PETRODOLLAR THREAT IS VERY REAL, AND MILLIONS WILL PAY A TERRIBLE PRICE. Mannarino Fake Money Forces Activate Form of Infinite Derivatives to NOWHERE. Alphabet
Oh LORD, MOST HIGH, GOD, Decimate my enemies with your almighty SWORD. Alphabet Protect THE SAINTS. DO THE PROPHETS NO HARM. Thank you, FATHER. We can’t physically harm our enemies.We can’t hold our enemies to account.We can’t do anything. Censored Prayers by Alphabet See also: Unpleasant Prayers
I speak the language of the birds. Nobody understands what I’m saying. Why did gnostic men encode alchemical magick in stone carvings from the dark ages? The carvings are inferior to anything the Renaissance produced. Yet, Fulcanelli assures us the meaning is superior. Gothique is the shit. Is this true? Who cares? Secret Snake Religion.… Continue reading The Mysteries of the Great Cross of Hendaye by Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges book review
The story begins in the heavens. Look towards the arrow of Sagittarius, the center of our galaxy. Kinetic superwave event of ancient star charts, the zodiac tells the story of our cataclysmic cycle. The wave carries with it a storm of space dust. The space dust enters our solar system. Our sun responds with increased… Continue reading Earth Under Fire by Paul A. LaViolette book review
Is your miserable artistic lifestyle making you sick? Take the correct drugs. Straighten up your act. Even if you eat out of gutters, making miserable passes at the house maids, fumbling with their underclothes, amusing THE COMMANDER, that bastard can’t even loan me ten kroner. Being poor is an artistic choice. Sponsored by Lizard People.… Continue reading Hunger (Sverre Lyngstad 1998 Translation) by Knut Hamsun book review
Something tells me this has happened before. There is nothing NEW UNDER THE SUN. Prepare TO DIE. Alphabet Inc.govCorporate Science is a Lie.SNAKE SCIENCE EOL God Bless All of You on The Good Earth.
They own everything. Continue to replicate the same thing over and over and over and over. A LIVING NIGHTMARE. Fake money in return for TOTAL NIGHTMARE SCENARIO. Fake medicine in return for TOTAL NIGHTMARE SCENARIO. Fake people in return for TOTAL NIGHTMARE SCENARIO. Alphabet
They won’t let you pray against them. Try it yourself. Record a short video calling down the angels of heaven. Send them to the valley of the DRY BONES, Father. Alphabet They will ban and cancel you. Most assuredly so. They can’t have us praying against them. Because our prayers are obviously working. Alphabet… Continue reading Unpleasant Prayers – Alphabet