing,

Chapter 268: III. Father Mabeuf’s Apparition
Chapter progress: 56.08%
Highlight: Mutor de la Rubaudière, Sur les diables de Vauvert et les gobelins de la Bièvre.

Chapter 268: III. Father Mabeuf’s Apparition
Chapter progress: 56.08%
Highlight: Delancre, De l’inconstance des démons,

Chapter 271: I. The House With a Secret Entrance
Chapter progress: 56.59%
Highlight: The windows had little curtains, a sure sign that there was a woman about.

Notes: Lol

Chapter 275: V. The Rose Realizes She is An Engine of War
Chapter progress: 57.65%
Highlight: He had never really thought about what the beauty of a woman was, but he instinctively understood that it was devastating.

Chapter 276: VI. The Battle Begins
Chapter progress: 57.8%
Highlight: Knowing that she was beautiful, she felt thoroughly, if indistinctly, that she had a weapon. Women play on their beauty as children play with their knives. And they hurt themselves on it, too.

Chapter 281: II. Mother Plutarch Doesn’t Mind Explaining a Phenomenon
Chapter progress: 59.11%
Highlight: Work is the rule; whoever rejects it as boring will have it as torture.

Chapter 286: IV. A Heart Under a Stone
Chapter progress: 59.97%
Highlight: God is the fullness of heaven; love is the fullness of mankind.

Chapter 290: I. Nasty Trick of The Wind
Chapter progress: 60.47%
Highlight: which gave medical science the opportunity to conduct large-scale experiments testing the effectiveness of inhalations of alum,
Notes: Hang all covid doctors by neck.

Chapter 290: I. Nasty Trick of The Wind
Chapter progress: 60.52%
Highlight: In that shady freemasonry of evil of which she was a part, everything is known, secrets are kept, and they all help each other out.
Notes: Jelly jars will kill you.

Chapter 291: II. In Which Petit-Gavroche Puts Napoléon The Great to Good Use
Chapter progress: 61.13%
Highlight: Harness locomotives to ideas, by all means; but don’t mistake the cart for the horse.

Notes: Techno vaccine religion.

Chapter 291: II. In Which Petit-Gavroche Puts Napoléon The Great to Good Use
Chapter progress: 61.13%
Highlight: the bourgeoisie has replaced the feudal system.
Notes: Proceed to injection facility for processing.

Chapter 291: II. In Which Petit-Gavroche Puts Napoléon The Great to Good Use
Chapter progress: 61.38%
Highlight: We hop over walls and we don’t give two hoots about the government.

Chapter 294: I. Origins
Chapter progress: 62.7%
Highlight: But when we say light we do not necessarily say joy. We suffer in the light; too much of it burns. Flames are inimical to wings. To burn without ceasing to fly, that is the miracle of genius.
When you learn finally to know and when you learn finally to love, you will suffer still. The day begins in tears. Those filled with light weep, if only over those filled with darkness.

Chapter 294: I. Origins
Chapter progress: 62.7%
Highlight: The earth is not unlike a jail. Who knows if man is not an ex-convict of divine justice?

Notes: Wow

Chapter 294: I. Origins
Chapter progress: 62.7%
Highlight: The true division of humanity is this: those filled with light

Chapter 296: III. Slang That Cries and Slang That Laughs
Chapter progress: 63.3%
Highlight: A sign that they are losing any sense of their criminality, and that they feel some kind of hidden unwitting support even among thinkers and dreamers.

Chapter 296: III. Slang That Cries and Slang That Laughs
Chapter progress: 63.45%
Highlight: Revolution is the vaccine for jacquerie.

Chapter 296: III. Slang That Cries and Slang That Laughs
Chapter progress: 63.5%
Highlight: The first cry of the enlightened and growing hordes is: Death to thieves!
Notes: Covid commies

Chapter 297: IV. The Two Duties: to Watch and to Hope
Chapter progress: 63.55%
If we think of nature as Providence, society should think of itself as provident.

Chapter 297: IV. The Two Duties: to Watch and to Hope
Chapter progress: 63.6%
Highlight: There is only one way to reject Tomorrow and that is to die.

