Today, I saw somebody wearing double face mask. The face mask people are now saying, as clear as if a famous tenor were singing it directly into your ear, “I love my slavery. Master, please keep me, and punish me with your chains (vaccines) and whips (face mask) so I may be your gimp slave.… Continue reading LOVING SLAVE MASTER


This video originally published to Google, Youtube, Alphabet LLC and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED. Publish date: 6 NOV 2020 NOTICE: Freedom of expression and speech violation: FIRST AMENDMENT. I AM HEALTH AUTHORITY and GOOGLE YouTube Alphabet LLC is now DISSOLVED of all protections under the law. YOU WILL PAY.

Interesting Story About NASA Moon Rocks – techno space

Interesting Story About NASA “Moonrocks” I was a Space Camp kid. My mother sent me to “Space Camp” when I was in middle school. My Mother was a teacher, part of NASA’s “Young Astronaut Program“. She would meet with kids at her school that showed interest in math, science, and space, with a curriculum provided… Continue reading Interesting Story About NASA Moon Rocks – techno space


https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/1-Thessalonians-5-3/ “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” Time is almost UP! Get your HOUSE IN ORDER! FIVE MONTH WAR AND DELIVERANCE! PREPARE TO SLEEP IN YOUR CAR! See you at the straight gate.


Bitchute will not play this video. See below for local version. This video originally published to Google, Youtube, Alphabet LLC and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED. Publish date: 23 OCT 2020 NOTICE: Freedom of expression and speech violation: FIRST AMENDMENT. I AM HEALTH AUTHORITY and GOOGLE YouTube Alphabet LLC is now DISSOLVED of all protections under the… Continue reading BILL GATES IS JIM JONES

Porch Time

Ezekiel 37, 38. 39 Daniel 4 Zach 5 Peter, don’t cast your pearls before swine. Scroll measurements = 15×30′ Your capacity is LOW. He is NOT addressing you. Only His People. You Have Need of Meat No More Milk The Year of Death DEFCON 3 Wisdom and discernment. We are involved. You can’t fight technology. Know… Continue reading Porch Time


This video originally published to Google, Youtube, Alphabet LLC and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED. Publish date: 10 MAY 2021 NOTICE: Freedom of expression and speech violation: FIRST AMENDMENT. I AM HEALTH AUTHORITY and GOOGLE YouTube Alphabet LLC is now DISSOLVED of all protections under the law. YOU WILL PAY. Just as my prophetic song describes, THE… Continue reading NEW SONG AND UPDATE video

A Rough Shaking by George MacDonald book review

A Rough Shaking by George MacDonald I think I’ll put down the fantasy for awhile. This book, a nice tale about innocent child (Clare), and wicked world that God has preordained on all of us. These wicked people. They see you, recognize you immediately, and they pray to their god. I see them pray. They… Continue reading A Rough Shaking by George MacDonald book review