Chris Hedges on Truthdig

Views: 183 A delight of sobering reality. Chris Hedges is worth a YouTube search. Chris Hedges has since revealed himself to be a TOTAL PHARMA WHORE. BUYER BEWARE. May 3, 2023

The DOD is a Satanic Death Cult

Views: 329Hell bent on worldwide destruction. Ensure Defense contractors are paid Ensure Defense contractors are paid The only thing America makes is overpriced weapon systems and Wall Street monopoly money. Ensure Defense contractors are paid Send the money to Satan and his demon spawn. The United States Department of Defense.

Inflatable Chinese Garbage in American Suburbs

Views: 1144 Your engagement with reality is negligible. Please take a moment to complete our reality engagement survey. This link illegally CENSURED by Alphabet, YouTube, Google et. al. More info here:

Where’s My Monero?

Cool Graffiti Stencils Spray Paint Stencils - Best Graffiti Collection

Views: 4751It’s fun! It’s exciting! Pepper.Works! Battling demons in support of righteous saints against prison planet hell.