Chapter 299: I. Broad Daylight
Chapter progress: 63.81%
Highlight: Love is life—except when it is death. Cradle—coffin, too.

Chapter 304: VI. Marius Falls to Earth and Gives Cosette His Address
Chapter progress: 64.92%
Highlight: When you are at the end of life, dying means going away; when you are at the beginning of life, going away means dying.

Chapter 305: VII. Old Heart and Young Heart Face-To-Face
Chapter progress: 65.72%
Highlight: It’s quite simple. Youth profits and old age provides.

Chapter 311: I. The Issue On The Surface
Chapter progress: 66.38%
Highlight: whoever hopes that collapse will provide a way out;
Notes: Prophecy fulfilled.

Chapter 311: I. The Issue On The Surface
Chapter progress: 66.43%
Highlight: The government feels better after a riot like a man after a rubdown.

Chapter 312: II. The Heart of The Matter
Chapter progress: 66.73%
Highlight: The honesty of a big heart, condensed into justice and truth, strikes like lightning.

Chapter 312: II. The Heart of The Matter
Chapter progress: 66.73%
Highlight: The writer doubly, triply intensifies his style when silence is imposed on the people by some master.

Chapter 318: II. Gavroche On The March
Chapter progress: 68.15%
Highlight: You are wrong to insult revolutionaries, mother Gutter-Sweep. This pistol here is to act on your behalf. It’s so you have more stuff worth eating in your sack.”

Chapter 321: V. The Old Man
Chapter progress: 68.5%
Highlight: Where are you off to, you fellows?”
“We’re off to overthrow the government.”
And he started to follow them.

Chapter 326: III. Night Begins to Fall On Grantaire
Chapter progress: 69.56%
Highlight: It’s the end of the world,

Chapter 326: III. Night Begins to Fall On Grantaire
Chapter progress: 69.61%
Highlight: I can imagine Jesus Christ with Rothschild’s fortune!

Chapter 327: IV. An Attempt At Consoling Widow Hucheloup
Chapter progress: 69.71%
Highlight: Go and tell your husband he slapped my daughter, but I slapped his wife.”

Chapter 331: VIII. Several Question Marks Regarding a Man Named Le Cabuc Who Was Perhaps Not Le Cabuc
Chapter progress: 70.57%
Highlight: So I judged that man and sentenced him to death.

Chapter 334: II. Paris As The Owl Flies
Chapter progress: 70.97%
Highlight: There, in that place marked for battle, the government and the insurrection, the National Guard and the popular clubs, the bourgeoisie and the dissidents, were about to grope their way toward each other.

Chapter 342: VI. The Agony of Death After The Agony of Life
Chapter progress: 72.34%
Highlight: Oh, I’m so happy! Everyone’s going to die.

Chapter 346: II. The Kid as the Enemy of The Enlightenment
Chapter progress: 73.14%
Highlight: It’s every man for himself in times of peril.

Chapter 348: IV. Gavroche’s Excessive Zeal
Chapter progress: 73.65%
Highlight: The public administration of the day thereby proved its tireless zeal in defending society.

Notes: Sticker checks for safety.

Chapter 354: IV. Five Fewer, One More
Chapter progress: 74.71%
Highlight: Misery, prostitution, police officers, Saint-Lazare1—that’s what those beautiful delicate girls will come to, those fragile marvels of modesty, of kindness and beauty, fresher than lilacs in the month of May.
Notes: Weak pitiful men are failing.

Chapter 355: V. The View from the Top of the Barricade
Chapter progress: 75.11%
Highlight: From the school that is identical springs the equal society.
Notes: Equal face mask and injection mandates schools.

Chapter 355: V. The View from the Top of the Barricade
Chapter progress: 75.16%
Highlight: A revolution is a tollgate.

Chapter 360: X. Daybreak
Chapter progress: 76.07%
Highlight: We are among those who feel tongue-tied before young girls and flowers, finding both sacred.

Notes: Street warfare.

Chapter 370: XX. The Dead Are Right But The Living Are Not Wrong
Chapter progress: 77.99%
Highlight: hence the very profound expression, moderate extremists.

