Views: 72 This video originally published to Google, Youtube, Alphabet LLC and BANNED, CENSORED, REMOVED. EVIL AMONG US IT MUST BE DESTROYED PRAY TO GOD NOTICE: Freedom of expression and speech violation: FIRST AMENDMENT. I AM HEALTH AUTHORITY and GOOGLE YouTube Alphabet LLC is now DISSOLVED of all protections under the law. YOU WILL PAY.


Views: 71 Are you booted from SOCIAL MEDIA? Did the FEDS come to your home? Is the FBI facebook police? Do people call you a conspiracy theorist? WHY ARE YOU LISTENING TO THESE WICKED PEOPLE? SEPARATE FROM THE WICKED \

The Light Princess by George Macdonald book review

Views: 25Light Princess by George Macdonald She contains no mass when out of water. The light princess. She has no gravity. The light princess. Where did her weight go? The light princess. Somewhat contented to shed no tears. The light princess. Her beloved lake is drained. She must sacrifice a prince. Only after he is… Continue reading The Light Princess by George Macdonald book review

To My Dearest Family and Friends – Separate from the wicked

Views: 85To My Dearest Family and Friends, Today is Monday March 28. After great consideration and deep meditation in prayer, I have decided to deliver this personal decree to family and friends. As a brother in Christ, a servant of our Father, I do hereby declare that I cannot accept The Face Mask behavior in… Continue reading To My Dearest Family and Friends – Separate from the wicked