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Category: Charms
Charms for good life
Prayers – Apocalypse Science
Bright Plane mp3
You won’t make it out of here.
Father, If it’s your will, and we know it is, because it’s written in your script. Come down here with your Son and take care of the evil lineage. Thank you. Any assistance with the damnable LIARS will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Father. The time is upon us. Thank you, Father. BRING DOWN THIS… Continue reading THE SYSTEM IS BANKRUPT. Corporate Science
The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov book review. Techno space religion
The Science Fiction MUST COME TO AN END. Here’s a book about infinite power from alternate universes, the big bang, transsexual threesomes, lunar colonies, space ships, particle physics, church of science, and government/university garbage people, LIES, LIES, LIES. Put down your science fiction. You’ve had enough. Isaac Asimov believes NASA astronauts did not say the… Continue reading The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov book review. Techno space religion
Supernatural Deception mp3
Supernatural Deception feat. Xy BeatZ
The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino & Giorgio Cattaneo book review – Techno Space
Thank you Clif High for recommending this excellent TECHNO SNAKE book. I feel honored to label it thusly: Desperate attempt to avoid supernatural DESTRUCTION by fire. (High intensity laser beams mounted on fully operational Ruach landing craft and thermonuclear conflagration.) Roman Suns of the Snake trying to avoid complete annihilation. Father, bring your chariots and… Continue reading The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino & Giorgio Cattaneo book review – Techno Space
Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry book review
I relate to this book. How many men have locked themselves inside aluminum ships to traverse the skies? Glowing dials of instruments light up your cockpit, the vibrations of engine(s), the eddies of wind, the lights of St. Elmo’s Fire on your props, we remain transfixed to the glorious view of the firmament from our… Continue reading Wind, Sand and Stars by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry book review
Secret City by Carol Emshwiller book review
Ohhhh, I get it. She wants to bang the aliens. I’m alien to this world. Do you want to bang? Forgive me Father, your Earth-bound men and women are fallen, total role-reversal. Bring your chariots, swing low, Father. Get me out of here. Bring the Light-bearing ladies with their lamps full. Real men are true… Continue reading Secret City by Carol Emshwiller book review
The Workshop – Apocalypse Science
It’s a place we all go to review, refine, and redouble our efforts. We sit in a circle. One chief among us. The work is done in this way. The Workshop We share creations. We provide appropriate additions. We never speak out of turn. We use the inside voice when talking out loud. The bass… Continue reading The Workshop – Apocalypse Science