Chapter 370: XX. The Dead Are Right But The Living Are Not Wrong
Chapter progress: 78.14%
Highlight: Study evil amicably, note it, then cure it. That is what we urge society to do.

Chapter 370: XX. The Dead Are Right But The Living Are Not Wrong
Chapter progress: 78.29%
Highlight: Those who become effeminate become degenerate.

Chapter 370: XX. The Dead Are Right But The Living Are Not Wrong
Chapter progress: 78.29%
Highlight: lucre
Notes: Filthy money.

Chapter 394: XII. The Grandfather
Chapter progress: 83.19%
Highlight: Poor mothers, go and make pretty boys, why don’t you!

Chapter 394: XII. The Grandfather
Chapter progress: 83.24%
Highlight: Yes, these are ghastly times, ghastly, ghastly, and here is what I think of you, of your ideas, of your systems, of your masters, of your oracles, of your doctors, of your little pipsqueaks of writers, of your weasels of philosophers, and of all the revolutions that have terrified the flocks of crows in the Tuileries for the last sixty years!

Chapter 396: I. Javert Derailed
Chapter progress: 83.34%
Highlight: to betray society in order to remain true to your conscience—

Chapter 401: IV. Mademoiselle Gillenormand Winds Up Deciding it is Not Such a Bad Thing That Monsieur Fauchelevent Came With Something Under His Arm
Chapter progress: 84.76%
Highlight: The masterpiece of Jesuit architecture is in Namur.
Notes: lucifer telescope in AZ mountains.

Chapter 403: VI. The Two Old Men Do All They Can, Each in His Own Way, to See That Cosette is Happy
Chapter progress: 85.31%
Highlight: They’d chase away the Graces for flashing too much bosom.

Chapter 403: VI. The Two Old Men Do All They Can, Each in His Own Way, to See That Cosette is Happy
Chapter progress: 85.36%
Highlight: I would summon the dryads and the nereids.
Notes: Tree nymph and ragworm.

Chapter 408: II. Jean Valjean Still Has His Arm in a Sling
Chapter progress: 86.67%
Highlight: Let’s blindly obey the sun.
Notes: Snake alert¡

Chapter 410: IV. Immortale Jecur
Chapter progress: 87.13%
Highlight: How was Jean Valjean going to conduct himself in the face of Cosette and Marius’s happiness?
Notes: Hopefuly, like a father?

Chapter 410: IV. Immortale Jecur
Chapter progress: 87.23%
Highlight: If perpetual motion is impossible, is perpetual devotion really

Chapter 413: II. The Obscurities a Revelation May Contain
Chapter progress: 88.24%
Highlight: The stirring of conscience is the grandeur of the soul.

Notes: Lol

Chapter 421: II. Last Flickerings of a Lamp With No Oil
Chapter progress: 89.6%
Highlight: porter returned in the tone of husbandly supremacy: “If he’s rich, he can get a doctor. If he’s not rich, he can do without. If he doesn’t get a doctor, he’ll die.”
“And if he gets one?”
“He’ll die.”

Notes: Lol

Chapter 422: III. A Feather Crushes The Man Who Lifted Fauchelevent’s Cart
Chapter progress: 89.7%
Highlight: the soul is blocked by a sort of clot of despair.
Notes: C19 clot shot.

Chapter 424: V. Night With Day Behind it
Chapter progress: 91.07%
Highlight: It’s honest money.

Chapter 426: Notes
Chapter progress: 94.25%
Highlight: non pluribus impar: “Inferior to None,”

Chapter 426: Notes
Chapter progress: 96.42%
Highlight: The Committee of Public Safety was the executive component of the Convention, the means through which Robespierre ruled the country.

Notes: FEMA in French Revolution.

Chapter 426: Notes
Chapter progress: 98.89%
Highlight: took an active part in the government’s counterinsurgency efforts, even accompanying troops to the barricaded streets.
Notes: Victor Hugo

Chapter 426: Notes
Chapter progress: 99.39%
Highlight: the legendary sexual appetite of Claudius’s empress Messalina fascinated Hugo,

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