I saw my first firefly of the season. Even in the very cool evening, the magnificent bio-luminescence sends a sign deep into the woods, “I have come to light your path, away from corporate devils, and capital infused pigs. Have you heard rumors of war? Perhaps you know the reaping season is here? Judgment upon… Continue reading First Firefly of the Season
WHAT’S HAPPENING This video originally published to Google, Youtube, Alphabet LLC and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED. NOTICE: Freedom of expression and speech violation: FIRST AMENDMENT. I AM HEALTH AUTHORITY and GOOGLE YouTube Alphabet LLC is now DISSOLVED of all protections under the law. YOU WILL PAY. This gentleman reads from the Bible. His CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS were… Continue reading ALERT UPDATE HAPPENING NOW
THE WAR ON USA LLC Who is going to show up for this “war” and what are they fighting for? The corporate interests of THE UNITED STATES. LET THE BANKS DIE NOTHING IN MAN’S POWER IS TOO BIG TO FAIL. READY OR NOT, HERE I COME (The Sword) Matthew 10:34 “Think not that I am… Continue reading USA LLC WAR – who and what are you fighting for?
Most of us getting to be about 45 years old know about fake food. It was my generation that attempted to live on Yum! Brands Inc. Eating their fake food, drinking their high fructose corn syrup, from the earliest ages of our memory; we’ve lived on fake food all of our lives. We saw McDonalds… Continue reading POOR AND UNNATURAL FOOD
I went to my brother’s house. His woman was cleaning with the most noxious ‘disinfectant’. My body immediately had a negative reaction. My sinuses inflamed, fingers swelled and my throat was itchy. His woman is shedding the S-protein, a victim of MRNA AIDS, the walking dead. She readily accepted the genetic therapy, and now she… Continue reading CLEANING THE ENVIRONMENT – ANTI HUMAN BEAHVIOR OF THE INJECTED